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Casper's Life

Monday, May 25, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:15 PM  
Boring Like shit. Think most working friend among me should have the one and only
word in their mind "Lifeless"!

Work is rather so demanding and supervisor had so call wrongfully misunderstand
when she did not really go and look into the picture.
Keep Singing me the praise of Jason, who work 40 boxes and I scan actually like
25 now. People might get shock and amaze y i doned so slow and yet still
complaining of supervisor.

The fact is that the number of files in the Box jason
receieve was like an average of 60-80. While mine, Almost all box is 135 files.
And i actually calculate the number of files i scanned is no much lesser than his.
While Supervisor is singing his praise while Condemning me. NB . Smth I had much scan
more files than her expectation if she was to calculate it will be around 45 boxes
as to her 40. and yet, she will be sighting.

I feel that the onli thing is the supervisor should really look into the picture,
and she will know tt actually i had really passed more than of her expectation
due to the difference of 80 files and 135 files in a box.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:42 AM  
Life Is rather Boring And dull with a Certain Similiar standard of process Now.
Wake Up ->Go Work ->Go Home Eat & Sleep ->Wake up -> Go work.... and on and on.
For continous for a month plus.
Feeding Myself All on my Own Salary.. EveryDollar Are so precious to me now.
Counting What did i had spend and so on. 

Anyway! Onli WeekEnds are so Important to me. Sat is more important i guess.
Last week Basketball-ing with 9N1 boys was more refreshing than rathering dulling @ home.
Sweats and everything makes my life back for juz 1 day. Night was Movie with the
rest of the N1 Girls! "UNINVITED" was the movie.Lols.
Went to Zy Hse in the end @ like 3 Plus when we are late for the KTV thing.
Cards.Beers.Wine.LOTS of Foods.Dice.Etc!
I ate And drink and i Sleep. =X didn;t join in the games cause i was really TOOOO tired.Haha
ZzzZ. Sry Guys! haha

This Saturday was another WorkOut Day!
Went to Badminton with Cynthia And Andy Cause i guess the rest Are busy.
Since It was like At least a Month ++ since i juz saw them. Lucky we are free tt day.
Else i not sure like probably 2-3 months den can gather back.Lols.
Badminton And Gym-ing did had some Stretching for me.
Went Subway to had Our Meals.
AfterMath Andy left and i proceed to Cyn hse. cause we plan to go swimming @ my hse there.
Collect her stuff and ttook train to my hse for my turn.
Den PooL was the next place.
Think Cyn was glad that she is able to sqeeze her Body Into tt SwimSuit. I guess it would be 
an Ouch. Hahas!

We did had lots of chit chat and laughter there.Swam a few Laps, Wasn't able to be in my 
usual condition becuz it was rather so many ppl, and i can't take no sun pool.CooOld!!
Cyn had her 1st tiME lazy RIVER! and she was so damn happy that the moving water
could carry her weight. And her 1st time taking the SLIDES.
So hilarious Seriously.  then we had out chat @ the jaccuzzi on our common interest topic.Haha
LIke what will we do when we rich and etc.. Kind of thing. haha!
Anyway was a reallly beneficial Day for me. Not gonna stay At home so zibii.
I bet she also really a Fun day Out cause... I"M THERE!! haha!
Lets have More excercising Day ok! Cause i really wanna prepare for My ns!!

Something to share.......
I feel like going to the docs and ask"WhY do THe Hell I stay So Bloody Skinny?"
Juz some Big Step decision that i think that i gonna make.
Cause already been podering since 2 years back but wasn't tt determined to took such a 
big step. 
Cause i know i will look better physically if have abit more meat i guess.
Been telling Cynthia and Evon recently abt my plan. In regards to making a trip to the doc.
Getting myself a WeightGainer from GNC.
cause If i feel smth nt right. It will still be better if I do smth abt it rather
den siting and pondering abt it right?

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

My Woork =X

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:01 AM  
ok Introducing what i do when i work..

Pictures tell a thousand works i believe (Working Youtue and Msn programm in My com Screen)

Anyway . . .  wasn't in a good mood this few nights. Because of this things
Had to slp in the LIving room Because of that ^. Giving Reason Like i think the rooms is so hot.
I really don't like breathing the smoke unconsiously when i slp and having 4-5 cigarettes for me?
I'm actually quite a health consious person. I really dun wanna get cancer espeically when i am not smoking and etc... It not worth it to tiok cancer when u smoke. It even more No wothwhile
when u din even smoke.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

A Hard Drive Period

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:23 AM  
Driving TP date Set : June 27

Sometime have been having a tiring days due to rushing to BBDC to drive when works end.
So the day gonna be waking up 730 am working from 9am-5pm+ and driving from 615pm to 8pm.
Gosh. Looking @ it seems abit tiring Enuf.
Had to Buck up for my driving cause i feel that i need an acceration for my learning progress.
Else i not gonna pass it and unable to drive out in july.

Anyway this monday, went to bbdc after work. Amazingly was that temerpature had to be taken before
entering. This is how much Precaution singapore is taking toward the scary Disease.
Hope, this case will be settle fast like how Sars are!

Next talking about today, last min notice from Christie(super) that i had to report to Ankmokio
polyclinic to work. 6++am den smsed me therefore it wasn't early enuf for mi to reach
on time. Feeling so sian in regards to everytime gave last min notice. Made me had to take
an hour plus train over. Anyway, it wasn't really a bad thing there, although transportation
is long and such. However compare to redhill office, it is more noiser and fun and having less
gap with the people around. As for red hill, was Quiet,boring,Indians and are are adults.
(lets minus my one and onli colleques cause it doesn't make a diff with or without)
Each places had it pros and cons. I had more spirits and energy over @ AMK cause u
crap while u work. and you don't have to fear that no one chop tables for u, u will
have to fear to find a larger table. hahas. BEtter than eating alone right?
Today was Tiring but much fun.
Looking forward for next opportunity.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Endure Is the Key!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:43 AM  
Work Is Boring as Usual.
Looks Like robot doing the same things.
Juz working with Hands and Legs.
And Brain wasn't Needed in the process.

Been thinking Things when working is boring and quiet.
Thinking of Crap Stuff Like... Who will be there for me when in my funeral either in
Near future or like 50-60 years down the road.
Will My friends be there?Will dey be there crying for me?
Think.Brain was rather unnecessary for Work.That Y. Time Past Especially fast when u think..

Thinking of Job was rather a fcuk up one. The other people are posted Happily in Amk polyclinic
While i'm stuck in Redhill Warehouse scanning files.
99% of the ppl are Tamils. and tt makes mi Bored. Stun.And speechless with no Colleques.
But with a Girl which is not able to communicate thru cause. She was so ...zzZ
Lunch Alone. Talk Alone Slack Alone was the things i do.
Did thought of changing.
But while thinking the other day. I feel it still ok with the job.
It does had it's pros as well.
So for the time moment i got to endure like wat Yinmin said.
Till i found another one better.

Anyway~ Jiang Had flew to china bag-Packing Holidays ALONE! OMG!
How i wish I am able to join him. Bag Packing together again.Z
But $ and work are the ones stopping Me! Shits!
He be back in June 10. June 12 will be his army postage.ZzZ
Qifeng Jiang and I went out to had Chong Qing Ma Lai Huo guo. To had a Farewell Dinner @
Bugis. Hope Him all the best and enjoy . Especially Now is bag packing alone
lots of trouble will be arising. GooD LuCks =D

Picture Uploads

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:37 AM  

                   Finaally Updates with this Pic! Ron Birthday Combine with Class Chalet!

When the Young Secondary "N1s" Kids Started to become Young Adults.
One By One.
Watching One another Getting Taller... Slimer. etc..
But still... The old Us =D

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