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Casper's Life

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

SoMething Interesting

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:03 PM  
ok. SMth Intereting I found In HweeLeng Blog.
Edited Just for Laughts.

(*All Pictures Are Copyrighted. And Pictures Are frictional.)

Sumarising Time

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:51 PM  
Shall Update all The events in one shot.
1st : Dreamer BBQ.
ok It was Nice Full Yummy And Fun.
Alot of People was there. Pictures Tell it all =)

2nd : VivO With Jiang Feng~
Jiang And I went ViVo to Get Qifeng His present.
Feng Came after tt and we had a GooD dinner and Chat Over there.

3rd: Andy Farewell
well After vivo. went to Esplande to Find Andy dey all.
It was a Farewell. but didn't had a chance to go as it was Feng Bday.
So Appear After they had finish They dinner @ the Esplanade Roof.
Anyway. All The Best to you in Hong kong.
I know, It will be very very long that we gonna Meet you Or even. might
Not even meet you in future. no body Knows.But anyway. U Play a part in our
Memories. LookIng forward to See you in future
Toast to you GooD luck. Bon VoyagE =)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Narrowing The Gaps

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:07 PM  
Ok this post is gonna be somehow in what i think i am feeling so far.
Thought might be emo. but Blogs are something that should be written
realistically and not always the fantasy part as it is part and parcel
of my life and i will be reading it like 20 ,30 or even 50/60 years down the road.
I bet it is something most regular will feel interesting and also quite weird
for me to post something a little emo up.

Well..this gonna be a topic of social circle.
While in my path of socializing, there nothing much problem about getting
to know more people and being friend. But the hard part was like able to
maintaining like how it should be intially.
(To Reader :Nothing actually happen seriously, Juz smth i suddenly feel)

Therefore in some groups, probably due to less meeting like how we used to in
school, might actually distaning the Gap.
However, there also groups that i feel that we actually are really maintaining
it by meeting out whenever there is opportunity.
Some good examples will be My 9N1 and Jiang&Feng etc.

And groups like my Express class, i can't deny the facts that we are quite
distance away as compare to like what we used be. But gladly to said, birthday
still are not forgeting of one another.
Sometimes i was thinking of Feng telling me that probably
I having too many groups wasn't really good in some areas of factors.
Like Schdueling of time management, disapointment.. etc.
Well intially i have different point of view with him, but somehow sometimes
some point did make sense.

I can't deny that the relationship btw some friend is different from what we
used to be.but gladly we still make a good pair.
Well i can say, no one is @ fault. It was just due to different school and etc.
Like Muslihah, though different race, but we were quite a close friend like
we did help one another, like how to avoid punishment when homework is late,
cooking in the F&N classes Etc, but due to different locating of schools,
we were quite lost in touch untill recently.

Therefore i shall try to keep In touch with some groups of friend that i think
we really been a long time never meet out. Like Evon/Baibai...Jiang and Feng
due to Jiang in Ns and also Cindy which i did told her that i wanna meet her
cause very long nv see her already. Well, Next Thursday =D

Well, Good part is over.
There's a phrase call it take two hands to clap.
Some really is distaning,but yet probably dun really, i think i should use the
word 'Cherish' the chance of plans.
well, friends do come and go.Can't Blame anyone.
Just have to see the capacity of a person.
Like getting to know a better group, the old group will be Substituted.
I can't deny even me did really have switching of groups too.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Some Catch Up

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 3:18 PM  
Well. Monday was a gathering By arron who does not need to go Ns tt day
as it was A Public Holiday. So we had dinner @ Jp @ Fig&Olive as we had
struggle with what and where we are eating.

Attendence :

Well, i think my spaghetti was nice but portion was not worth the cost.
Bacon With Spaghtti In tomato Sauce.
Anyway i can't deny the talk was rather quite bored i felt to mi, cause it
was all About NS. I believe onli Wenquan and arron were the ones talking.
Ntuc Extra to grab some bites and drinks later @ Zy hse.

We had lots of mixer and liqour.
Was fun i bet, Since it been real long we had drinks whereelse we usually hang
out like once every 2 week. and now people start involving in ns.
WeLl Looking for the nx gathering , with a date with haosheng and other.
Lols! Cya guyz nx week den.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Free ~~~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:09 PM  
Thursday was Jo Treats for dinner.
There's Jeremy,Wei,Zy,Jo,Tiff and Me.

Dinner was @ Ding tai feng.
There lots of foods i guess , and i really missed that Xiao Long Bao.
Free Dinner always taste the best. haha! thanks Jo.
Anyway Saw Muslihah. Seriously , I was Thinking about her when uploading
Class Photo to facebook and searching for her in facebook and today I SAW her.
Think God hear my prayers. haha! She's the first person who gave me a present for
My bday. haha. and we always crack jokes and stuff.
Starbucks after Dinner , Treat jo since she treat us for dinner.
I had Coffee Jelly Frappachino. Just so adventureous to such kinda of drinks.
Haha. interesting Drinks.

Asked For a cups of Coffee Beans for wei from the staff cause she saying
that she wants it as she think it keep her awake and also prevent her
gliddiness when sniffing in too much perfume. The staff gave me a weird look when
i ask for it. haha!

BreakFast tml with Wei and jeremy later on @ 9am. And now it's 5am. WOW!
think i going to bed after posting. NIGHTS! Hope i can wake up later =S

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:49 AM  
I so got "Life" this few days.
Prawning Intially with Jeremy but persuaded Zhiyong to go too..

So, Monday was another prawning days.
The thing i can say was, Zy and i was so totaly Owning tt night.
we both caught 3 each and Jeremy still Empty Handed.
It was so cool la, catching prawn with so less other people.
Get addicted to it le, but think it would quite expensive to be
frequently going there to prawn.

Tuesday, Was a Badminton Day.
Went To sim with jeremy and Zhiyong to go fetch Wei.
Was so tired after yesterday Prawning till so late.
Then Off we went to arena Country club to had badmintons.
Was rather fun since it been quite long of having badmintons.
Supper was @ Boon Lay Shopping centre and Home to ZzzZ.

Wednesday, Our Dinner!
Meet up with Jeremy and wei to JE IMM to get our Ingredients.
Bought quite alot of stuffs with the whole body aching thanks to yesterday badminton.
So after that,back to jeremy hse to cook dinner as we had caught too much
prawns from Previous fridays and this Monday.
Jo and Zhiyong Join shortly after we reach jer hse.

Well, We had cook :
TomYum SteamBoat with the Side Dishes
Stir-Fried Beans sprout
Stri-fried Sambal KangKong
Pork Shabu Shabu
Whole Honey Chicken
Whole Black Pepper Chicken
Cereal Prawns

It's really quite Fulling, I and wei did the preparation of ingredients and
Jeremy the Cooks.
Having Dinner while watching "THE BLOODY VALENTINE" on Dvd.
It gross and Quite terrfying but yet nice.
Home Sweet Home after that since tml jo had work and wei had school.

What A tiring yet Lively days.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:47 AM  
Friday Night - PRAWNING!!!

It's really quite interesting and fun.
With Wei,Jeremy,Zhiyong,Jo.
The 1st 2 Prawn i caught was Funny. everyone was stunnedd!
I MEAN everyone In the Prawing!! I full force the rod when the Prawn was hooked.
And the pRawn FLEW Above mi head and Behind Mi. LOLS. I bet the prawn was
thinking "I'm Flying!!"

Saturday Was a OMG one.
Sam asked me for Baketball in the afternoon around 1.
But i cancelled it due to wei activities like maybe going to queentown.
However afternoon no-one breathe a word, so i guess it was not going.
Cyn Call mi and ask for swimming @ round 7pm and i was ok.
Jiang Ask mi to IMM with him, but cannot so, i cancel with his plan.
Wei Ask mi go dinner with the usual group and also i cannot also cause swimming with
630 Cyn call mi she cannot go. So i called wei that i can go for the dinner
but she nv pick up.Called upteen times. And i gave up. Went To mac to da bao.
Withdraw money and WTF! there is no les than 20 Queing for the machine. I was
rather in the FOULFULLEST mood think for dunno how many years.

FInally wei called and she apologise as her phone was misplace somewhere.
Did not want to join their activities since i was in not a good mood and i have
had my dinner. But nx called was that, they below my hse. so , dun wanna Shao Xing
so i go with them. Actually nv blame u guys cause it wasn't any of u all de fault.
Jus A chain of WTF events happen.
Haha, we went Little India, Dinner Mustafah walk,Bugis Rocher TaoHuey,LimChuKang cementry. It was rather fun in the late night acitivities. more to come.k

Shall End here =D

. . .

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:38 AM  
Probably the Worst Situation I faced So far..

Can't hide the facts that I had the Sian Mood with all the Factors Coming in.

Just hope let it over and everyone shall forget it.

I really dun wanna go and think about it k.

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