Shall Update all The events in one shot.
1st : Dreamer BBQ.
ok It was Nice Full Yummy And Fun.
Alot of People was there. Pictures Tell it all =)

2nd : VivO With Jiang Feng~
Jiang And I went ViVo to Get Qifeng His present.
Feng Came after tt and we had a GooD dinner and Chat Over there.
3rd: Andy Farewell
well After vivo. went to Esplande to Find Andy dey all.
It was a Farewell. but didn't had a chance to go as it was Feng Bday.
So Appear After they had finish They dinner @ the Esplanade Roof.
Anyway. All The Best to you in Hong kong.
I know, It will be very very long that we gonna Meet you Or even. might
Not even meet you in future. no body Knows.But anyway. U Play a part in our
Memories. LookIng forward to See you in future
Toast to you GooD luck. Bon VoyagE =)