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Casper's Life

Friday, April 25, 2008

Where My Lady:"MIss Luck?"

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:34 AM  
Aww! Unlucky period Cames! Money Comes, money goes!
Poor Jt Lost Money to LingZhen Evon and Her Brother!
Guess they 3 Buck up! Sadded! Anyway Lots of Fun there majonging
With all the SKIP School people(Exclude lingzhen)I PostPone Fyp Meeting with
Wang Zhao! Evon from Lost Alot to win.. She Won alot of tais! OMG
I guess Lady Luuck not with me =(

Anyway Jiang Is back from Cambodia. Happiest thing... Is when I had presents.
I Receive Addidas Shirt and A Seiko Watch(Advertise By:"Zhen Yi Jian")
Smelly Evon Juz Condemn Me say all is faked! Haha! Is real KAY!!
Got the heart can le! Wahaha! I got A Metalic Watch.Thanks Mr Ginger!
Hope U go more cambodia ...
I also Hope I could go one time, heard that alot of Cheaps Stuff there.

By the way,Today is arron birthday. Hope U had a great day today.
Spend Whole NIght with him and the gangs at Zy hse for a "Chill-out?"Seession
I think it meant Drink -out! Ended up, 3/6 person die in the Alcohol!
and the rest Went 1/2 Drunken states.Can't walk properly And tt include me
so we 3 left at 4+!
Nv went sch today cause of the sudden plan ytd! Omg 1st X pops Out!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Work Work!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:20 AM  

WooHoo! Guess i'm also quite competitive in class!haha!
Anyway, Class was getting better and better.
People Like Shu hui/hidayah/Bob was always same team as me.
Lucky! Compare to have some Noobs as Malays/China landers.
One is because too act cute on the case on the "equilibrium"
on the previous post and another one loves to CRAP! OmG!
And Steal other people slides for Add-On can see clearly that
she too over greedy for A's!

Fcuks Some China Ass

Yesterday juz got a call from the police, or CID?
Fucking Scarely! Because he said that i had open an bank account
for funds transfer! Hope i'll be fine. THAT Because i remember
there's a time when this China lady(Hope She Choke to death)call me
and ask for my particulars. Belive in her because tt time i juz came back
from China, and i tot it's juz for identification or some sort of stuff.
FUCK. Hope nothing goes wrong.But i know I got a Bank Account
Under my name. And In Wrong Spelling! Guess the china lady really got
F9 for her english! When I saw her, i will be fcuking scolding her
of spelling my wrong name. Noob ASs!


Starting FYP today, discuss on our projects with wang zhan and his friend.
Guess we worked hard and had some real creative ideals about it.
Today was really a good discussion. Brainstorm alot of good ideals.
Maybe that good, Hope we could do a great job and show people like
Gina and his friend(unknown) that I can do without them! Lols! Sorry for the
discrimination. Cause you juz taake away a teamates from me and "kick"
me away because your friend say so.LoLz!
Anyway, wasn't much frustration or something since it's doesn't matter
because in nature, people really tend to get better people in their group.
If it was me, i'll be doing the same thing. But only different thing is
that if my friend call me to kick my friend away, I'll be the one
informing instead of asking a innocent party(Aidi)to inform the guy
and totally go missing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Money Money Money~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:44 AM  
Money Is A Big Issue For me now!

Left Juz a fair bit for me to be able to live a quite
standard of life now till May! Made IC money Paid, Had
to look forward to make my Ez-link card I guess. NO sponsors
Haix. Anyway, Have to start Planning On what i really should
do with my little left pocket Money.. Go win Evon Majong money?

Recap on the week, Jordan 19th Birthday!!
Celebrate his birthday with Evon,SamChiang,Louis and Mr WangZhao
and Jordan Gf and friend Had A dinner at sakae.Woo FULL!! Their
Menu changed and Prices too! Brought him a Shirt. Bo Liu Liao
(Penniless). Had fun, made fun and I WAS THE ONE!! Omg!! Ok enuf
Guess LIke wat Louis Said, I'm Homophobe!haha! Check Own dictionary
it wasn't a Good thing.Haha!

Anyway, Went basketball-ing with louis ,sam and jordan they all
in school, quite a aching excercise.It was fun of course with all the
W25J Noobs Ass. It been quite Long we oiledour rusty bones. Guess I
gonna start to do more of this excercise to ensure that I can passed my napfa.

Class was getting more and more smoothly, getting to know more and
more people i guess. Class was really competitive.My 2nd most
competitive class i think. Everyone presenting was great.
Got 2 B's till now. Hope the 1st A poping out soon!!

FYP Started, Stress and work have to keep compiling up soon.
Hop i could Endure it, and finish and make it a good task done!
Anyway Jiang Flew already, hope He is enjoying his time there at
combodia and most Importantly GIFTS FROM HIm when he return!!!
haha!! Ok Good luck !! See ya Soon. Qifeng Work, Ginger Cambodia.
Sadded! Got to play with myself le.haha

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

First Day Of 2008 Class

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:14 PM  

Ok, GOnna start About the First day Of sch!
Can't sleep the day before rolling on the bed
Forcing Closing eyes and counting Sheeps didn't really help
At 2++am and went to play my psp till 4++am .
Had A slp a overslp til 7 20+am..
Super shriek La! Late on the first day?
Therefore took a cab to Boon lay interchange so that won't be waiting
bus. Cost of $6.20 was impose..!! Omg

Nvm, I back to normal time to sch if the transport went smoothly.
Who knows At Gombak there's a anoouncement that the passenger had to
leave the train because of some incidents.

Heard that it was someone juz jump of the track at CCK!
Choose Correct time correct PLace! Ended up meet Kangwei as he also
one of the victims.. zzZ (Evon was lucky to escape since she was early )
Alighted at Gombak and had to walk for like 10++ min to board
187 to Woodland. The one that wll cause u having Piles when u take it
to sch. FcuKing Far Can?!

Pissed!1 hr late!! Class was alright, get to know some people in the
group. There was like one malay I fcUKing Super Cannot tahan LA!
OMG! Quite Irritated during his presentation. he goes somehting like
:"So ya..this is ......ermm(thinking+ smiling).....
ya~ aaa... ya~~!(thinking)
(People start gigling) ... .Ya!!
... erm. Ya ya(ending) . YAH Omg! So fake la..
Like act cute like that (Sorry, if u are really didn't do it on purpose but...)

I gave a = =!! Face.. zzZ There is also one malay i think he also quite
irritated. He turn around give a ==! and turn back..
Omg! Still got one time in his presentation where he keep stumping on one
word repeating like 5-6 times == ..
The word is "Equilibrium"

So he goes like:"so to make it... E.. Equili....."(Paused)
Teamates hinting him: brium !!
he: BRIUM(no equil)
He: Equili..
He : Equli.. BRIUM(FINALLY!!!)...
He: Ya.. Brium ...Brium!!

After his slides when friend presenting
He: Equili.... aaa(Mumbling quite heard-able)
He: Equili....Ermm Brium ...Brium

Juz OMG Can!Cannot tahan the "Cuteness"
Day 2 was better, there Sam who finaly came and hwee leng!
She was also late la..
Still Xiao Xiao Come in.. Maybe there's rp new rule
If you late muz smile or u be marked late..Lol
Majong that night and came home juz now.. I lose $10.. haha!

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