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Casper's Life

Sunday, October 21, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:56 AM  
First Present Receive

I had My very first Present received from Qifeng+JIang+FangZheng when qifeng came over my house this morning..
Thanks Lot..It's DamN DaMn Special, Damn Appreciated very much..Kay?!!
KNowing U all gone throught Quite alot alot of effort to get it ba?


Anyway, birthday Coming soon after evon one..
Thanks to my birthday, spent quite A bit Sum of $$ on it which include Chalet And 2 bottles of chivas with BBQ =(

So guy if u had any financial Crisis..Dun LOOK for Mi and Those WHO own me $$ plz return..I damn broke this month which inclusive of my lost Bus card
Had to remake 1.. =(

Anyway, Previous Wednesday celebrated Evon Birthday, it was a nice one at
Sentosa... Woo, which inlcude Me ,Louis,wang zhao ,sam&wiliiam and Evon.
Steamboat and had a additional Jordan Kangwei and fishball in the night.
Brought Evon a Couple Ring with Wangzhao and louis Sponsored together
Encraved with Cucumber Love Pumpkins..

Anyway Hope U like it..Now it's my turn..YEA~!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:01 AM  
Frog In the Pot

Went Chinatown with qifeng and Jiang like Last saturday, we passby
a place whereby there such a long queue for food. Instead of wondering
What is it, the best idea was to go in.
Found Out to be selling Frog Porridge therefore being one of the
food lovers, we decided to have pot of our own.
Anyway have a high expectation due to the queue but,the highter the
Expectation the greater the dissapointment. We felt that that porridge
was quit Bland and diluted and the main dish was like also quite diluted
with Soya-sauce? We all had the same thinking that the previous one that
we had at geylang was Better off the than this... After hanging all alround,
Home sweets home... Anyway Qifeng: Remember Pearl Centre Is not Zheng Zhu da Sha!!

Tiong Shian Claypot Frog Porridge

Back to Previous Condor For A swim

Yesterday which is A friday where suposingly i shld be in sch, but thanks
to the weather,i had a hard time struggling my butts out.Call Qifeng
and therefore went to his school to collect something then went over to
SIm which is nearby to check for some nice food. Anyway We took a wrong
Bus and luckily the bus stopped somewhere near jiang house so we decided
to pay him a visit before deciding to get to anywhere together.

We decided to go for a swim at Jiang Previous Condor so took a train over there.
It been quite a long time that we came back to this place again. Had A nice
Swim chatting round and Qifeng Playing leaf that landed in the pool like
a Amulet pasting on people head..Lol.. went over back to beauty world
To had our MUST HAVE mutton Soup but to our dissapointment, it was closed
that day. Anyway Had a Chicken Curry and Fishsoup which they claims
to be VERY nice by The Straits times and manKansutra.. It's A pack of
SHITS.. Only the curry stand out to be ABIT nicer than the usual curry
The Soup was EEKkkS!! Anyway Feng and me ordered a Fried Dumpblings
Which is also my favourtites. TI quite stand out course the Juice really
SPIlls out..Wooo
Went Home together on the bus together, we had a real nice chat regarding
Our Working in future and our trips together, It will be quite impossible
when we get out to work.. If there's a chance, it be great to work together

<-The Famous wang wang Seafood

. Look at the number of media Reports->

Monday, October 08, 2007

KATONG Never Eat Laska?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:59 AM  

Went to katong last Wednesday,With Feng And Jiang.
It was a long Trip from the west to the East,
Since we had any nice food in Singapore when we are back from china
especially when jiang juz arrive from China too.

We Went Over to Aston thanks to Feng Recommendation,
where we had Planned Long ago.
We can be said as a Food hunters roaming round Singapore to eat
Famous Food^^
I had Lemon-Lime Chicken Chops,It had a nice
Unique taste of a Sweet Sourish taste
Jiang Had Steaks And qifeng had Spaghetti.
The taste of the spaghetti is also Quite nice
I love the Fries too, it had nice Spice^^

Anyway, For food lovers, u could get down at PayaLebar
Take a bus 40 for like 2 stops or u saw a line of shops
selling food.

Address: 119 East Coast Rd. Opposite Katong Mall.

WE had A nice walk where we found a shop that sells ice-cream
The Variety was like ONLY-ONE [DARK CHOCOLATE]
Maybe that a unique Attraction i guess.Qifeng Bought one
It taste nice but u get thirsty. WE then went to had our Desert for the day
Went over to a Ice Cream shop where we had our Scoops.

I had A nice mango, Feng Had a Rum and JIang Had A nice
Chrysenthem.. Everyone taste Nice, I think I prefer
Jiang one cause it quite unique and it wasn't too
Anyway Lastly went over to jiang house for a Little
chat at his 4th floor Roof Top under the moon.
We had some wines and some Finger food..

Woo That really quite a long time
Where we could had sometime to relax and Chat ^^
I remember there this uncle in the ice-cream shop where we had a Long chat,and finally i feel that he said something meaningful where other should like us enjoying food althought we came from the west
the main thing is to KaiXing Jiu Hao(to Be Happy)

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