Sunday, June 28, 2009
No 21st Birthday =(
Enlistment Letter Finally came today...
Oct 6 Will be the day i going in.. Into the POLICE force. Haha!
Well.. I'm looking Forward for army cause it seems more adventurous and stuff.
However on the 2nd look, Police wouldn't be so Xiong As Army ba.
And i sure i does not have to wear tt new Bright Green Ugly Stuff. Lols!
Got to plan the day i quiting my job as i wanna have a break to relax myself before entering
but yet making sure the time period would not be so long tt i bored off..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
After Work Today went to meet zhiyong for our Shopping @ Vivo~
Initially wanted to go Straight In AX to get a Shirt for rewarding myself.
But did not get one as Color was dull thought it was cheap due to GSS.
Went alot of shops and treated as Wardrobe trying new stuff... Lols~
In the End I got myself 1 T-Shirts and 1 Shirts @ Zara. 1 Shirts @ Gap 1 shirts @ Esprit.
Money Flew away.. haha! looking forward for my nx Pay day~ Lols.
Went to Woodland to watch Movie with Andy and Irvin -> Monster Vs Alien.
was hilarious but yet quite short i suppose and there was a group of retard Idiots who is trying to
be Lame and funny. Lols They Laught @ every small thing. No ppl Laught but ended up they can
laught like bob. so they had like 3-5 s interval bewtween each laught..
Did Spoil the show.. Lols...
Monday, June 22, 2009
NS Don't 1 Me??!
Ok Job was boring as usual. But i kinda Know how to enjoy it now.
Now more box sending in therefore wont have the stess of meeting the target.
However More and more Sian of the work becos some incident and a Bao tor Kia I suppose.
Dumb stupid retarded. zzZ
The Aunties and Uncles there are quite thoughtful. Will come and ask weather i am cold and need
to switch the aircon or not =)
Ns Still have not contacted mi In regards to when am i being enlisted.
Guess Ns also Condemned me ba! Lols. Guess it would not be a bad thing.Hahs!
So Looking forward to quit the job and rest @ home. It been a while since i had to take a good
Hope Jiang and ron Surviving well inside Ns Ba.. Hahas
Friday, June 12, 2009
Well..... Use the Word Disappointed to describe ba.

Tt's All FoLkss!
GooD LuckS **
Wei Birthdays =D
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Arron Is the 1st Guinea Pig gone to Ns. Went to his Farewell Dinner @ timbre. With
Almost every 9N1 Clique there.Lots of fun. went to a K Pub after timbre tooks
tons of Pics.Haha! Hope u all the best, we will follow u in soon =X
Nx day was working .. zzZ Sleep for like 4-5 hours. Luckily Jason work with me
this week, else i won't have to cheek to come so late. Anyway, it still better to
eat with someone rather alone and having some one to talk and not acting
zi bi.zzZ Hope, some one come and save mi...
This 2 weeks had been really lucky!
Suffer from CashNotEnough Disease due to chains of Birthday.Farewell-Dinner Etc..
Receive $100 from mums as she see that i am abit low in cash cause previous month
pay was so low. Dad Tiok 4D and gave mi $100. haha! Brother also Tiok 4D and i
receieve another $50.. Total. I got $250 dropped from the Skies.. Thanks! =D
YTD, I tiok 4D.Muahaha! 1st time tiok 4D and i got Top Prize. I bought 1757.Pop out 1775! Heng I got buy Ibet.Else Heart Pain! $1 Big Ibet Helped mi tiok a $166.
If the number is the 1757.. will have another $2000! Better than nth. is the
Thrills i guess.. Haha! TOP PRIZEE!! I bet more and more ppl will come and
Kar My money Soon le
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
3 Birthday Same Day?!
OK Updates smth up.
Previous Friday was the chalet Wei wei ask mi over to decorate her
Chalets. Went there after my driving lesson which is after My work.
Reaching time : 0030am ?
Really quite tired...
Did help blowing some balloons.den beach is where we go next.
There Zy,Jeremy,Sam,Wei and jo. The surrounding was rather hot not to say about
cool at all. anyway, we did witness a fight, quite complicated.
I saw A young boy around in his 17 , with a glass bottle in his hands and went over to a gang of malays or watsoever. People in dark skins. Guess we just see 1/2
of the show nia, so dun really know what Happened before that.
That boy with his furios expression juz hit the glass against a wall, quite scary.
And there off we go, heard alot of noises behind us and saw people started running.
Zy said, he said the guy was covered in blood so not very sure.
Head home back bath, and was rather tired therefore i had to sleep which is around 4am cause 630 am have to wake up for the last min work again. Quite Gosh i guess.
Some more @ Amk. lucky still got irvin there.
Sat night had 3 birthday, Victor Wei and Shumin. Paiseh i can onli attend one or two
of it. Intially plann to go over to shumin there, but they after dinner was planless
so i am not able to join in that day.
Anyway Happy Birthday to you guys and girls ok.
HAPPY 21st Birthday.
Except for the Zhang BU lao de shumin, happy 22nd!! hahas!
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