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Casper's Life

Friday, February 29, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:29 AM  
Swimming For 2-3 days So far le...
FInally I won't Jiang Swimming By a Mere 3-5 secs!!
HAHA!! So proud!!
Anyway, Yesterday was Making A Similar Commercial after getting
A instinct after watching DeathNote!
So this Wat Happen~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Something Quite Random!

Sent to Evon and she make fun!!haha .. AND

SHE EDITED ME!!And resent me

She JUst feel I look this This Dumb Dragon! OMG! But i think Only cuteness Is there

So I got Revenges!! HAHA!!

Look How Similar It is!! BANANA EVON!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Investigating Singapore

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 5:15 AM  
Went Swimming Yesterday but Just A short While.
Lost Again to Ginger By a mere 5 sec Again I guess!
Never Win him in a swimming Competition till now.. Guess
Gonna train harder For now...

Went to took MRT to a bit further to the east after
Putting my bags at his house... Geylang is another part
of our Adventure this time.. My Main Aim was to get to eat
Tian Ji (Frog) prorridge Again!! But there was a Secondary goal
this time....... Night "Activity" of GeyLang Lander

Anyway Didn't had my porridge instead barbeque meat sticks..
Bright sun was there when we reach there and it was Food,
Nightfalls came and Something interesting Started to Appear
And I think the word Gathered could be use!
Lots and Lots of girls started to appear in their Sexy Poses
and costumes. They were so much that it a whole line on the road
path and standing 2 foot away from One another...

Anyway, There was not like only one street of girls but we discovered
that there are like 4 - 5 whole streets of "Girls" waiting
for their "Costumers". They also know how to starts to attract
attention.Jiang feng and Me was walking the path and they was like
pulling Jiang And feng Shirts... Cause I am Walking Behind them.
Hah... It was really fierce, that they Really Pull ur shirt and
start talking to you like: "wanna Have a chat"
There was like 2-3 time of such incident happen.

And also We discovered that different Streets had different "Styles".
There Are "Pork-chop"Style Street,Cheap yet Fattening.
"Miss-China" From Mainland, Good Figures But cost Bomb
"Miss-India" From India, comourflage in that night
"Mystery XXX" where there are male "agents" helping to promote
on the street asking, but we didn't really see the faces..
Quite Scary,cause we are being Centre of attraction as we are the
youngest there so far, and they come around and ask,
want or not ah? Come See See Lah.dun shy leh (Chinese)
Quite Ps there cause we dun really look quite interested in that..
Omg, I didn't really know how to answer when being persue by the
"Agents"..Like:"ermmm... haha... no nid lar"

Anyway, Edision was really hot there! We reach a streets where
there's Miss india and 4-5 gabling den and A-Rated Stuff.
Edison was really famous there..haha!! Lots of Your Cd are Selling there

(Hope you are more stablised now and stay Faithful to Vincy)

Nice adventures, getting to know more and more culture of each and
every places i guess.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:42 AM  
Is Majong that addictive that could make people play and play and use
CNY as an excuse so that they could play for 4-5 Nights and probably
forget about visiting relatives....

Tonight is another day os 4-5 adult in the gambling Majong table,
shouting for tiles, with beers and Smokes in the house Stinks!
Guess I had A day shorten In my life again!
Noise Pollution was abit quite high after the majong of washing tiles
and of course :"WHY Did I Throw this!!" / "Why U nv Throw this!"
ZzzZ ,Making themself so entertained while can't watch Tv or listen
Song Peacefully. And they gonna play thru the morning!

Anyway gonna think of good thing gonna happen! CNY 10M Dollar which
I could Never ever GOnna earn for this rest of my life!
The number of 0 juz make me goes mad (10,000,000.00)
Even all my aunties Plus my parent asset probably couldn't make this sum.
If I gonna win, I'll Gonna Quit my school And Life a Happy life ever
after! of course having My own house Peacefully With My Siberian
huskey !! Anyway just hope My 6 digit came out!!
I gonna Shop Orchard for A week!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:42 AM  
CHINESE NEW YEAR CAME!! And I did Make A post On the First Day.
Guess I was quite Busy!! HAH!
Anyway, This year chinese new year for My family
was Fun Enough cause it was one of the least Visit My family Ever Make.
Lol~~ Anyway , It Shld Be alright anyway, Ank bao $$ was So little this
year. making few visit doesn't make a Difference either~~

Visit Friend in my case was much more Fun compare to Making Relative Visit
Cause there's really a Big Big Gap Between Me And My cousin~~!!
Guess around at least their youngest age is round 30+..
Then They Will be talking About their Car and Houses and me talking like
school holidays and Fun out there doesn't much interest both Party.

Visit To Zhi Yong And Jo house for 1st Friend Visit! It was Fun of course,
Everyone Eating And drinking and geting ankBaos~! And Chatting/Craping Jokes!
Guess it was happy for everyone not because of Chinese New Year.
But Is everyone Could Gather together and See how oneanother Had grow!
Guess EveryOne Had An Enjoyable Night Ba! haha! Let's picture Helps
Continue My posT (Picture Tells A Thousand Word!!)

ALL Our FuN TrIps!!!
(There's Wing,Jo,Wei,Cindy,Venessa,Tiff,*Jiang,Feng,Me,Eric,Wq And Peanut)

THAT's All Folk! ( Guess Only I realise Of "SPYCAM")

Anyway, There Part 2 Photos In the 2nD Friend Visit At Wing House!! I promised There's WHOLE CHUNK OF PHOTOS!! TAKEN!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:10 PM  
Happy Valentine Everybody !!

Though I didn't Have A Valentine Yet So It still Good Bargain for All girls
Out there!! HAH! Went to Bugis With Jiang To had Lunch/Dinner and also get
his present for his Valentine ~ ~

Meet Up with Qifeng, at clementi and went to Jp first, then we went BooN Lay
Shopping Centre To get Jiang Present next week. Won't said out here, juz incase
there some Spy out there!Anyway , It's gonna Be your "Best"Present So far!!

So Valentine Day Become A friend Outiing day! Anyway, I gonna Celebrate This day
With My special Someone, one of this day!I also wanna Celebrate this day!!
NeverMind, I had Ton's of friend where we shared better relationship then Gf!
So quite Sufficient Enough le.

Anyway, Seems like there few friend out there Having some a bad day on valentine.
Sorry, aren't there for you =( sorry~!
My window's are always open for you guys, really, so if anything happen,
just reach out to my phone, and i try my best k ...
Anyway, hope you all will be back to the usual conditions, there wouldn;t
always be a rainning day...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:12 AM  
Gonna be busy during the holidays Because.....
I going Back To my Driving Lesson!!!
Anyway calculate i will left 6 entire free days after eliminating
all the driving lesson days.
But who knows it might be 6, it would be lesser thanks to
unable to avoid the Last min Job again! zzzZ

Planned to take test during the holidays and maybe I could Drive on
road. Just think of it, make me determined to work harder for it.
No need to rely on Public Transportation at night le! hah!
BUt sad thing is going to go to and fro alone since no 1 driving
with me. Persuade qifeng, but he is of no interest, Kw though
is driving but he always didn't reply back calls...!

Nvm! I gonna SHOCKED evon ass, when school reopens when she saw a
handsome young guy in a Mushibushi Car??! HAH!

Anyway, Recently had Badly Arms muscle pain... THANKS to my brother..
For bringing games of Wii!! It was a very exhausting and tought
excercise while playng the game where you could find yourself
playing the games with swinging our arms for a hour or 2..
Anyway, it was cool! Called the Sonic and Mario Olypics i think.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:27 PM  
New Year Eve pissed once, Twice For New Year!

Currently was rather quite pissed yesterday during a majong game yesterday, I dun mean having a first full majong gamebut rather having a 2nd game with the family
and it was a 2nd time playing round 30 min majong game and later just condemned
aside by the adult which they always claim people like me to be Kids! That what happen when you have a large family.

You won’t learn anything, u got to learn it all by yourself!
Being call a newbie because during this 30 min and kenna cast aside and was subbed…
Just dun really understand the “adults” , do I really have to win then can be happy? Or rather I could lose and still be happy during the process?

Anyway I feel that they never teach me anything about such game , but rather they teaches my brother and expect me to play
Like how they are? All I learn is from friends, that why to me , I am rather a independent person and also friend are
Super important to me. Cause I learn how to be good and learn playing games from them! Else I can’t think of anyone I could learn from.
This Afternoon , condemned again, let them just enjoy their game. I should just learn from Sam And Jordan! But have to pay Tuition fee I guess..!!zz see luck lor.. hah!

Anyway to my family if you guys see this! No one will ever learn when even your family don’t teach you and expect you to play.
Theory lesson doesn’t work, Practical lesson is much more practical. Super Angry when you kenna condemned and subbed juz after like 5 game in the majong. Maybe I really don’t really know how to play ba. But main thing is, u all condemned me!! and dun let me play!!

I wanna go evon hse and be their brother, cause they can play majong together like a family..lose also lose happily mah! Evon ask ur daddy accept mi as gan er zhi leh!
I SWEAR FULLY THAT I WOULDN”T PLAY MAJONG WITH THEM ANYMORE!!! * unless I got not enough pocket money then I go pawn this newbs!

Super angry this 2 days! Haix! Look like Kid so angry and complain!! Haha!

Monday, February 04, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:47 AM  
OK lets' Start off today With A PAtheic News in Singapore!

Ok we Know We have Alot of cases Employer Abusing Maid...
But today news was much More Hotter!
Maid Abusing Baby For NO much Reason!.. Flying Punches and Kicks
Stranggling was made for like 15 min?
Where it was Long Enuf to made 6 episode In youtube!
WTF you did so much to the Baby For?!
Check this Out b4 hiring A maid!

My Dictionary For friend

I think it hard to come by good friends, finding someone sharing
Wealth and woe with you... I had few. while some are friend who
only think of themselves
This Is my meaning of true friend :

1) Truth friend doesn't Mean Perfect. They Made Mistake but they know the
Word "Sorry"

2) They do share Most Secrets and May/Maynot be all... But secrets that
Involve/harming the other party wouldn't be easy Accepted if Kept.

3) Truth Friend Doesn't mean they don't get angry. But they instead of looking
in what's the mistake. They will try to see weather the mistake is

4) They are not self-centred , always put themself in other people shoes

5) They are not Stubborn , Fair power distributed when there is difference
in decision Making( eg. Deciding where to Have Dinner)

6) Promised Is never Broken Unless There's really a Reason!

7) Never Take other people for granted or demanding the same favour over and
over again.

8) Cheating Is Never Allowed!

9) Helping friend sometimes eventhough it totally unbeneficial.

10)Though friends did some unknowingly awkward/Ps stuff. They just Tell one
another Straight in the Face so that they don't do it next time

11)Most Important, Friend Wife Shouldn't be snatch ... Maybe Gf is excluded!
hah! JK!

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