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Casper's Life

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nutty Birthday!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:11 AM  
Warren[Peanut] 20th Birthday Yesterday
guess we had a great time at Zy Hse ~ haha
Cakes Liqour and Games!!

Durian Cakes was Nice initially till u got.. GOSH
SO MUCH OF DURIAN!! hahaha!!
anyway, we hang till 4am. Had lots of new Drinks tt
day.. haha!!

Anyway! Happy Birthday To ya!!

Attendance: Casper , Arron , Peanut [C.A.P], ZY, Eric, Venes , WQ&GF.

Video Updates!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:47 AM  
Pro-ster Intial D. Just that car knock for upteen times


This is Jiang Dog -> Rambo, Keep Pestering us!
 few months old..

Thursday, November 27, 2008

More Updates.

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:57 PM  
It's been so long that i since updates.
Let's see~
I been driving quite a lot of days every week
at least 2 times a week and there's 3 times a week.
I guess i will be driving in around 2-3months later?
haha! Thanks Cindy blogs that indirect motivated me..LolS
After seeing her getting the License..

As much as i can remember..
These few weeks been a Busy yet easy day.
Time flies cause it's happy day every week.
Driving had drained all my energy
Fyp Driving me mad. haha
Anyway, one friend recently got sad because of XXXXXXXX
so hope he is fine now.

PushCart- ChocYutide.
1/2 dreamers form a group and join the competition of YA pushcart.
Against alof of IG's.
Got CYnthia,Shumin,Irvin,Sam,Andy and me~~
lols~ anyway we had a busy and plan lot of effort into the push cart.
Today marks the last day of the 3 days we have been striving for.
If there's a compeition among time spend and effort based, we would be the
first. We Flunk in school till earliest 7pm packup and ytd we even went to
the hostel. Though we might not win (ChOY) but at least we do smth
serious together. & not forgeting the profit we earned! WOAH!! HAHA!!

So much for todays in summarising for the months!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Worries!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:29 AM  
Sometimes Feel Quite Shag in things that i do or thing i wanted to do.
Driving and resuming for like a year plus i guess, and i still have
not get the license yet. Even Cindy, one of the slow pace friend that i think
surprise me after knowing her getting her License.

Maybe I really should Pump in extra efforts,
Times is really insufficient for me Schooling , Fyp and driving,Dreamer's
activities, exercising really deplete much of my time and energy.
I really do hope i have more time set aside for my resting as well,
but i think i had rest quite enough?
Time to start catching up by walking faster le.

More Determination in going classes and reaching school early i hope.
I really do wish, i am able to reach on time like Jac and yinmin.
Maybe i do need to buck myself up!!
Hope less or no cabbing to school, it deplete much of my Financials as well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:28 AM  
Irvin Birthday Pictures!
Posted by Picasa

Samantha Birthday!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:37 AM  
After Irvin birthday was , SAMANTHA.
Guess Dreamers have lot and lot of celebration one after another.  =)
Happy In the Fun part, Sad in the wallet part. haha~~
But Happy u cannot Buy, and money you can earn,
so It important to stay happy if u can ^^

That day, irvin and I went to Had a hair cut at the Kimage at FunanMall,
had lots of confusing part, such that we heard $6 A cut per person .
Soundss Freaky but true, cause it was cut by Juniors, Woah!
Dun dare to cut so we finnaly found the correct place at the Senior Area.

We went to Eat after Shumin come meet with us.
Sketches , is the restaurant we went, it was a Whole Load of people
but regret to say that we all regreted gone in there, and is one of the W***T
i ever gone, Service was totally SLOW up , Had a waiting time of 1 hours ++ for food
just to be served, Lots of confusion within the restaurant which includes Food served
wrongly for upteen times, food was left out.... etc.
Too business minded without putting their shoes in customer where i remember a
jug of Juice which stated $7.20 with Freeflow. We are then being noticed that the drinks
should not be shared.. Lols~ No one would ever expected someone would ever
buy a big jug of drinks and drink for few rounds..

Anyway, we had dessert after a big dissapointment at that restaurant, Charge high for
microwave foods and wasted all our time and make our activity being delayed by a big whole
portions.we had dessert at nearby @bugis .
After that some of us make a trip to irvin house for a round of majong.
which Includes Cynthia, Irvin,Sam,Thomas & Me!

Attendence that day : Sam,Samantha,Cynthia,Irvin,Yinmin,Thomas, Shumin & Me.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

20th IRVIN!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:36 PM  
After my birthday, Irvin will be on the next on the line.
It was planned to be a K Box session followed by a YukiYaki Dinner.
However due to low response of the dreamers because of some reason.K box was cancelled.
Therefore on the night before Irvin Celebrations, we had a discussion on the activity on msn which include Irvin yin min and me. Planning on ice skating .

However on the actual birthday celebration , we found out that JE Iceskate had closed down, shocking piece of news. Therefore I called Woodlands Party World but we can’t book the schedule we wanted to, however in the end , managed to get Orchard Party world .
Met up with the peeps, I’m late as usual. Haha~ Had a fake conversation alone on the phone
In order to surprise Irvin that we did not book the k box since he dun really know.
Haha. Managed to con him off untill we are inside the room with Andy and jiamin inside. Lols~
We had a chain of people coming in
Intially was : Irvin, Jaclyn ,Edison,Yinmin,JT + Andy Jiamin Inside
Aftermath : Cynthia, Victor, Sam Bob….

Therefore the attendance is quite good that day or should I say FANTASTIC!!
We had a lot of fun. Singing songs. Everyone sang Which surprisingly include Cynthia,Victor,Bob,Edison,Sam and ME! We are Solo-er.. haha!
Singing Qian Li zhi wai.. waiting for u and a lot of songs. Most memoriable will be Stef.Sun “First day”
Haha, we are all very high, singing together.
At last, we finish our Party-World and last but not least, Irvin with his love songs to Jacyln..
Haha~ I think Edison was… @_@!! , Anway, Have much fun with party world.
Next, moving on to our Dinner ”Yuki-Yaki” ,Hweeleng, Xiaowei, HuiXian, Huixian Child Aka “Xiao-Victor”. He was totally very cute I guess, look like when I was a child too… haha! Jk!
We had a great buffet at Yukiyaki, Pics and more. Food was nice with lots of variety, but the main threat post that day was time. We only had about an hour or so dinner as they are closing down soon. Miss out the ice cream part where you could actually make ur own ice-cream. So cool.

Next we had a Ice-cream cake Birthday cake when moving off to the esplanade… haha!
Remembering that day we forget to take a Group. But nvm, since we had quite a lot of Group Pic le.

Ok. THE END! ^^

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