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Casper's Life

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Updates, Updates~~ …

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:28 AM  

Busy Busy

Recently didn’t have much time in updating on my post because there was too busy with school works and stuff, it wasn’t easy to find time relaxing in class even for like 15 minutes..~~
Anyway haven been helping Jiang nan with his new house, moving all the funtiures and stuff from his old house.It was a Tough Job especially when it was a 4 storey high big Bungalow..~There really was quite a lot of big stuff and heavy chairs,table and especially all the bed shifting to the top of the rooms with only little man power. The amazing thing was that the whole stuff was moved without any help any company but just only us(Jiang,Qifeng,Axel,Zhiyong and Me).Work through like 1 week plus and finally job Done.. Anyway Guess there was like a So called Personal Room For Me and Axel ba~~ Wahaha~~ My room was Nice of course~~ Hahaha..Hahaha~~

Anyway, we had our desert after all the hardwork after an week, Jiang Dad’s Invite me and Axel To Ah Yi Bao Yu(One of the famous Seafood resturant) as he also having the dinner with his 6-7 top company business partner and it was awkward for us to be shown in such places where we are seated inside a room specially for us~ Woo.. Not to mention Mr lim was there as well..Lol~~ Anyway, the wine and martell was like Free of Charge, can keep drinking and dirnking, had quite a few toast with jiang/axel, Jiang Mums, Jiang Dad’s,Mr lim and Bla bla~~

Thanks to ~~

Went to Bang Zhu(HL) Blog and Found some mess in her TagBoard thanks to some nuisance who can’t be quite polite. Posted as passer by to stand In between a conflict between a so called Secret Admirer? and Wtf.. Anyway been recognize at last and immediately I think thanks to my bad habbit of adding ( ~ ~) behind…Lol, seems like Hl had quite a good memory ba~hmm, Good, good~~Anyway remember to consult Consellor X some time
Anyway hope u too had a fantastic life ba, and I promise to drive u guys after I got my driving license, it seems like it been quite some time we had gone out..

My plans for this year

This few days been going home with xuefang cause there is some people who always never come~~hahaha~~EVON wakesZz Up~!!, crap from RP to station to Boon lay..Lol~ Anyway we guys share secretes among us and all the BA Gua Xing wen.
Btw recently we guys started worry about our future and we start plan ahead, so there is me qifeng and jiang nan, we fear that we can’t learn everything in school and will be difficult for us in future, therefore we started discussing about studying in library together and we started already from this Monday daily exclude sat and sun from around 5-9. So, had been working hard this day and hope can catch up with the class.. so… Work Hard ba~~ we Guys can do it~~!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

1 step Closer~~!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:22 PM  
Finally PAssed My evaluation where we had to get more than 90% to pass..
Got 97% , and it amaze me when the result come out, guess i am i step closer to drive
the car.
Next will be the real theory Test booked in july 4... Guess i got to prepared before it starts.
Started Brainstorming on what to do for PP, BTW Sit Bloody Mentor is very slow , other mentor
Have already accepted their proposal where mine is still proceeding.Zzz
Holi's Ending, got to stress and work hard ba....

Btw had an Long plan on the outing for the next Holiday with Jiang,Axel qifeng???
We may be going to BEijing, Jiang Started to read the books and stuff, we had quite
an argument with where we going, Axel Want to go Some where with alot of shoppings, I wanna
Go place lIke tokyo but too ex so dropped the idea, and jiang ... Wanna go Desert like Xi Zhang~!!
WTH! Anyway we stick to beijing for the time moment, and i now starting to Save $$ and
I need Evon and Wang Zhao help, Guess Have to decrease the time of NIght Activities??Lol

Thursday, June 14, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:40 PM  
Started BBDC 1st lesson yesterday with louis, the lesson was boring of course but still
wasn't to the extend of "Very".
We reach a little bit late and became the latest, quite Ps but nvm.
Anyway, i sitted beside a ah neh cause we are late therefore there wasn't a double seats
reserved for us so have to sepearte infront of us.
The ah NEh was WtH keep Burping Loudly with alot of gases, At least there was 7-8 time during the lesson

After that went to look for ginger at Park mall, It was WTH~~ Kenna cheated to a company and they keep
talking and talking about their Amazing Product, It reaally was Amazing, but they just keep
talking and say like give them 5 min or so and ended up talking for hours!! Fcu*!!

Anyway, been decieved for like 3 hours then we went over to Jiang new Bungalow with qifeng at Queenstown
It was like 4 Storey HIgh,WTH!!it was BIG for like 5 member Family??Anyway there was like
more than 6-7 Rooms therefore there is like A Personal RoomS For me~~ WAHAHAHA~
My Second house of course..LolZ~ Help jiang and his mums to wipe the Cupboard and Windows..
Wooooo.. Anyway I spended more time wiping mY rooms~~ Haha~~jk~
Btw i will miss Jiang Condor after he Officially move into the Bungalow cause that is the
Place that i celebrate my birthday Upteen times Inviting all my N1 with me...
Drinking,PLaying and swimming Session With Axel and Feng there..LoLZ..After that
went to Cityhall to Look for weiwei to celberate her"Birthday"At cityhall, Sorry, I was
Quite late..Sorry~!!

Today went to Cut My Bloody Long hair with jiang Accompany by Axel,Then went to Library to study
For mY bbdC Evaluation for tomorrow.Hope I pass ba..
Then went to had Dinner and then we caught the movie on FANTASTIC 4, MIss Qifeng out since he
was unwell..LoLz..A BAd Constipation..
Movie was Nice and the renovated Cinema is 1 of the best theatre I found...The Seats Was
Incredibly Comfortable where ur seats can be tilted a bit..and the crusion was Soft and tender
Anyway Still playing now in the middle of the night and tomorrow early afternoon got to go BBDC
,Hope i can wake up earlier~ ZzzZ

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Happy Holiday's

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:03 PM  
It been quite sometime since the last post, seems like holiday is so much fun during the first week but of course,have to give load os reason to skip work.
Enjoying all over the night during the holiday with my Brother going out playing with his car.

Anyday started enrolling in to BBDC(Bukit Batok Driving Lessons) with louis and looking forward for the theory lesson..Btw, Brother had let me over the wheels on that tuesday night~~Only for just a little minute...It was Fun Of Course~!I play with the Gear,Accerator and moving the car and Etc~~ Just for few Metres..It was totally Cool but it was still scary for a newbie to start his 1st driving lesson and of course without even a theory lesson yet~ Lolzz.Anyway, hope this fresh begining will have a distance between the ends~~

Today which is a sunday so, it shld be a bad day for me,have to start work this afternoon but hope i can run away cause the previous night wasn't able to fall asleep easily,had quite alot of rolling on the beds, walking thru and fro the kitchen and strolling in the living rooms....Maybe having too much thoughts or something, about the the past guiltiness even quite a long long ago.. About the future far far away.. About my future jobs ,about my future wife,about my future daughter/son names and bla bla~~
Any way, not sure WTH i am thinking all this Stuff~~haha,LolZ..

Btw, EVON and WANGZHAO if anytime wanna come out please inform for at least 3-5 hours EARLIER can??!! Yeserday yesterday which is the day before yesterday, Came a call looking for me to orchard within like 2 hours later(And tt's Mr WANG),
and the day Before today which is yesterday, Came a call Looking for me for Late night Movies or Slacking within like next 30 min or something(And Tt Miss Donuts->Evon).. Haha~

Anyway, I'm currently free On this weekdays except for :

Monday(Topiing up for BBDC Money for lesson)
Wednesday(Having Hangout/Gathering with Sec 1 friends)

So this 2 day are booked but, there maybe more,So Book Me asap, For more enquiry plz contact me at 6794**** or 976*****.

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