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Casper's Life

Monday, November 27, 2006

Uploaded Pictures

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:18 PM  

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Finally an award In RP~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:15 AM  
Finally waited for the Amazing Race to come cause waiting for the freebies for quite some time.Wansn't in my perfect Conditions cause yesterday night i had a HIgh High Fever therefore today i still was carrying the Fever and was send to Battle.
Reach the Forum at 8:15 and brought 3 packet of strepsills cause i having a Sore throat and Voiceless + Bad Flu and Cought. It been quite some time i am in such a Conditions.

The Event started when everybody had their Amazing Race Shirt and we(Aidi,Louis,Me,Xueli,Ruiyan+NIshha) got a clue for each and every 1 and it was different Destination.We got our First Puzzles in Paper Strips A,b,C and we got to make it into a Word to know our destination. It was solven within a min cause it was Kembangan and aidi was the East Boy so He got the answer very Fast.
The Destination in the Amazing race i can say that it is AMAZINGLY STupid.Cause it call us go from North then to east then go back to north then East.We all was only sponsored 12$ and that includes our transportation.Our destination was this:
WooDlands->Kembangan->ToaPayoh->Bedok->Yishun->Chinatown....Blabla.....and back to Woodland to report.We are also suppose to take Pictures on the way so that there will be extra point.Keep falling slp on the Mrt and this was the first time i'm slping in MRT~!!When the time Reach which is 430 we are suppose to report back, we all rush there in the Raining period.
Finally everyone report back to the Forum and after everybody have eaten the Dinner PRovided by Rp, we all waited Patiently for the Rpize giving for the top Few who has the most point and also the the Reportation time also is Counted.
Wait and wait and wait and prizes is depleting and depleting.We were all quite nervous till when we Heard:"Next Prize Goes to the Alvandon"
Quite shocked cause we are suppose to get the 1st Prize~~ haha
We got in the 7th Position out of 30+ team..quite amzing,Finally i got A prize by Rp~~haha...The team autolly Dispersed when after the 1st prize are given Don't e discourages, u guys wait for next year la hor~~haha...Reach Home about 840 and nearly Drop dead cause running the whole Singapore for around 5 hours....getting sicker tml and have to chew alot of medicinde so that i can get well soon~

Monday, November 20, 2006

Updates:" The Ultimate Team Challenge"

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:29 PM  

Maths Days

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:47 AM  
Suddenly don't feel like not comming to Class already...Cause Class is real Fun i can say,Althought sometimes, the problem Statement might be in reall difficulty but i feel that There is always distress time.
Always don't feel like comming to school in the past in sucky Modules such as Maths and have to drage such a Long way from Boon Lay to Woodlands,However, what i can say is that My class is real Fun.There is always times for movies,running around the class Souring people(my Hobbies) and also DOTA~!!
That why nowadays i rarely Late for class, althought it still in the category"USUALLY" but i feel that my Conditions has Improved.Late also few minutes only. I think it's time to stop slacking around in the bed when i wake up.... Got to get Better grades..Oh ya, since the week that i keep comming early, i got quite few Of A's~Amazing yea??haha~~ got to Collect more

Ohh ya, Just got my 1st D from an Unexpected Module which is enterprise where i rarely late.But this time round i'm late again and Meatball realy take down the time which is and she record in my Comments. Haixxx =< . . . And she also comment is that i keep folding my arms and it looks quite defensive.. No, i not defensive, i just want to make myself more Impressive...JKJK~~ no la, it just that it is quite a Habbit that i like folding my arms and probab;y that is a Bad one.... WA LAU~!!! What I can SAY is THAT~!!....... I got to stop comming late lor ...haha, no more folding arms and i sure SUMPAH TOK ALOT ALOT LAMPAH, i sure gonna be the First few to reach enterprise lesson.... No fold arms, Fold legs instead lor.....
That was sure a shocked to saw the First D..Omg~ nvm~~ No more D's liao(unless it is Necessary)

Kk got to stop blogging le, got to start sleeping early and this is much more easy when u have Stupid comps that couldn't use the net(No Dota) and had to use my brother comps...A Games Free Coomputer~~OMG~!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Watch This < Chim & the Dog Part 2>

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:59 AM  
Updating this video cause its quite HIlarious and also amazing for Chim and James(Dog) is on mission to deliver Thing.In this video, chim and James are suppose to send Food to a Farmer with few obstacles in between and have to Deliver Melon back Home. Look at the expression BY Chims when the melons Drop...Kawaii And 2 Claps for James

Updating Part 3 some other Days

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The "Ultimate Team Challenge"

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:08 AM  
WOohoo...Another day of excerising my Whole body again..because i had participated in the Schoold Event which is the Ultimate Team Challenge..
It is an event whereby there will be groups of four competiting against another Teams in many mini-competion and we got to gain as much points as posssible.Our class had Formed 2 groups which includes the Advanguard(Louis,Aidi,wang zhao and Me) and the Pasion Team(Xueli,jingying,moey yang and Sebastian)
So after class,everyone assembles in the Forums for the collections of stuff.That why we had entered in that event cause the Free Jersey is what we all are eyeing for...
There was a total of 35-40 groups so that means about 200 people Or gundu(idiots) running around the schools gaining throught points.While waiting fo everyone to assembe and get ready we took a few pics

So what is the first "appetizer" of the events?We are suppose to ran to get the maps after the race has started.So how do we the hell Get the Stupid Maps so that we know where are all the stations?It not difficult,Everyone got to run to the RP Pools at the sports complext and Jump into the water with their shirts and brief on swiming from the start till the end...So in the end Everyone is WET~!!
After we got the maps, we strategize on which stations we should goes 1st so we entered the Akido where we suppose to Roll 2 Cirlces and Bow to the sinseh and in Judo we got to send 2 Representative in the mini games where they are suppose to learn the types of Breakfalls and I got the name for the Breaks fall

1)Frog Leaping Breakfalls(Where u suppose to Fall like a Frog with Legs Spread)
2)The Earth-Shaking Butt(where u are to Fall with ur butt and make a "thud")
3) Siting on a Tortoise(where 1 guy will sit on another and make a Break fall while Rolling down)
Btw,Louis,Ur face realli look like the ass Of the BaBoon after the Judo.Miss the chance of taking Ur face down with Cameras..

Cool?Played quite alot of games which in total there is 23 IG(CCA) station and we got to visit as many as possible within 2 hours for the points.Interesting IG Includes Kayaking When blind Folded,Diving underwater and guessing the Animals name By hand Signal Below water,Archery and alot of other stuffs.We are quite progressive i can said cause we had a good Result in the netballs where we are to shoot in as many balls within 2 minutes? We had score 42 balls whereas other team i had saw in the List make it like20+ and 30+ which means we are the 2nd best cause the top is 54 balls..

The games ended at about 830, and every teams Assebled at the sitting area above the swiiming pools.Every one is tired and yet enjoying the games.While waiting, there was free mineral water given out.This is when i know what is Chaos.There was few girls who statred playing water spraying among themselves and accidentally pour on to the other guys and the guys pour back and accidentally pour onto another person and they pour another person and that person..... AND 200 Gundu WAS SPLASHING MIneral water and reloading"BULLETS" by getting from the "ALMO Factory" which is the Box of MIneral water.No one is there sitting and viewing the Chaos cause everyone is involve.I was lucky cause i was near the Almo Factory therefore i can splash as manay as POssible.WAHAH so in the end, Everyone got wet again~~

While waiting on the stage where the organiser took damn hell long to tabulate the Points,There was people at the pool giving prizes by hosting Mini-competions and Quizzes such as Who can swim the Fastest,Singing Songs and alot of sabotaging such as pushing people to the pools,Every one was very sporting where Guys Strips and show their Muscles with poses when the Stage as for it.There is 1 word i can describe.BIG~!!! At the pools there was people gena Push into the pools and the pusher also kenna push in the end.Finaly waited till 9+ adn the result was out.Never got the Ultimate Team challenge and there goes my $300 Worth of Sport Vouchers GOne but nevermid, the Shirts are the main thing we are eyeing for~lol.
What i said about the game Rules was:"CHEAPS~!!" Cause Student got X1 point where the Mxed staff and student will get X2 point, that mean if student teams got 100 point, they Will lose to a Mixed group with 51 Points,DAMN CHEAP,tt why of course, the Mixe team win alot of Prizes..CHEAPSTER~!!

After everything,We(the 2 teams+ Jordan) all went to have our dinner cause everyone is starving and We all visited my Worst Fast-food resturant....Which is KFC, cause i dun really like KFc cause i felt Grossy after having the 2nd chicken..Yucks...
FInish everything and we all went off happily...Ended at about 2300.Dead 1/2 way~
Having another event called the Amazing race Host by the schools and we had 2 teams of 6 from the class Which includes:
1st Team - Louis,aidi,Me,Xueli,jingying,Niisha
2nd Team - Jordan,Kangwei,wangzhao,Winie,Rui yan,Evon

It sounds it gonna be very cool again,but the mainthing is we are aiming for Free T-shirts and the VOucher again~~wahaha

F.Y.I - Class is having a Class Charlet Soons organise by Wang zhao and Kang wei,Any intersted guys/gals,discussion will be on Monday i guess.
Uploading all the pics LAter

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Chance to Excercise my Rusty Old Bones??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:41 AM  
WoOhoo,Now is 135am in the morning and i still blogging??Super damn hello tired today cause there was a line up of activities today and i reach home about 0000.Don't really feel like doing my Rjs and stuff cause it was not easy to reach home at midnight looking at the beds and looking at the Laptop...Nearly could not resist the Temptations of the bed, therefore it tooks quite a long time to pull myself throught to do My Rjs.

So,having contive lesson today and was kinda of Boring but still i am able to manage throught.Studying problems,Researching, identifying and of course DOTA-ING and we got 4v3 cause Mr enut is Busying with his ROller Coaster today..look cool,it been quite some time i play that game.So today games, alot of people Use my name as Nick in the games such as Evil Jootze,Innocent Jootze,No Jootze etc....Now then i know i got quite alot of fans and maybe they having a Jootze Fan's Club soon..wahaha~~So everywhere u go in the Dota maps, u can saw Jootze... - -!!haha~~
After today 6P from the facitilators, I found that all of our Presentation in fact is much more better than the 6P whereby what P have we all has ut something we have, the 6P does not have...Lousy P'

So after class,almost all the chinese guys + aidi, we all went to play basketball as we plan out last week.So we guys went to the canteen first(ME,LOUIS,JORDAN,KANGWEI,MEL?,AIDI,WangZhao,RongHui,Sebastian) have our Lunch and their RJ finish. After that proceeded to the Sports Complex to play Basketball...
quite fun and really it's time for me to train-up for Physical Fitness or i going to Die in Ns..Played Team game,Solo 1V1(take quite a long time to finish off RongHui).
Then we played Bullets/Pressure and i was In the 2nd Place....haha

7pm i guess we finish our basketball games...Going Home??Of course not..haha Played Dota again near the Algora and it also with the Presence of Symphonic Bands??OMG i got Phobia with bands...and they Really quite fresh i can say cause u can hear alot of untune music and the Instructors was shouting and shouting which make a flashback on How I suffer in bands.. :'( played quite a long game of dota and Uther's party and we are hooked on the Motar Game whereby u got to pass the Bombs to another player and it will randomly explode due to the time..can't tolerate the laughter when Some people tried to Hold the bombs for quite some time to Sabotage the another and it the end,Exploded itself...(and I am 1 of them) =X

Got quite a shocked when we finish our games and we tot it was like 9+ or 10 but it was about 11 when we look at the clock..Another record setted in RP...
Got to stop Blogging here cause i really damn sleepy over here and i left 4-5 hours to sleep before i woke up and i had to ensure that i will not be late for tomorrow

Monday, November 13, 2006

WooHoo Full class?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:19 AM  
Today was another Hapepning day again~~ Almost full class just that Leandra never comes and it makes up 23/24.This was the first time i can see the whole 5 tables was nearly cramped up together and probably this maybe the last time of the maximum number of people?lol
Today was also quite surprised because i am able to make it to school on time and while walking to school, saw shafie and chatted on the path to school and was shocked to hear that there is a UT today so totally shocked and i told him i got to rush..luckily make it on time and is able to spend about full 30 min to finish...

Today module was maths and was kinda of Science because it was talking about the calculating the time of the death of the people by doing simple worksheet of the Cooling of Korpee.. Yup,btw, another record was set-up today, it was the most number of runaway(5-6) cause they also cannot tahan today problem.So i wasn't in the maths thingy so i let my teams to solve the exels and I try to do some of the Research on the Estimating the time of death.Finally found 1 stupid Formula whereby you are able to calculate The time....
Today, our teams(nisha,xueli,facrul,Jingying) was fantastic, i can say cause each group have at least one run-away and our team has none and had a solid 5 Men team..Woohoo~~ So today i feel that our teams did quite alot of stuff and had alot of praises from the Faci ( claps for the teams*)..And the Faci had been saying for upteen time for:"i think TJ team had something Diiferent / I think TJ Teams got it almost perfect" HELLO~!! I AM JT~!!(Justin Timberlin)haha not TJ. . . .

Today was of cause damn tired so when i reach home,accidentally slept on my brother beds and he accidentally woke mi up when he reach home then i went to the barber Chop the hair so it will be not be super messy early in the morning...
Tomorrow is Conitive lesson....Omg,i think it gonna be another boring day ..A talking to the wall session??
Tomorrow Basketball game in the Rp Sports complex, it gonna looks fun cause alot of people are joining but the main thing is that i gonna Be trash..Someone who can't Play Balls??

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Can U Just Shut-up Over here??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:02 AM  
If i am able to Blog today,that mean that i am Damn hell lucky that i am able to steal Other people connections liao...Today damn HELL noisy when i was still in my Dreams and being Woke up by My Young brother and everytime in the morning, i will be shocked and recieve new "News" so what is today news?The cat downstair had a fight with the Dogs?The ah pek Below us Die?Or any Bagua News that is Damn Unnecessary??
NO~!! It's my Comp got some problem with the connections~!! OMG, U SHITS~!! WTH ,you can do beside makeing thing spoil and repair something till it is getting more Worst?

So from today onwards, My desktop Got no connections untill i got it repair and i got to wait for my 2nd Bro To finish his exam and help me with this.... Just Wondering my house got 2 comps in each rooms (Me+mybig Brother and Small brother and 2nd Brother) and me living with my Big brothers , and MY Computer Had to share with someone with the other rooms?cause my 2nd brother knew that my small brother is "famous" for making things spoil so he push him to My rooms....WTH,UNFAIR sia..Now 3 people got to share in 1 comps and yesterday i was watching Video and playing Dota and now.....It's Spoiled~~WTH...If my 2nd Brother is unable to fixed it, i will Outsource external help to get it repaired and I gonna BAN the hell Him off...I had enugf of all this~!!
By Baning him, I can sleep early,wake up late no need to be Disturb by his RAGING voice and of cause, No Spoiled Coms~!! I just can't tolerate His Stupid act clever actions(no 1 in the family could) whereby he will try to Click this click there which he doesn't know what the Hell is it....
Sian no more Dota liao~~"THANKS" Dude.. All my brothers have the same Mind-set too:"{Probably we all committed too much sins in our past liao)
Omg,I also have to finish all my homework at one go in schools???(Pissed)
I got to Claim back all the properties which Should be owned and also Have a certain rules for other Entering my room like NO entering after 2300 and Before 1100am....My big brother Agreed long ago liao, so now after I had my comp fixed and if he wasn't banned,i got to Print out all the rules In my rooms...
Ahhh, Just want to smack the Hell Him off and Scream at him but i can't cause i got my principles: No Smacking Of Dummiest~!!

Can U Just Shut-up Over here??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:02 AM  
If i am able to Blog today,that mean that i am Damn hell lucky that i am able to steal Other people connections liao...Today damn HELL noisy when i was still in my Dreams and being Woke up by My Young brother and everytime in the morning, i will be shocked and recieve new "News" so what is today news?The cat downstair had a fight with the Dogs?The ah pek Below us Die?Or any Bagua News that is Damn Unnecessary??
NO~!! It's my Comp got some problem with the connections~!! OMG, U SHITS~!! WTH ,you can do beside makeing thing spoil and repair something till it is getting more Worst?

So from today onwards, My desktop Got no connections untill i got it repair and i got to wait for my 2nd Bro To finish his exam and help me with this.... Just Wondering my house got 2 comps in each rooms (Me+mybig Brother and Small brother and 2nd Brother) and me living with my Big brothers , and MY Computer Had to share with someone with the other rooms?cause my 2nd brother knew that my small brother is "famous" for making things spoil so he push him to My rooms....WTH,UNFAIR sia..Now 3 people got to share in 1 comps and yesterday i was watching Video and playing Dota and now.....It's Spoiled~~WTH...If my 2nd Brother is unable to fixed it, i will Outsource external help to get it repaired and I gonna BAN the hell Him off...I had enugf of all this~!!
By Baning him, I can sleep early,wake up late no need to be Disturb by his RAGING voice and of cause, No Spoiled Coms~!! I just can't tolerate His Stupid act clever actions(no 1 in the family could) whereby he will try to Click this click there which he doesn't know what the Hell is it....
Sian no more Dota liao~~"THANKS" Dude.. All my brothers have the same Mind-set too:"{Probably we all committed too much sins in our past liao)
Omg,I also have to finish all my homework at one go in schools???(Pissed)
I got to Claim back all the properties which Should be owned and also Have a certain rules for other Entering my room like NO entering after 2300 and Before 1100am....My big brother Agreed long ago liao, so now after I had my comp fixed and if he wasn't banned,i got to Print out all the rules In my rooms...
Ahhh, Just want to smack the Hell Him off and Scream at him but i can't cause i got my principles: No Smacking Of Dummiest~!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

DOTA DOTA and more DOTA~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:12 AM  

ok....So whatsup about today Science Problems?Dna?Rose Grow in the dark?? Cool huh?? NO~!! TOday was Kinda Of BORING i can say and is what everybody shld have the same thinking....Wth so boring talk about chemistry and physics on the Fractional Distillations and the Physic Formula Nearly Exploded when studying the worksheet..Luckily in the 1st break-out,we all started playing dota with The Faci also We also need time to destress too~So play for about 1/2 and hour, next meeting started so we all was Confuse by worksheet with a Confuse mind..It's kinda of boring so what can we do??haha,,Btw,Fish ball,zahid and samantha ran off after the 1st break-out.I also wanna pon but then,2 time X use finish le~~haha

So Faci talking and explaing and ask us to solve the next 3 qns(with ABCDEF.....)our self...sian 1/2 but nvm,Dota Come we started playing Dota skipping lunch in the next break,not bad can help me start to save money for not going to quite alot of player and we welcome Mr Enut(Sean),who today started playing so we got 7 people so no choice,Fishball and I was Force to join the 3 men teams including of Mr Enut(own me 2 M "MESOS"!!,not 2 mesos..) Vs Louis,kangWei,winnie,wangzhao...Struggle quite a hard time to win cause i use shadow fiend and have to Lothar beside them and use Max Ulti and it is kind of risky~~haha but anyway,we still win~~wahaha Another nice match today cause it is realy a good challenge instead of keep owning people and others got no chance...Fair fight...
After an hour finish playing then i started cracking my brains for an hour to solve the things up but then in the end, the faci knew we got quite a Hard time so she explain to us so she call us to do the Ppt can le...she talk damn alot of thing but in the end~ nothing goes in but still have to act that u know so when the Faci ask, u know which line is the correct 1?so Aidi,sandy and I point to the board and say , that one lor...anyway the faci will say,ya..corect

After class Played Dota AgaiN~omg~Dota hackling in my brain again,this time got jordan so we all play and play...3v3 this time cause Mr Enut Go home le~~but nvm we all countinue to fun all the shouting here and there and Scanning Louis Map untill when the security came in and spoil the fun cause the class have to be locked at about 6.. so we all still not enought so when to the Algora there and okay and now left 4 players which includes Kangwei,wang zhao,Jordan and me....Played Dota,Archer boomerang? and Uthers Party, quite fun and we all ended playing at 9Pm in school...First time stay till so late seh...Btw we all Discuss Tuesday Got A game of basketball in Rp Sport Complex there..Who is interested can join us~~Sian Sure Kenna Own de..cause my basketball suX~~wahaha lol~~!!ok got to go Practice slam Dunk le~~.Bye~!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Yea I'm EARLY~~!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:07 AM  
So once again, nearly gotten late for class cause the previous night play B'net till very late.Reached Mrt stations at 8:35 and this was the fastest speed i reach class just nice at about 845.Quite a very fast speed i guess in reaching by 10 min from CWP to school cause today was enterprise lesson where the Meatball is concern about punctuality therefore her lesson I rarely come late as compare to other module.
Today was not an easy task cause have alot of thing to Understand about the Finance lah,PV/FV la and bla bla bla~ and yah,I think the meat ball faci know abt we call her Meatball(from Evon,not me) so when i was reading the Problem for today, she call me to call her MeatBall next how she knows one(Hope she dunno my links opps =X)

So today was also another fun day,cause i get to know Singapore better as Meatball talks about how Singapore Plan out "Good Strategy" to use for achieving their goals...Learn quite alot althought it is unrelated to the Problems...
So today presentations, i read up alot of books to help understand better and it take me a very long time cause alot of things need to understand and nearly brain was about to Burst....
For the past few days have been playing Dota with the Boys when free time so not excluding today so after class,wang zhao Jio kang wei,Winnie and me go play Dota so at class play lor since its free and no need go Lan Shop to Play..So I chose the SA cause very long never use liao.


Me = Sa
Winie = Lich

Team B
Kang wei = Priestess of the moon
Wang Zhao = Sniper

So play like 1 1/2 hour then finsh, quite a cool and good game cause starting i run and run and tt kangwei brought so many wards think want to throw me till die(lol) but still in the end still manage to win...WAHAHA~!! Btw winnie got to train harder,your Ut dun any how use on creeps without heroes..haha but still nice teamwork cause u also quite a good aid always miss out mana to kill them,but nevermind, with determination u can win de...wahaha..After Dotaing, when home with Kangwei cause he live at lake side..Woohoo Finally found 1 take same train as mi~~
Looking forward for tomorrow think it gonna be another fun day again~~

Sunday, November 05, 2006

WAtch This~Cute Stuff

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:16 AM  
Videos that i found very funny ~ Look at it's Expression and when he try to save the Lobster..KAWAIII

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:05 PM  
Omg~~!! Accidentally fall asleep when i reach home and i woke up is already 3am in the morning~~Die die~~ Never Do rj again~ I don't wanna get Degraded~!!
I WANT MY A's~~!! Never later can do the RJ at Mrt..haha..Woke up liao canot slp back so plat batternet,Dota,Wintermauls,tower defense...Now 6 in the morning guess no 1 on msn and I'm sure i will be the earliest bird Tomorrow..Wohoo..

Ohhya, the last lesson which was yesterday on culture. we are suppose to present some one on the teams to be a singer where the main aims were to write a proposal to the company(JOrdan,Winnie,Xueli,Gina,Wang Zhao) to make them convince that we can groom our idol into the market.So we all chose aidi whose full name had Change to Aidi Amos(A.A).Cool Right ?? haha..We did alot of stuff like the Basic Info,his strength and alot of stuff with some cool pics in my lappy..upload later and also most impt the Profits that the stupid company can earn.So i try to calculate everything and the statistic with all the grapghs~~ Cool right?our teams is the best lor, dunno why the Kang wei tt pop hair get first and we got 2nd...and still wasting my time Bribing the judges with chocolates and sweet...haha(opps) btw everybdy teams were so cool.... And i still got recorded Guitar singing last semester so i Reuse it and show the Company..HAHA For those who wanna see AIDI AMOS GUITAR..i will upload again


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Enterprise Lesson??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:20 AM  
Woke up as usual in the morning at 8 so .....late for class,lucky got no ut or else another X.
Actually today woke up very early 1 at about 6+ but i thought today was culuture so nvm as he was not very demanding if you were late for few minutes or so.
At first i couldn't pull myself up because the bed was so soft and weather was so good so i was still sleeping soundly after i Tiok this stupid Legs cramps and i jump out of the bed and start "decramps"myself and this make me total awake...
So rush to school by train and when i reach lvl 5 i nearly gone into another class cause the people keep playing with the Class Tags and i nearly gone into W25A instead of J.Forget it, Samatha teach me how to memorise where to walk le.So when i reach class, I was Shocked Because it was ENTERPRISE LESSON~!!The lesson that you never ever wanted to Msn in class as she said she will pour water on your lappy(I know she is kidding) and The lesson that you never will think of being late cause she is very demanding so when i came in and she said:"Dearest Jt,You will be my favourite Students cause you starting with a F"Omg,haha..Don't thnk she tt cruel ba, or else i take meat ball throw her.Althought she so sarcrastic but she doesn;t mean that and she's quite a interetsing Faci.

So today TAG TEAM with 5 girls(moey yang,Xueli,jing ying,Rui yan,yun yan) and i am the only suai ge...wahaha, sound very xing fu huh?
Today problems was not that easy if you try your effort in it so we all distribute the job and i took the Economies of scale job and get the whole thing done before the last meeting.
In the First breakout,Aidi,nisha,Samatha and me when to buy food to makan, and we all chit chit chat chat dun how long at near the algora there.Chat about of schools and OF Course i never hide my proud~~ So i talk how laoya our schools was , the purple like barney stufff and the socks and the stupid shoes...Forget it, i out of there BALA~~!! U can't Get me~~Neh neh pu pu...
So after the last meeting where we are suppose to present our solutions,we quickly complie everyone slides up in my lappy and Moey yang help in positioning the slides.
So during the Ppt, I talk alot of craps so that my f will go to like b~~ and every 1 was talking about their slide but the sad thing was that Jingying who had done 3-4 slides had been deleted to a 1 slides which was nothing much.In the end , Jing ying was quite shocked as MY deleted her slide as she feels that it's quite unnecessary.
Couldn't blame jing ying for that fustration as it is really very upsetting that when u put in so much effort in the end it was deleted without a notice.
The Meat ball knew that and told us to have a small talk with her as she know smth not right.So after class, our team went to a Wuu Lu Place and had a small chit chat aboutwhat happen with eye signalling 1 another.Most of us was quite shocked and some was uphappy about this because My deleted the slides without any notice.
I not sure weather shld side this party or that party cause i not a very conflict type so i keep saying:"I think the main problems was the miscommunition,i think we all shld discuss it together b4 presenting the ppt"Or saying thing like:'no 1 is at fault la,juz a misunderstanding'...
I feel that actually b4 MY deleting slides you shld ask for permission cause grades are quite impt ba. Sry leh guy,i mean girls, i shld also help in positioning the slides and so that this thing will not happen~sorry time i do the Positioning ok? Hope afetr this, everybdy will stilll be friends ba~~It just a Misunderstanding la~~!!

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