Bye bye Everyone
The class have ended for a fresh new journey

The fLash back

+++!!! My Secrets Collections !!!+++
Sleeping In science Lesson? 2M or ..i send this this Song Sin ngee~~!
Guess this guy out~~(clues:When he saw this he goes:"Ohhh LiddaT!!~"

Thats What they say, never tried to wakes a tiger Up~~GrHHh~!!!
It's the end Folks for my little secrets~~ wahah~!!
Last day of school le which is like on this Monday but it was not a good ideal to have culture lesson cause no one really like this lesson therefore there was this portion did not attend class therefore class wasn’t that full and we once again wouldn’t able to have a class photo today. Lol
Class was like a free period since there wasn’t much to do and Mkk Treat us for a Drinking session, although you are one of the Unpopular faci but still thanks for the milk tea ~
After Mkk Presentations, we all had a Class Photo which doesn’t seems like one but it was still good to have a photos helped taken by the Sweeping aunties. As usual used my Phone camera to take but then to auntie It was like a new technology kind of things.
She Hold the camera Screen to her eyes and use it like How camera should be use, and I burst Holding my Laughter and she was like saying things like why I couldn’t see anything in malay or something~~ lol.
It was corrected and she now know how to use A phone camera, haha~ but still thanks for helping as to take photos~
After the photo-ing, we all planned to go over to sebas house over to play, there was quite number for majongs and see see..
Have not come over for like a month and there was like a New Pool table, OMG~!! WTH, can play Pool everytime…
There was a new dog call Lucy I guess and it was like 4 months old or something but yet it was like so huge around like Jessie(sebas 1st dog) Size which is like quite old already..
It was like hyperactive and I nearly fainted because of the
When there had a few games of pool and then majongs then pool again~~ it was quite fun and back to the pooL~~ it was like~~ Fantastic Ba~~
Have to go home earlier with ruiyan, sean and Xue li cause I got to go back to work due to substituition with my mums cause she wanted to like have a freee day to clean the mess at home therefore I have to reach there like about 7…Sian ½ but still I still have to help out a bit ba~~
Last day of class le, maybe this the day we all seperates, Thanks for having such a nice class ,i enjoys the outing we all had..Hopes every one will have a nice path to start with...~ .... This will be the last time i will be waking up Kang wei and evon,Last-time having dotaing in class and thanks for having such a wonderful faci like Meat Ball~~ LOl~ and the dum dum dum...Budget Catcher~~Haha~ So.... "ByeZ To My 2nd Sem Class, There lots of Memory"Hehe
Class was like a free period since there wasn’t much to do and Mkk Treat us for a Drinking session, although you are one of the Unpopular faci but still thanks for the milk tea ~
After Mkk Presentations, we all had a Class Photo which doesn’t seems like one but it was still good to have a photos helped taken by the Sweeping aunties. As usual used my Phone camera to take but then to auntie It was like a new technology kind of things.
She Hold the camera Screen to her eyes and use it like How camera should be use, and I burst Holding my Laughter and she was like saying things like why I couldn’t see anything in malay or something~~ lol.
It was corrected and she now know how to use A phone camera, haha~ but still thanks for helping as to take photos~
After the photo-ing, we all planned to go over to sebas house over to play, there was quite number for majongs and see see..
Have not come over for like a month and there was like a New Pool table, OMG~!! WTH, can play Pool everytime…
There was a new dog call Lucy I guess and it was like 4 months old or something but yet it was like so huge around like Jessie(sebas 1st dog) Size which is like quite old already..
It was like hyperactive and I nearly fainted because of the
When there had a few games of pool and then majongs then pool again~~ it was quite fun and back to the pooL~~ it was like~~ Fantastic Ba~~
Have to go home earlier with ruiyan, sean and Xue li cause I got to go back to work due to substituition with my mums cause she wanted to like have a freee day to clean the mess at home therefore I have to reach there like about 7…Sian ½ but still I still have to help out a bit ba~~
Last day of class le, maybe this the day we all seperates, Thanks for having such a nice class ,i enjoys the outing we all had..Hopes every one will have a nice path to start with...~ .... This will be the last time i will be waking up Kang wei and evon,Last-time having dotaing in class and thanks for having such a wonderful faci like Meat Ball~~ LOl~ and the dum dum dum...Budget Catcher~~Haha~ So.... "ByeZ To My 2nd Sem Class, There lots of Memory"Hehe
The fLash back
+++!!! My Secrets Collections !!!+++
Guess It reallya pig year
Confirm, It's Pig Year~~!!
Lol~~ I found YoU~
Guess the Whipping ball's guys Do need a rest Too~~
My little aidi sleeping On the table~~Caught You~!!

Thats What they say, never tried to wakes a tiger Up~~GrHHh~!!!
It's the end Folks for my little secrets~~ wahah~!!