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Casper's Life

Friday, June 23, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:49 AM  
Below is thePic of the error ( sorry this wiill be here temporialy for viewing purposes)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:13 AM  
Sian~~tml going to be late for School le.... Cause i don't think i can sleep peaceful today..Now already 1am+ le cause my Little Brother is in my Room Playing My com so lateand it really making u cannot sleep de...Open the Sound soo loud but then tt is not the worst case cause his talking is Louder than the speaker... All i could do is pray that the Electric will Juz Cut off now and i can Go peacefully to slp~~~ Really can't stand it but i don't think i can do much about it ba~~ I can't simply talk to him cause he juz wouldn't listen in~He playing so late is really quite fedup cause he know tt i got school tml and he don't choose time to play like in the evening and want to choose time like 12am ~~Wth~I think if this contiuning I think I gonna Baned him for this~~ Er ge, maybe u are reading my blogs now or wat so ever~ i think u shld take control of this~~he is sleeping in ur Room... Come my room Disturb me for wat??? I think i can allow him to Play but it is 1am~ plz control

Sunday, June 18, 2006

HaPPy Father's DaYs

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:09 PM  

(My 1st Oyster PicS)

Yesterday was so enjoyable cause it was my first time experience tasting such a big oyster.Yesterday night we close he shop earlier as it was Father Days. So our Whole family was in the car which was sooooo much squeezier than b4 as in the past everyone can squeeze in the car but now everyone grew bigger le~So our family of 6 is soo squezzy yesterday~
During the way in the car,my 2nd brother was fighing over the control over the Radio in the car with my younger brother as my 2nd brother want to listen to 933 while my younger brother want to listen to 972 so there was a disagreement so... my brother will press this channel then th other will press back the other channel and so on and so for...till Everyone come to Vote Who want to listen wat so My Yonger Brother and Mother + Father(cannot say no to mum) want to listen 972 while Big brother + 2nd Brother + me want to listen to 933 So like survivor~~it is a ties~~ so after much Dicussion we close the whole radio and dun listen to make it fair~~DiaOzzZ~ We reach our Destination at Ah Yi Hai Xian at the turf city... I reach to the resturant and was WOWOW~~~!!! can see alot alot alot alot alot of fresh Seafood~~ Got SOOO big Lobster Got SOOOO BIGGG~ Crabs every thing was soooOOO Big which i was WOW~~!! then we order the foods as my Family Excluding my Father(cause his day wat) Sponsor the foood~We order Fried Chickens Piece,A BIGG fish, BIG Crabs,Bamboo Clams,dunno wat noodles and we order 3 BIG BIG Oyster(my big brother + Young brother + me) to eat.Althought i know that it is a little big disgusting to eat it so fresh and sure will taste abit like....SH*T but then i love to try food that i never try B4 so i try the oyster lo~quite Ok la but still got a little big like*Yu Xing Wei* but overall was not bad la...Also we also the last customers to leave cause we reach there very late.....The Bill came and was like ShoCkEd then my 2nd brother Very Proud and was LIke Smilling soo *ying Jian* den take his NET card out and was grinning away~~but who Know~ the person say:"No neT~!!" haha Paiseh~~ so i take out CASH den my big brother say he pay first den reach home then divide equally..That day was very Fun and veryexperiencing la~ cause it is one of my MOst Most High class Dinner with Family....Quite fun and tiring and tml Have to Come sch early early ...HaIzzZ sian but i think the canteen is about to finish building le ba~~taking SoooOOOo LOng and i AM WAITING 4 MY SWIMING POOL!~~ Hehe ~ i wanna be the 1st person to jump into the Pool~~Haha gtg le~~tml got sch again~~wish mi gd lucks

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:33 AM  
Just Changes the templates~~ Very Long never come in le then realised tt my previous song cannot be play because the web site change le~haha so i any how Substitue a song in~ Changing tonight~ Any song that suits my blogs please recommend......

Ohh~ Holiday gonna finish le feeling quite sad cause cannot play computer le but also happy cause i slag too much le and can go back school to work(*play) le~ haha and Rp had built finish some facilities le~ yeayea......~ Look forward 4 my Swimming Pool~ i will be the First to Jump in~~ Wa He he ha ha~~ Who wanna join me go swimming??Very Fun de Wor~~ I think it gonna be very very big and very very fun and alot alot ppl~Wa hahaha..........~~OppS Just Kenna Commended by mum playing too long Computer~~ ...... But i dun play now in holiday i no chance to play le rite??only 2 week onli leh~ School time also no time to use reach home 9+ Have to do wat Rj den no time to play le leh~HaiYa~~I goNaa chiong to Play le . . .

Going work Later le till 9 30 tonight~~ Schedule of Working Changing (1-6) starting tml

Saturday, June 10, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:24 AM  
My sec 1 friends When Out ytd to eat
6 year have Pass and we stil can go out frequently(left us 4 oredi)

KaiYuan & Me( i Look Funny In sot sot Hair Xue Yun and Me(Finaly Took photo 2gether le)
Eileen And I (at macdonalds)

We retook again~~(haha) previously the shot nt nice de~

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