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Casper's Life

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Another Slacking Day

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:55 AM  
Today was a basically a no-stressed day for me cause web-multimedia wasn’t a researched based module. Lucky I had such subject rather than some brain-killing like Java.
Anyway, today was a continued work of previous week, where we have to film out what we draw out on the plan.

We had a Professional Video recorder costing near 10k, had quite a lot of fun and also laughter during the film with Edison,april,wang Qi and also Chen yu.
We went to swimming pool under the hot sun had a lot of takes.
Basically to make a commercial advertisement on a mineral water, anyway the whole thing turn out right due to the facts of having the best Camera Men, Producer , actresses and of course Actors..

Products turn out right and in class, we guys just released out the laught with all the NG’s. It’s really a relax day for us and It been quite a long time for this day we are waiting .

Anyway there is something meaningful while reading a Book I found, whereby it wrote about people Blame the fate for not giving them opportunities,but the main thing is that will they grab the opportunities if it really comes by? Therefore I agree that don’t miss out opportunities if it really come by regardless of business relationship and etc…Cause If fate help you and you don't help yourself, you gonna wait again for another chance...
So...If happens Any 4D number came about, Faster BUY b4 it's too late..(jk)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Night Fever~~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:12 PM  
Last Friday was another day of boring java, therefore simply did not did anything much in class except for some dota in class with KHAi and also with sam.
Anyway, yesterday was the first basketball game with my class mates from W65R and supposingly justing was suppose to join us since he was the one who jio us to play..
But in the end, he was sick, therefore he did not attend school. Wang zhao also unable cause he got somehing on and Kw and FB and jordan had somehting on too...

Anyway basketball game was fun and we guys went to watch BB girls team and relaly no regrets..Really cause you are Surrounded,and you have to put down your WEAPONS!!!
There is RP,SP,NP,NYP,TP + ITE girls At the Indoor court..Wooo really~~Got chiou, got tomboy got ah Biu(Fat)And alot of girls.
Anyway Watch till 3rd quater of 2nd match.RP VS Sp..
Sp girls really can't make it when u can see the result is like
52-6 and they is like 2 score per quater..hahaha~~

After that, went over to Zhi yong house and we goes like MAJONG!!
Play play in the late late night..
I'm the top Winner..
Play small small,So win Small,

So had a nice sleep over there..ZZzzzZZ

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Quite a Long time

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:53 AM  
It's Been Some time Since I last Log in.
Last Wednesday was the day, I got My Basic Theory Test Passed
And this Wednesday I got A final Theory Evaluation Passed
Going for another test Next Friday...

Anyway My Laptop Had Been sent Off To acer..
Many would Describe it as Sending to Hospital
While I guess MIne Is sent to A charlet..~~ @_@
The coms Just Wouldn't budge even no matter
How I press the power On and it just goes blank
For NEarly Week..20+ Plus Times Switching on and off A week
And it Just Would wouldn't Listen..~!!
But the Magic Finger from the technician
Enable it to Power on ..@_@Make me Ps On the Spot!!

Anyway Forgot to Collect My computer So
NO Coms for Java TOMORROW!!
Ohh Dead!!another D from tt Jason = =ZzZ
Anyway Today Was Another Fine day
Neither Too Stress Nor too Slack~

And also This Dumb Bamboo
Can be soo Dumb That She could Mistaken
A Person to be MDM Lock While On our way home
In the Train..Till She FInnaly Realise After Pulling My shirt
Claiming the person to be Mdm Lock
When The person Alighted at Lakeside
LOL~!! Very Look Alike BUt tt Bamboo
is really....A BABOON~~!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

What another day…..

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:30 AM  

WedNesday Off

Having the night off yesterday was cool yet exhausting, Energy drained and therefore needs it replenish while in the dreams. But yet, it was shattered thanks to my Younger brother, he just screaming around playing the games in my rooms early in the Bloody morning.
Starts to tolerate it but found it hard to withstand therefore had to shift to my mum’s bed and had another few hour of rest before I proceed to my real Driving test…
Anyway, I passed the test and was overjoyed when there is actually a Big”PASSED” on the computer screen after I finished my test…Cool, Guess I could actually drive on the road as I could get My PDL Soon..

Anyway Had Lunch With Bamboo, lucky there is her cause I at the end of my wits to go where cause I dun really could return home for some reason, Heng got Bamboo Eating lunch with me after my test or else I will have my lunch alone and guess she the 1st to found out that passed it and the 1st to think of the idea of using me and my cars when I got the license since she’s in the same school as me… @_@

Proceed to Jiang house to have a rest before I proceed to work.. = =!! Really was tired out and guess the next day I will be really tired in school.. Watched Music And lyrics which I rented while waiting for bamboo to get up from her bed at pioneer mail.. The show was really nice with good contents and the best part was that the music was totally nice(way back into love) and some other oldies too…

Gtg Back to slp or else gonna share cab with evon again tomorrow ~~ ZzzZ

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:03 PM  

A Always Slacking Tuesday

Today was another day in school although it was another tiring and stressful day but there was a motivation that will push you to school which is that Wednesday is a free day.
As planned by Kw of going slacking around in pub at Clarke quay, the w25j regular customer joined which include Evon,Kangwei,WangZhao and Me and also with hongmian with some unregular customer such as kennth, ah neh and Jordan.. 1st time joining us…cool

Anyway,we had our drinks, watching soccer with Wang Zhao ..China Vs Malaysia..Slacking around..playing poker. Time Flies, Had fun everywhere we go.
Btw, Hong mian teaches Wz the way to stop Hip-cuping but due to misinterpretation , Wang zhao do the incorrect way, trust me, it Look like a Chicken Pooping out it egg, where his eyes pop out when he about to hipcup with mouth open and cause evon mi and hongmian to roll on the floor rubbing our tummy and laughting like shit…

Jordan Left catching Last train, and my mood was disturb by dad’s call where I accidentally left the key house outside the house….I reply as I forget to took the keys when dad ask me why… then he was stating the circumstances and ask me why did I play such tricks, I replied I forget and wasn’t on purpose and he ask mi again, why did you like playinh such things,and stated me like I did it on purpose or something…ZzZ I dun really know how to answer question like this…
Anyway slack back to else where, where there is like air-con and stuff, play poker play pool and waste a lot of money, once in a blue moon…so never mind..

Anyway nice outing but the bad part was I was locked outside house with both the gates and door locked… normally the Wooden door will not be locked therefore there is time where I dun understand dad whereby, WTH u locked the door for, u know I dun have the keys and you Purposely locked the Wooden door just Because I fckuing Hlel left the Fckuing Keys outside when he also know that i have to wake up early tomorrow ??Lol~~ Sometime Just dun understand adult, that why I have a gap with dad sometime, they are childish at time.. Lol X2…ZzZ

Dun feel like talking to you these day le, I think sometime some adult shld do some reflexion or something, think before you do?1st time encounter such noobish acts..Lucky ask 2nd brother to open door, or else I gonnna slp with the dogs

Sunday, July 08, 2007

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:32 PM  

Present For 19year old Bamboo

Before it is Done

After 2 days 1 night + 1 afternoonof work


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:26 PM  

Happy Birthday Bamboo

Pass Bamboo my present that i spended the whole night building it for like hours. Anyway happy to hear that it was one of the best present. Hope you like it, lol.... So i will be looking forward for my birthday present next time..heh heh.. Btw Got a Treats by Bamboo with Xiao pang And also Fishball... Thanks for the swensen treats.Anyway, Happy 19th birthday To you~!!

Some Mysterious Motivation

Friday went Watching Movie With Jiang And Qifeng, Seems like it been quite a while we watch such better quality of show, Watched Transformer and Lol It really worth your money to watch a High standard of 2hour Plus Show.before the show, we guys juz Hang around in the arcade playing games..
The show was fantastic in a way that it make you having fantasy which will never happen where your best Buddy gonna be you car or something, but..ya it's just another movie that make you having dream.Like always it ended up with like "Living Happily after"Where the main actor got his babes.

Lol, after watching the movie, i look forward for such happy ending, weather in my whole life, i goona be a main actor, or will i gonna be like the sub-actor..
Had a motivation to work harder so that i can have a own story and being a main-actor.
However i felt that in my movie wasn't sort of an action type as i crossed alot of nice guy and there wasn't much of baddies.Thank all the actors that appear in my life such as HRP(Bang Zhu,bobo,sky,Cx,Harry,Wisely),Bamboo,JiangNan, Qifeng,Axel,Zy,Charms(jo..),Cin,CAP and Most of My w25j(Evon,Wz,JoJo,Kw,xueli,Sean,Sam,William....etc) and quite alot of good actors..(Srry if i miss, cause there still a bunch out there)
Thanks for being my Actors but the movie Wasn't nice cause the Main Actor still lacking...
Therefore There's Some Stuff to polish up so that my own movie that i watched will have a nice ending.
The ending can imagine to be nice but it took alot of process in between so that the imaginary could end like what i Imagine
Reflected much and realise that Patience is one of the Keys...
Main Actor will Gonna work Harder than the subs so that I could be their good subs in their movie..
Therefore, Study Hard and Work hard and of course Playing Hard after the fruits have riped.

Good Luck to my other self, and maybe i can make It.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Stop pon-tain-ing Bloody~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:57 PM  

Insomia Attack

Bamboo Birthday is tomorrow therefore have started building her present since yesterday night for like Straight 4 hours or something, (It's alright to expose it here since she didn't surf to my site)..Phew but it's only 3/4 complete. Stop working it like 3+ am in the morning then went to slp but spended more time fliiping and flippinh compare to the time I slp. Not really sure what wrong with the brain juz can't stop thinking about stuff.
Think here think there, even shit also think, cannot control.
Think about what will tt Bamboo react when she Open the pressie
Think about future job and stuff
Think about what will i do If i had a billions
Think about the bear i given up for That i once Treasure because when u are child, you fear it Get's lonely..
Anyway Didn't really attend much class today cause, Didn't have Enuf Slp the previous night so.. ZZZzZZ

Respect The Insect

Watch ArtCentral regarding on the insect Documentary Previous Night.After the show, I take My hats off for the Insect, Cause there was a scene where a Father Little Insect Protect it's 100 over eggs throught the NIght CLearning Each And EveryEggs In it nest from the soil and during the night, it got quite alot of Invasion , but Insect daddy Fight Every one even the size bigger than it is...After te fight, it, recheck the eggs again and clean all the eggs again..Amazing Insect, Therefore, From now on, I try to stop Killing insect unless it is Mosquito~!!


Good luck for this week, won't $100 in agentina match, Free Branded Belt from Ginger dads and Also Free Jeans from Axel cause he when Kl Play..
Thanks alot ,Axel for the Jeans... It will be much help to me~~heheh~!!
Next time i go Kl also buy stuff for you~~!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:15 AM  

My Money Flew Away But i bring Back More Friend With It

Recently it's the attack of Coupa America soccer. Therefore had play some games, Commonly was $5 for just for the laughter and the pressure that will be caused while watching with Qi feng and Jiang. Such Golden times are rare where we could be able to watch soccer match together cursing the opposite and sometimes even do some stuff that we can't control just as Jumping together..LOlZz

Any way Yesterday was the highest bid in my life so far because of Agentina Vs Columbia.
Being one of the favourite World Cup standard it attracted me to push more money into the match.Brought one ticket of Agentina Wining Columbia 2 or more goals costing $150, and the match Starts today.
The match Starts at 8:50am allowing me to watch the score from the net in school the whole morning.Therefore wheni open the net and It Pumps My blood to my brain when i saw the Result (0-1) in the first 10 min~!!
However the countinous 30 mins Agentina manage to win by (3-1)during the 1st half which allows me to catch a breadth and proceed for lunch with w25J.
3-2 72 mins and ..Yes~! It was a Disaster for me where 150 is about to fly away as it left 18 mins.

In the 90 mins , the score is still stagnent and it just make me to stunt for a moment before i close the whole bloody windows~!!(Althought there was still extra time given)
However,I hope for a miracle to happens during the last 1-2 min and i open the window again..
And.... Miracle Just Happen..Haha~!!
End result was 4-2... Thanks to Sam Condolences, but... i Won ~~!! =)
Anyway the morale of the story is Never Give Up Hope, Miracle Do Happens~!!

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