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Casper's Life

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Have I Lost My Pals?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:34 AM  
Hates History cause It always Repeats

Sorry for everything and I'm trully sorry.. Vexing now and I do really need JUst a listening ear but it wasn't easy to get one.
To me, you are a Pals and I Mean "Are" is it gonna be a past tense soon?I really feel that i wasn't fated to the east cause It happen Twice.
Do we Have to just stay away from one another just because of this?There was abit of depress within me because I Had in directly cause some trouble here and there..I always feel that i am someone who would be on this earth hurting other and I really are...
Remembering my ex-ex classmates told me that not to be too nice to other's cause I may sometimes Mislead other but i really feel that i always been Just alright to everyone..
In this few years, I really think that it wasn't a good year cause I had quite a few of old pals leaving me because some of some misunderstanding and i hope you wouldn't be one of them...
I know probably you will be reading this....Sorry x 10, I really treat you as my best pals......Really hope none of us will keep avoiding one another just of his accident....

To Myself: I would try to sustain the friendship between us and We will surely be friends back ~~

Monday, January 22, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:31 AM  

Ok the previous blogs had finish when Sean was dead after got home drunk...
The next days, I was woke up by the evil man after I refused to woken up by the Alarm**
Took the Bus then to another bus,Had a milo in the journey and it nearly cause us stomach day was fortunate as we met aidi in the same bus and he was soundly alsp... We 3 then walk to school together...

Sean was trying to make me shameful because of My ALAM and BEDORK among the class but..Guess The Drunken Part was much more appealing to the class and I did only tell some part of it~~ There was quite alot that i do not want to Put him off in front of the class..Gave him some face ba~~lol~~haha

That day i wasn't able to concentrate much cause I rather was tired due to Mos event and went home late..Sean and I was sleeping in class and luckily was MR Contive..No PPt tt day..Lucky~!!Wang zhao the other gang wasn't able to turn as they play longer than we do...
After class, movie session ws next as i promised Sean...We had a better enviroment and guess it was VIVO~!! Busying looking for direction for the Movie theatre and also ATMS...It cost us lot of times...
We guys went over to Toy"r"us to play causee it was my secondary life and i miss it..there was alot of unaffordable toys and we guys was playing Swords and Light Saber ..It was kind of missing the old days where we guys was playing old Cheap Sword but guess The parent Dotes their Child more and being more affordable..In the past i was always playing with my brother cheap old Toys whom is bigger than me by 5-6 years..i hardly Get 1 new 1..
Old ya, I love the Dragon and Dungeon toys in the was hell ya nice...It will be great if it appear to be in rooms...

We brought the ticket FEAST and went in after our Shoopings,This time was lucky our entrance wassn't 6 Or 9 but 5~~ therefore we quickly ran in into the thetre and wat amaze me was that we are the 1st 2 to enter and there wasn't any1 inside...The time of the movie supposingly shld by 9...
9 went one ..~~ 905,some one came in,920: i got scared and i ask sean: Hey are we in the correct Cinema and he replied yes... I decided to prank him and i turn around to the back and say HEY this was Cinema 6 we entered the wrong one but he know i was pranking him.. and by 930 a couple came in and claim that we had our butts on their seat therefore we realised We really enter the wrong cinema. And we ran out and discovered it was really cinema had wasted 30 mins of show ...
We Watched FEAST and it is M18 with alot of Bloddy Scene but Hell Yea~~ It was real Bloody but with some Lame Crap inside With the monster Doing Immoral stuff such as Laying Babies After a doogy Style?lol?! But i did Enjoyed the stuff in some areas and ya~~ the last Part Scared me off and did sean.. my candies nearly Fly off~lol~~

That day was rather fun althought there was only 2 of us but I guess it always fine with me as long as there is someone...And thanks sometimes for treating me as a listener and i did appreciate...

Friday, January 19, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:40 PM  

This few days had been accompany Sean for movies as he was quite low latetly therefore and Being the Most Mr nice guy in the world, I accompanied him.
I know that in his blog about the Movie on:"Kungfu Majong",I was being posted of the shameful acts of Hiting the Shutter gate when we walk past the gate..he was able to but i wasn't able due to a 12 cm height difference....and also went to the wrong cinema of the movie by reading the ticket 6 and 9..So.... now I guess i get my revenge for today...Wahaha~~ I caught HIs shameful acts not once but TWICE.....

1st ----> Mos Group Outing

Thursday was a planned day of Mos therefore we all met up firstly with kW,Evon and Lingzhen at boon lay and after that met up with Sean at City as he live at east.... Sean wasn't able to met us on time as evon said she will call him when she meet me...but due to the fun from boon lay to city hall, she forgot about it...haha..
Ate A burger meal and an extra burger while waitinf for sean but still my mouth was too fast to goble all the food down.Took the bus after meeting sean and brought cheeseburger for him as he ask us to help him take away..I guess he was pretty hungry as that day he didn't had much food therefore instead of SIngle CHeese i ordered a Double Cheese..HOwever it was thorwn when it left 1/4...wat a wasteg but
Being a early bird was good as there wasn't of being such a long queue and arron+ wen quan+ hs+his friend went to tuck behind our queue as they were late so they wouldn't want to queue such long...Sorry wasn't able to join u guys as My friend had planned this outing for 1-2 weeks ago..the letter S Drop and therefore it turned out to be Mini Try of Sound?
We went in and we all order our drinks and sean and I share one jug cause we wouldn't want to Be drunks..
Went over to sit at the top dance flloor as there was crushion for us to sit and we all playe some games..Due to being a Noobiest 1,I had a few glass and sean wasn't able to escape too...He had like 4-5 glasses within like 45 min and BooM..down he goes..the 2nd jug we ordered, he was having a few glasses and he was drunk and he keep wanted to drink the rest finish too..Therefore I decided to play the Scissor stone games and therefore i lost 3 out of 4 games so that he would drink much more...Had to awake myself at all time cause i still gonna deliver him to his door steps...
After an hour, he would able to walk steadily and guess i had too Hold him to the destinations with the help of every body too...Sean Played with my camera and keep taking alot of nuisance stuff and i guess this is wat drunk people do ba~~He took My Shirt inside my Sleeves.. Took HongMian(Evon Bf) Tummies inside his shirt by holding the camera and sneak inside his shirt and He nearly Took Evon 1 which is inside her Dress...OmG~~lol~~
At the 1st floor dance floor, it ws super noisy, u can feel the music Tremmbling ur heart and maybe i wans't able to adapt to such enviroment ba...
After about a hour,I Hold Sean to the Gent as he requested and it wasn't easy to hold a Drunken BOy Squeezing out to the Toliets...After that, I decided to bring Him home as he wasn't able to sustain much more le ba~~While in the collection of bag he was amuse by the spotlight on the floor and playing with his leg by covering and Uncovering the light with his legs...
Sean mums call and as he wasn't able to talk steadily therefore i help him talk...Sean mums was quite worried about sean conditions so i told her that i will deliver Sean to his doorstep in 1 piece then she felt more at ease...I handover to sean the phone as his mum requested and sean was answeing..Wo zai MOS wan deng which means i Playing Light at MOS in a laughing tone....After that, took a cab and deliver Sean home...
Reach destination in less than 30min and have to drag a Boy around my weight up the stairs cause i scrae he miss his step and Brrom down the stairs...

Lights Off
This was the most scariest part whereby I have to Hoax this little boy to bed but he was keep requesting to being his beer out so we can have another Rounds therefore i had to decline the offer and make him to slp...The phone rang and it was A unfamiliar Number and it was like:
Gal: Hi,
Me: HI, u r?
Gal: i called from armtek and we are having a inetrview tomorrow so was asking you wanna come tml?
Me: Wa ur company called so late 1 ah? but i dun think so..
Gal: You are really not intersted cause it will be like $20 for like 2-3 hours work
Me:(feeling so Fake) Ohh it all right, i having $30 a day by going to school..
Gal: Wa, so gd?you study wat 1?
Me:Ohh i studying Porno
Gal: wa~I also want to join ur sch leh
Me: cannot la cause onli handsome guys like me can join..
After that , alot of crap came out and i found out is warren friend whereby arron and warren wanna prank me..Nv heard of Nv Prank the pros of the pros?

When i was answeing the called, My Hand was being BITE who? MR CAI, and Ouch i goes...After I hang the phone, He was like holding the Shaver and playing himself and laughting and wanted to shave my Mostach ..He threw the shaver away when i reject his offer and dunno mubble wat from his mouth...
It wasn't easy to make him slp so that i can slp so i use alot of method such as Stories , saying who slp 1st who win but yet, Hoaxing by saying we will have more eber tomorrow...But yet, it all failed and i pretended too be alsp but also no use cause he will come keep disturbing me..... in the end he still fall alslp so finally i can walk out the room and help myself to the loos...The whole night was like~dotz dotz~~ but it was still fun hope to go again next time...
Had to sms Aidi and Samantha WHo live east to help give morning call tml so sean and i will able to wake up for schools cause that night we alll had only for few hours of slp....That night was disastrous and hope i would be drunk in the future....Contuing The Paiseh Story of the next day later at night..cause got to rush to Jiang Birthday~~

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One Night In Tampiness~~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:34 PM  
One Night In Tampiness~~!!

1st DaY
Monday was a promise date we all planned to went over to Sean house but some was unavailable due to some circumstances but nevertheless It’s still fun~lol..
Woke up at about 9am whereby xueli called me to confirm the Timing, after hanging up the phone I use up all my strength to type:’ Evon wake up” cause I knew she gonna be slping in her bed this moment but in the end I was totally late and she came to Boon lay Before me and she is really quite Zuai(Action)…

Pick Up xueli at Je then we continue our Long Journey to the East..
Waited for then east People in Tampiness at Mac’s while planning our Lunch.
Sean came and after that Sam Came… everyone had theirs Lunch and guess what ? Sean took ages to fill his hunger and there was quite a wastage of fries… He was even slower by having Nuggets meal as compare to even girls having Burger…
(* Eat more than u grow Taller…)

Took the bus and soon reach His house with Jo-Jo welcoming us with his Barkings,(it really Name JoJo,lol) A cute little Poodles but it was hairless as it just shaved his Hair.. And was shivering due to the ever-changing weather.
Jo-Jo was terrfield in the beginning as there was stranger stooding at the corner and shivering but yet it gets farmiliarlise with us after I and evon try communicating to it (sounds stupid but It works) althought we nearly got bit at the beginning.

We Had all fun all under Sean Doremon theme room( I also wanna have one, like Pokemon or smth) but it wasn’t easy due to Da Ge Untidiness.. Sean rooms was quite uncommon for a guys to keep that well.My theme now was Rubbish Dump and really this theme is totally perfect.. Play since we all started to move into sean rooms

Had Ps2 games together which also includes sam and Evon but they always die in the first stage, I guess they are better in Dolls dress up instead of Violent or adventure games…But well, nice try~~ Try Harder next time.After that we had a Badminton session but the sky wasn’t helping us much by showering the Land with Water.Therefore wasn’t able to enjoy to the maximum…

Dinner was the best Part whereby there was finally no Mac, KFC, Long john and also no Mums keep cooking the Chinese food…
We Had Spaghetti and the most interesting part was We are all the chefs.Had out ingredient brought over at NTUC and the sauce we made wasn’t totally using canned sauce. We Brought the Sauce, mushrooms,Potatoes,tomatoes and also Free Onions and Garlic as both ingredients we got from a Auntie who gave us for free as we only need some… Thanks Auntie who sells vegetables at Tampiness near Sean house,so Everyone should visit her if u need anything cause she was really kind unlike some..Lol

The Product of out meal Comprises of ….Spaghtti , W25J sauce(We named it),Mixed Hao you Meat dish? And French fries we make from potatoes… Dinner was of course fillings and really it was nice with also Sean Younger brother ,Sidney who is abit taller than sean(so sad)<*Praying”Sean nv saw tis, Sean nv saw tis”. My first time Making Creamy Spaghetti and thanks to everyone of us we could make such a good dish together..Evon wasn’t able to enjoy it cause she had some outing with her friend in the night but she too take part in helping to cook..After that took quite a whole some of pictures on the dinning table. We had out dessert and fruits after it and it really is fully full full.Can’t stuff more things in liao… It was really cheap to have Dinner together although there was dessert and fruits and the main thing was everyone was having fun cooking our own meals therefore looking forward to such activities again.

Crapping from sean mouth wasn’t uncommon, therefore it started after the dinner and he really like acting I guess, and starting he was posting as the Yati whereby running and around rubbishing and crapping about his Indonesia and showing off his collections of Hauntu Movie Cd’s and bring 1 cd by 1 cd from his room and then tons and tons came out…Xue li also took part in the Mariam Part and everyone sure is Laughing out loud on the dinner table…

We all sent xueli to the bus stop as she wasn’t able to stay for the nights yet sam stays therefore I stays. Had a nice movie of Bruce almighty whereby we both had missed.
Quite a nice movie and it was quite a long time after I watch a nice comedy movie.
Photoshopping after the movie and I thought Sean was teaching me but~~ He was Abusing with the use of photoshops.. He just make thing that suppose to be big small and small into big and thus, my face turing either really very big or shrink till like Shit** I guess even mum and dad would recognize mi also by looking at the pics Lol…Laughting non-stop on the beds with sean and Sam.

Night time and it was ZzzZ-ing, sam slp in sean sis room cause nan nn shou shou bu qing therefore we all splitted and we guys slp in another rooms.Quite a nice ZzzZ cause there was a huge Doremon to hugs..Lol, I hope I got 1 big Snoppy althought I got 2 snoopy in my rooms. We both chit-chating till we all soon get to slps and from Sean Infor, My snoring was really Loud ~~lol.. that was normal for me as some of my friend had complained to me..It happened only when I was real tired therefore the more tired I am the more louder it is~ guess that day had a tiring day~~ Sry~~haha…

2nd Day
Woke Up like about 10+ and we guys chit chating then slp then chit chating then slp… Sam Came In and Took a peep at us, but lucky we both we awakened or else we will got molest by her without knowing(LolZ)

Sean Sent Sam(*SSS) to the bus-stop as I was lazy to push myself up and woke back up after sean is back.. Had a really nice Chat with Sean and we guys chat almost everything under the big big sun.. Thanks for sharing your stuff with me , I hates the Wu zai now dunno why.. LoL~ btw hope you have a Brighter future full of colors and hope you be a good**Boy** now or else santa not going to deliver present to you this year~~(Guess still longs)

Chatted for quite long hours and we started to feel something roaring in the stomach therefore after few decision, we decided to have a BIG Lunch from Macs
Which Includes:2 Fillet O Fish
2 Large Coke
2 Large fries
1 box Mcwings
6 piece Nugget
2 Sundae

Lol~~ Order quite a fair bit but yet we aren’t able to stuff the Nugget In…therefore donated to Sidney~~ sry..
After our Lunch, we had all our strenths to…………… Layback and chat again…haha,another rounds of interesting Chats.
Times flies fast when you having good time and within a flash, the sun was replaced by the moon. Therefore it was time to say byebye to Jojo… haha…. Sean sent me to the bus stop and we are having our sundae while walking.. Therefore, it was time to Byebye to Sean and parted with the east and started my Journey Back to the West~~ wa lau siaNZzZ….
Reach home Bath and started blogging…. What a Nice 2 day in staying over at the East and thanks sean for the Zhao dai for over this 2 days …Looking forward for another days again~~

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Open Ur house

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:45 AM  


Today was the second day of OPen house.
The first day of open house was slacking in the 1st shift with Mr Sean Cai walking around RP distributing flyers while we went shooping in In RP visiting the Various Booth..Btw evon was LATE when meeting her In Boon lay( making her Paiseh)lol

Had Hands painting with Evon XueLi winnie Sean and Me.Everyone drew theirs while Xueli ask from her friend and sean and I help one another.
Btw mine was nicer right??Lol...

Me + sean Hand ...The word Enut(sean)nicer right?

Wasn't able to slack in shift 2 as I got some Important jobs to do~~Which is to be the POLICE MEN in the acitivity:"Catach mi if you can" whereby my roles was to provide extra information to people who ask mi question and therefore i wasn't able to leave as there is only 2 police men~~
Took Quite alot of pictures with the guys~~ update in next post tml as i be getting it with Xueli

2nd day Of Open house
As for today which was a better and slacking day and much more
run off as Paper flyer again with Edwin,Xueli,sean and a New friends call Wang Qi..Lol..Went to take phtoss at the DIT there whereby the person will help us photoshop us into another new enviroment and surrounding~~ lol fun and wasted quite alot of time there whereby we forget that what we suppose to do as a flyers...

Break after that, and after the break James came over to ask wether anyof me and sean wasnt pose as the Ghost/spirit and walk round RP for Publicity.Therefore none of us wanna be but in order to be free away walking around, one of us have to be the ghost and one being the flyer with the ghosy. Therefore played the Guessing Games so that one of us will be the Ghost~~
In the end~~ Sean Lost ~~ YEA!~!!! Makeup in the Tioliets with the white powders, Red bloods and Black fingernail and Lip.. And Of course he was the Best Ghsot for the Past 2 days~~ Very Fun ~~ Flaoing around Scaring People with also evon too~~Stood behind them and there was screaming the hell lous when show face suddenly appear~~ 1 almost fallen out of the chairs~~LolZ Took a lot of Picture today and of course Sean was popular as he was the ghost~Lol~~

Proceed to Causeway for foods at Pastamania and alot of Stores came out.. Interesting one..lolz~~ Sean had his Friend to fetch him and Sam took the free ride as thy both live near at the east~~ so great~~ when wil jiang nan be so gd come and fetch mi??Lol ~~

BTe today was a Fun experience with Sean and Xueli and also Evon company slacking~~lol~!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

RUN for the Stupid UTS~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:39 AM  

RUN for the Stupid UTS~!!

Yesterday was suppose to be a good days for me as it was science, however it wasn't as good as it is after Sandy Called me~~

Sandy: Hey Jt, You at school already?
Me: Just reach boon Lay Mrt.You are?
Sandy: I'm sandy,I still on teain lei, sure late.
ME: Me too..
Sandy haha the train move super slow lor i at cck onli gonna miss UT
me = WTF!!(shocked)
Me: Today got meh?
Sandy: Got la

Sian 1/2 after a Bling of light appear
Sandy + Evon message : Hey Ut Postpone to 9 Liao
Me = YEA!! but still not very sure weather I will reach on time but there will be 15 min more delay. therefore if reach b4 915 I'm still able to countinue the test

904 Reach woodlands Mrt
Situation: bloody Rain, Paddle of super big water in field + muddy MUddy
Suggestion: Bloody running to RP in the Rain Wet wet.
An Angels met during on the Run
Angel: hi, u on the way to RP ? U can walk with mi with the Brolly TOgether
Me: Thanks but sorry cause i got to run due to UT

Thanks The Mr nice guy for suggestin sharring the brolly with me

REach Class With Wet hair and also unstopptable Gasping for air.
Quickly Starting Ut without any time wasted With water keep ddripping on lappys and have to clean up

Time: 911
Wow this is the first time i reach class so fast~~lol but yet wasn't able to finish the whole Ut due to insufficient time.

After Ut and breaks, i was finally Dry. Science was Boring as usual and had few time for Dots A.
Science Faci said no need for PPT after 3rd meeting therefore wasted my time on My ppt instead of playing and joining the guys for Dots^a.But still in the end Was Accuse By faci of not doing work when actually i was doing alot of research~~wa Lau..
In the end FAci ask us to write a summary of 300 word in less than 30 min on the topic~~ wa lau~~ o level also dun have so diffciult lor~~ In the end, My Compo was Sort of LOL the class cause i write alot of dumb things~~lol~~ And sean was writing a Pro COmpo~~!!...
Dot^A after class and went HOme With mr Kang wei~~ And went over to zhi yong hse to watch the Borat which states in the news:" the best Comedy and rated 5* .. in the end accidentally slp after watching 30 mins with the other guys(zhiyong+eric+Warren+arron + me)
Btw Sean + Kang wei will be shocked after looking at this Pic

Mr Kang wei Fallen alsp in the MRt TRain~~ lOl

Sean Fallen aslp In class~~ Lol

A closer Look? He accidentally fall alsp while trying hard to think of solution for Science..Kiddo~

recently had alot of Pictures of ppl slping :

Collections: Sean, Kang wei + Jordan( in previous previous post) Still in collection of whole clas slping~~

Btw, tml will be an interesting day cause it will be RP open hse and i will be there..Someone intereted Plz Come and look for me

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Zoo Outing Uploaded

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:55 PM  
Zoo Outing Uploaded

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Class was On:"Bamboo Ass And Zebra CockS?"

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:34 PM  
Class was On:"Bamboo Ass And Zebra CockS?"

Today Lesson was Enterprise an i got to rush for this lesson as Ut will be going on today.
Tooken the Ut and enterprise was something Much more interesting and fun rather compare usual one of working and reading up alot of bookS~~Outings~!! Somewhere we had been long never gone~Some where around Mandai and YEs~~!! It's the zoo which it been so long that i last Visited.Going there in a Class was rather fun whereby there will be Photo sessions for every 5 minutes

Had Pay out for $5 for every group of 5-6 to feed the Baby Kangaroos..Close interaction and it was really fury fury~~lol~~ Taken quite alot of photos with the Little kangaroos~~

Giraffes was much a more attracting for me because i loves giraffles haha~~Touch the butt of the Piggy and I was evacuated From Sean and
There was also a stable of Horse and the most attracting part that Attracted us Especially Sean was the P*N*S as it grows Long Long and after a while It shrinks Back~ haha~~

Had a very Interesting and Educational Lesson Thanks to Ms harLizza~~ Our MeatBall~~!!lol~ GTg BYebye~~

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Zunday zzZ

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:21 AM  
Sunday wasnn't a resting day like others in fact it was much of a working days as usual for me...Had to Push out of bed when the sun rise And Having a quick bath before proceeding to Dad's Shop..
Today working with 2nd brother and indeed he was a Bloody one~~haha~~
Brought him a SoyaBean Curd as he requested and when he taste one bite he ask weather this Curd brought from this this this shop and he sort of commenting that i Brought the Wrong Place from the Hawker Centre~~Bloody~~!!
Mums Reach at 3+ and i requested to go home as there is a Programme with friends and agree to her condition in cleaning up my rooms when i reach home... Went home early but yet the Activities was cancelled due to some unexpected Changes...
My leave was always due to some acitivities and when i taken it, it always cancelled~~ ZzzZ..... So yea now maybe going back to shops or Going for another Acitivities~~
Tml is school and..Yea it maths..the Mr Trumpet??lol~~Ran his lesson first time on the last lesson of last term,,hope he forget~~lol~~
Looking forward for A better tomorrow and now i got to go CLean up my Rooms Before mums get back and scream~Zzz

Monday, January 01, 2007

Tiao Lou(Jump Off) reports?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:36 PM  
Brought A newspaper today and reading In the shops to past the time and was really shocked to read 2 Cases of people Jumped of the Buildings.

The First cases was a Male who jumped of the building and hit the roof which make of zinc and landed on Other people bed and reported dead.The most amazing part was that the news identified him as a 16 Years old bpy who works in sushi and Suspects that he sucides after being dump by his GF~Luckily there was no people on that bed or else he would crush the person into meatballs~He was Being found by the owner when he was awake after a few hours after the incidence as he ignore the loud bang From the roofs from the other rooms... His 1/2 sprits fly off when he saw a corpse laying
on his wife bed and report to the authorites.And make offerings and also release 36 Pigeons so that it will take the Sprits to the heaven~~ What can i say~ Can he Do anything clever than jumping of the building which may cause another perosn to be Squashed into meat balls??lol?

The Second case was a boy who acidentally fall of the building when he was lying on the Balcony and losy his balance and flew off the 11 storeys high and landed to the grounds in malasia..The most amazing part was that he is still surving and the most most amazing was that new reported that he had few MINOR Strachted and bruises and some stiches?WTF! Maybe i should Try it one day??

First Blog in 2007~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:39 AM  
Welcome to 2007

Wohhoo~~Now is the day of 2007 and yesterday was the last Day of 2006.Guess yesterday everyone are out there celebrating the arrival of 2007.Waiting for the last moment of 10 seconds of 2006 in the countdowns..

Since Yesterday was the New Year Eve so We(Jiangnan,Qifeng and axel) are not going to miss the fun of the event by attending the countsdowns and enjoying counting downs. THerefore Gone Zouk-out Party since we had the free tickets...
Pay a huge sums for not meeting on time as we take a cab and i pay quite alot of it but i promise tt day will be the last day of the year that i gonna spent so much.LOls

The party was hosted in Expo Hall 6 and when we arrive there wasn't even single souls althought we reach 30 min earlier...crowds started comming in at about 10 lucky we are early or we had to have a long quese b4 we came in...
Had a Few drinks there and qifeng was ReaLly drunk in his 3-4 cups of the
Started complaing about hw bad the Drink was and later started to Beg For more wine?
Drinking a Empty Glass
Unlighting 3 Candles
NEarly Drank the Glass of Wax as he thought tt was Wine
LooTs Of Bull Shitting
SpAm on to a women when going to look for entrance
Span Again And kiss on the cheeks of a Girl When returing Back to seats..

lol~~ Seems like He relally drunk...haha... Join in the crowds in the dancing floors in 1145 and it was Real Noisy ~~maybe i not suitable to such enviroments haha~~
Started counting Down when the Projectors Project the last 20 seconds... when it it was 0,,,Lots of stuff Drop from the sky ..and music started playing and everyone wishing one another Happy New Year~~ Nice Day~~

And thanks people for msging for wishing me a Happy new Year and Hope U guys too~~So~

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