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Casper's Life

Sunday, January 17, 2010

CountDowns = 5 Days

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:25 AM  
Alright. Tonight gonna be the last book in to Hta.
Guess it's been quite a long period having a "Nice"Chalet inside for
3 months plus. It's just felt times flies, was it me having a good
time inside? I Guess not. hahas.

Alright sure post some stuff that could remember since after the last post.
There was a day visit to timbre with Tsc,Justin,GuangYe and Josh.
Well, had a good laugh and having some great finger food.
Music was nice but was too loud cause seated to near to the singer.. I meant
the Speakers. It wouldn't be a great Seats for groups who wanna have a good
convo as we will find ourself ears near mouth or have to speaker in higher volume

Well. After tt,Visited the lan shop @ park Lane. Had a hard time finding a place as most
will be occupied by those after-school boys.
Found a place, played Left4Dead 2. well it was quite fun. Shooting down zombies and
Hunting down humans. Well it was a enjoyable night especially we had a good supper
at the dessert store serving Tao huey and Doughsticks.

Fridays's late night out with justin for a good dinner due to quite a sudden cancellation
of activities. Well, had our meals at Bukit Timah, the place tt open 24 hour.
Had Martubak Pizza Recommended by Justin with a side dish of Garlic Nann and a glass
of exortic drinks - Lychee in ice tea or smth like tt.Lols
Had our Dessert @ Somewhere near, Icecreams! woos! felt so sinful but. since it was
bookout days so its alright.. hahas.

Sat Out with Jiang and feng as jiang gonna fly to Taiwan for his course.
Well, we went having a walk @ vivo. Warehouse Changing parade party @ topman..
Ping Pong improved among us and we had a longer match i guess .
Anyway had a good dinner by Jiang's mum @ turf city with a sumptuous meal and it
was Yummy~
Anyway, had a good and fun trip while learning over there jiang =D

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