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Casper's Life

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Singapore Chinese Culture

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:59 PM  

Singapore Chinese Culture

This is one of the picture that I feel it's did had actually reflected in part of Singapore Chinese Culture.
This is actually one of the chinese traditional food ;mooncake, which is celebrated in the Mid-atumn festival by all or most chinese.

I feel that this picture reflected in Singapore chinese culture because firstly, as we know, mooncake have quite a long history from dynasty to this modern world now, however , the orginality of the mooncake actually is in brown color after being toasted and have a Light pastry taste.
 However in this mooncake, which is in Snowskin is somehow similar to our Singapore Chinese culture which is that we still celebrate mid-atumn festival with the presence of the mooncakes which poses a significant role but we singapore chinese are different in the way to other country of the culture which is that we did not actully only stick to the most orginal  and traditional of mooncake, where we would  change the texture with using different ingredients.

Therefore similarly, in Singpaore the chinese, is more open and yet not condemning  of the festival of the chinese culture where we would not outcast the ideals of changing abit of the culture we do celebrate therefore being more flexible in a way.

The next reason that why i use this Mooncake that represent the chinese culture is because i feel that in chinese there is a sense of unity among the chinese instilled in all the chinese in singapore that i feel. As we would actually feel quite close in terms of relationships and characteristic and
common interest as well. Therefore it actually make us more united, helping one another together in any situation just like the mooncakes, where it is actually one big whole of the moon cakes.  

Therefore in this Snowskin picture i feels that it actually reflected on Singapore chinese culture  in terms of:
1) We do not Forget our root of our ancestor and festival we have
2) We are more open and not very sensitive in improve our food[Mooncake] and other aspect as      well
3) We are really united as one being like moon cakes round and in a piece.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:54 PM  
OK It's MY BIRTHDAY on th 23th of October.
According TO Jt Fortune telling Himself.
October is the BROKEST Month But is the Happiest of the Month!

Firstly Gonna Announce Something not as Important First.
It's My 2oo Post and coincidentally Post items is My Birthday!!

I'm 20 Now! GOSH! But Nvm, I dun care much!
ok lets start with the 1st day :

1st Day : Tueday 21st

Class Was Totally BORING! Business Finance FACI keep toking non stop!
1st time in history that i think the class people are all = =!!
Ok. Took Cab With Jordan,Samantha And Sam to Chevron!
That Marks the first day of entering the house.
WOOOAAAHHH! I guess that was my feeling that time.
The last time i go was completely Different and make me feel really
Worth the money! Air-Conditioned In the whole House
With a nice Pretty Crouch and Plasma TV! Swimming Pool infront!

Shopping the BBQ Things with SAM,JORDAN,+ WZ LOUIS QIFENG
who came to meet us at GIANt!
CHose the wrong person to do shopping with me!
But good Physically in dumbing All the things inside my cart!!

1st Batch Dreamer Came on that day
Kangwei Came after tat
Darren!! also came [Though i dun really know him quite well]
Ginger also CAME! with a scary big present.. haha!!
Still got a Bottle of wine As present! WOAH! THANKS
My brother and Venessa also came~
With Wii!! Lots of things to Play!!
Thanks DaGe for helping to bring!

BBQ 1stday was quite smooth and easy~ as compare to 2nd day
Brother Helping me entertain group by group when i was busy.
Cooked and Peel Prawn for the 3 Girls and Jordan was = =!
cause he also love to eat prawn and i did not give it to him..hah!
WE had Games,Photos and lots of DRINK + Chivas!
I was high that day, carrying Irvin behind My back and i totally no stregnth
Thanks to MR CHIVAS!! Fall down guess i had a wound!
We went to see-saw walk walk!
I was so high and swinging up and down!!
I forget got who is there. I know i am there!!
The Guys Played Wii So funny with WZ JORDAN KW Playing those Olypics thing
Running like hell!!
Our groups think we play the Smooth!
Haha Super Funny! VICTOR as elephannt Edison puting hand beside wasit Jumping
and flapping like wings.
Yinmin was putting hand on her head! and Playing the Paper Aeroplane
Very good,cause the Plane did not crash!!haha

Irvin Vic Sam Yin play mario kart .
I think they are not playing who going to be the first
cause to them the first among them are in the position of 9th
then 10th...etc cause all cannot drive..haha so keep getting the last few.
And also , after that i know, U get license doesn't mean u can
win also! SAMANTHA U SUX!! haha!! One paper Doesn't mean u can win in
Marios KArt yea..~~ HAHA!!

2nd day Wednesday : 22Oct

People wake up and played le! Table tennis if i'm not wrong!
Cynthia beside me and keep nagging me to Go swimming.
Ok we jump in the Pool Early morning swim and swim!
Jordan Darren Victor Sam came to join in the fun!
Yin min also , though did not jump in the pool but
i know your heart is with us in the pool de kae.. HAHA!!
I heard Victor got Water phobia but was brave enuf to join in.
At least you tried to overcome your phobia! but more practise to go!!

2nd Batch Dreamers came [Edison+Jac+Andy+Jiamin+Shumin]
WOAHH! more and more people!
they came and they played Mario
I also dunno what happen, but i guess similar fate as ytd
all the poeple getting position 9-12th.. haha!!

People Played majong, i'm included, and i won!
Pass ovr to wz and went i come back, he say he lost! lols!
China shld learn how to play more k.. haha!
Went to Giant With Cynthia Accompaniment!
Fetch Bob and Hweeleng and we go Shoppping for the 2nd night
which is a much more no Scarier with the number of ppl
Samantha join in half way!!!
lols! OK. after telling her, i dun wanna buy sotong balls..
she went a big round to the back secretly sneaking behind
throw in the Balls and i was shocked and only noticed it
BEside the BBQ PIT when we reached!! WOAH!! JIAN HUO!!!

8N1 CAME!! EXPLODE MY WHOLE chalet... hahah!!
That night was in a rush. Cause the thing i plan,
wasn't carried out. but still ok, cause Alot of people Helped Me!
Let me name out:
YinMin Cynthia, Jaclyn,Edison,Andy&Jiamin,DaGe , Venessa , Arron , Haosheng,eric ,Victor, Irvin
Eric,Jordan,Kangwei,Darren,Wangzhao,Qifeng + sister,jiangNan,Alvin,Louis

Hope i dun miss out anybody! BUt GREAT THANKS PEOPLE KAE!!
To my amazement, Yinmin and Jaclyn help mi make the chickens.
With the help of Edison and Venessa
Did not expect that YINMIN LEH + JACLYN LEH!!
Bright nice nice red color FIngernails!
Help me THaw the chicken Pull the chickens and MESSAGE the CHICKENS!!
WOAH!! The chicken wing taste the nicer tt day though it have been
left on top of the tioliet bowls for hours~

Arron that "Bloody"Group got toast of volka neat ah.
Red wine ah,chivas lah! SEH AH!
All the jian ren also.. hahaaaa!!
The 8N1 girls was lovely which is all my brother!
Got Cindy la! Venesa,wing,tiff,wei,jo, All pretty pretty Grown up girls now le!
My mum say they all super pretty! haha!
I guess it was, cause i see them for so many years liao! I dunno!hah!
They went kbox and after all the time busying, i went to entertain them.
They had alot of fun!! Singing Songs, And funny one as well.
I think i heard 随缘 from 陈雷。 the 有缘没缘(wu yuan bo yuan)..
HAHA! Qifeng was there as well, we had a long laugh!

Celebration was at the chalet.But lots of dreamer are gone,
but it's okae! cause i know u all the heart was with me de..
Songs eng+Chin.. and not forgetting was with 2 lighter instead of candles!
hahaaa! thanks guys~
Anyway, my first wish always didn't come true cause maybe,everytime
i Volunteer to say out the wish!
Which is I can eat the cake peaceful for 1 time.
Everything was peaceful till someBLODDY ppl[GINGER!!!]
POP one cake on my face..
And in 8N1, culture was to follow.
So POP 1 cake came after.. POP POP POP POP POP POP!!!
Ok! HAHA!! My wish did not come true yet I am still happy!! haha!!
I guess there is some fake "Confict" among my group.
Sam Vs Qifeng, Jiang Vs Wangzhao!
They Drink the chivas pking.. haha!!

DICES,GAMES,VOLKA and Chivas was NEXT on!
WOAHH! Higher and higher that day!
Lots and lots of fun! Dice enuf let mi high.
Guessing games with Darren,Louis and CYnthia Killed ME!
I TOT i was high oonly remembering everything...
but I see the pictures, i was wrong!
I was DRUNK ppl! cause i dun remember any much of the scene
especially Louis Helping me to tie my Ku zhi!
OMG!! Cynthia told mi i sang Wen lan Birthday emo song!
LOLS! I was Happy and I know i laugh like Bob tt day
after saying I wanna Laught like bob! It was my longeest laught
of my life...I guess.. haha!
And people, dun make mi drunk k... cause i know i keep Biting People!!
haha poor Louis and Cynthia!!

Ok I end the story! of JT HAPPIEST Birthday and 1st time DRUNK!
Next will be my Gan Xiang k!

This is the the HAPPIEST AND MOST HAPPENING de Birthday!
And i know i got alot alot of friends!
It was easy to ask them over to chalet,cause we all still together!
DREAMERS , W25J , 8N1 , HRP .
Evon was one of the person that i hope she can come!
but understandable cause u got a solid reason!
but NVM! U can come nx time kae.heehee!

I'm really glad becos this time birthday is the most tough to handle
yet i can still able to carry out a bit more smooth with people helping too.

I wanna thanks of course firstly my brother and venessa
they help mi really alot! Without them , i think i really DIE!
THanks Ppl like Yinmin and Jac and help of edi.
Ya the chicken Messaging and other areas.
Yin Min also Help me with SOTONGs as well! + Andy&Jiamin!!
CYnthia Tee! Cause she help me when i was durnk! Taking pictures!
You are the best on my birthday 23 k...
Louis also! thanks for accompany drinking with me
Darren For coming and helping me BBQ-ing and hel mi buy ice!!
and some people people as well that help me BBQ like sam being the chef
and poeple help mi in preparetion of the food and etc.
I'm happy cause my groups can comunicate among one another.
Playing like one big Groups! HAHA!!

Though there is some small little disspointment but it's still ok.
Juz Noted it down, so nx time won't happen!
Memories are to be Kept Good!
Bad Ones are elimnated!
Anyway, hope i dun forget anyone, if i had, i will edit the updates!
Cause too much fun and DRINK le!! Haha!
THANKS EVERYBODY!!! Thanks For Making The chalet Possible!


Anyway, There's people sending me Wishes thought they are not able to come..
From : RONA, Xiaowei, Evon and wenquan.

From What I tabulated So far.
I Know who is the first person to send me..
Is a SHE!
She's Pretty!
She is very Steady
She's Everytime Treat people de

Ok enuf of the Hint!!

BaoYang Me de Ren
And that makes me her
Congrats and thanks for
the Wishes!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cloud Tanning!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:37 AM  
Gonna try Summarise what happen today!

Went to Jiang Condor With jiang and qi!
Main motive was to Sun tanned.
No sun! Lot's of black cloud.
Sian den go bath and went to Orchard have lunch at korean Cusine.
Service good but china waiter was abt dumb.. making decision for us!
WEnt over to Ding tai Feng to have Xiao long bao.
One of the top 10 restautrant by new york.
Super Good Service and food.
Went to a super super maket.
Super lots of stuff to buy.. lols!
Qifeng came my house play game.. and THE END!

I am tired to listen to any more crap stuff.
Maybe its time for me to leave the movie theatre.
Show is getting more and more boring.
The end~~ ^^

HappY Birhday My BFF!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:27 AM  
18th Oct was my birthday of my BFF
Year 1 Sem 2 W25J
Yes That Noisy Monster~~ haha!

Went over to her house to celebrate? i think. haha!
She got us(Me and LingZhen) Pizzas!
Wooo~ Then We Majong!!! haha!
Wang Zhao Came after 30 min later.
He sing and we laugh.. with his "Woahhhh!"
haha! lots of fun that day.
Hope you become more and more beautiful kae!!

Though we are in separate class for 2 years.
But this is what friends should be.
Came and never be forgotten! ^^
*Action Speaks a thousand time more than word.

* Won money in one rounds... muaaha!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:06 AM  
Don't know how long ago,
Went out with qifeng with Jiang nan
to get his shoes --> Queenstown
Ended up didn't get anything when he claim he got
alot of things to buy.Lols~
Went to Those Car Companny



Something amazing was that the whole Block of COmpany
did not even have anyone in the company.
Look like theif Sneaking into the dooe which is Open
no people at the Desk nor at the booth.. Lols~~

Went to Ikea and got Sam his Photo Fram his present...

Sam present was Photo 12SR with Frames and A Lucky Lighter.

I think 2 days ago, went to Orchard with Qifeng since he is getting his shoes.
It was a busy streets with there's a ROCK Band Stage with alot of groups.
Was AWwwwW! Super Noisy.
Went over to the flea market to gave Cynthia a Surprise.
Saw Issac and other under her employment,
Guess it was free labour since it was under Cynthia,
Dinner was on qifeng after that since i help him with his shopping.
A Dian Xin "Buffet" by him and FREE~~
Lol super Full and cheap bills of $15 for 2.

Treat Him ate Rochor TouHua,,
Super nice and super Slimy and super Ru Kou Ji hua!!

Woo! Anyway to end this post!
JT BIRTHDAY COMING UP!! All the peeps please check your email!
Promise there be lots of fun.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Time for updates!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:13 PM  
Updating again!!
I guess I'm a Lazy Blogger.
Blogging about Stuff that is quite long le.

ok Lets start!
AJISEN for no reason, with DREAMERS
Lots of happening stuff.
With Our Dreamer Logo and Our Dreams!
I found something suitable Song for Our Dreamers!

I hope the pictures can do the contd Talking for me!!

Sam Bithday!!

It was FUN of course... WITH ME AROUND!!
Had drinking session games with Dreamer FULL with BOB and Hweeleng!
Blacklabel Enought to make us DIE.
Jaclyn With her best friend PLain Water.
YIN min seh i think. Maybe Should help her tt time!
I help u nx time kae. I swear! But help me on my biirthdya kae. ^^

Sam was a Happy Elephant!
Got Present and Games in chalet @ pasir ris
Had A whole load of happening stuff over there.
Alot of "SHOW" to watch.
Like Puking and ppl sehing!
but this night sure is much more peaceful!


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