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Casper's Life

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What Up doC

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:38 AM  
Just Updated this new Song(My Love) to My blog cause it contain alot of my memories in it......... .This is the first Song sang when i am in secondary 1,Thinking back of it really very funny and kinda of make me missing all my friends.Rem this song I had been Singing for more than 2-3 months by our Music teacher(doodoo)Really miss My lower secondary days life Sec 1-2, so fun and relaxed,Home work can throw Play come first..Haha....It feels like is just like a few years ago when thinking back of the past..Who still rem me when i was sec 1 or sec 2? Times really flies, and now everybody go to theird new school.... Truthfully from my heart ... I really miss the days together Man...Everybody 100% of the people go riots against teacher,cold wars for nearly a months together,Detention as a whole class together and when out together walk walk....We are so call 1 for all, all for 1.Hardly anybody miss out...I really feel something missing after i went to my poly,really feel very touched when people like sara come online and say she is missing me..I miss u 2 men and hazwani, mus ,nani, ron,jian AND ESPECIALLY weiwei,wing,Venes,cindy AND NEVER FORGET~~Jo ann in fact I missing EveryBody In my class even Corn and yi heng....Really wanna say Thank u all for giving me such a nice secodary life and wanna say It not a very Bad think that i drop to this class. . . Xie Xie Ni men~~ feeling like singing :"Ru Guo mei You ni...Ri zi zhen me guo'(lame) K la..Tml i got test cannot wrote bery long.....wish me luck,and hope You all will still rem Me.

To 5N1 (Thanks u Pals)

Sunday, May 28, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:14 PM  
Today is the first day of the week and it is communication lesson and as usual i am late and so running up the ramps .....HaizzZ cause yesterday playing dota with arron they all and with edwin my Rp friends..Haha... so, every late sleep...

I was group with ernie,Uncle George(strangling me),ChenXi and Muhammad~~ finally, i have group with every body le.....Today problems was not that difficult BUT~! it was sort of difficult to me cause the problm is to write a newspaper Forum and my ank mo Sux...haha...

RT:12,17... everybody went to break but i was not so hungry so i was resting and relaxing in the class...George,Eunice,james and chenxi going to the causeway point buy cakes for Edwin and muhammad so later will be singing Bdae Songs.. Hopping i get 10 cakes for my Birthday, haha....

Update more later..Nth to updates.. got to go o my work le or else i will have alot of disagreee in my evalution =X

Thursday, May 25, 2006

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:14 AM  

For C***

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:41 AM  
haIzzZ. . . same Old sentence~ I'm late today ok???!!today was another day of Maths which is Programming... so fun and also my math group also i can feel more relaxed with Eunice,Chenxi and Yixiao(harry).Today we are using the VB to make the box that can Bounce when it hit the wall to the direction oppositely~So our Mr box is sooo clever today that i alo dunno wat to do le....Haha.... So after doing the FMT i suggest we go o the library to borrow the VB book{haha jo no need buy from U le} wahaha~~ but the book is quite chim lo so actually we only dig out little bit from it..we have the breaks at 1000 onward so we are suppose to cre8 it b4 2 but then I never go down to eat because it was like not a easy i and eunice was doing the VB together and we really get very happy when we got what we want from the box...But there was times when we are stuck but we solve it eventually after squuezing out all our Brains juice. . . .
Finally we finish THe whole thing le..So happy cause we spended about 2 hour + for this thing i was sooo hungry as everyone got go for their lunch and i nv go and i was going for my lunch box which Chen xi help me buy...And Eunice suddenly Press Close and I was like :"AHH Eunice!!. . . ., My Mr Box~~" My heart that time was like Titanic it sank deep into the sea...Haha~~And eunice was like sorry sorry...Haha~ so funy...ok u own me a Pizza treaTs~~haha....Nv blame u at all la seriously cause really see that you are putting alot of dun so sad...haha~~so we left 20 min to presentation we have make a decision le which is i have to re-do the whole things and Eunice do the presentation slides..~I finally re-Finished again le..Woohoo really very happy cause i have to retype all the script,Do mathematical calculation on the box and the Box of the Forms..then Eunice also have finish the Slides le and it really look Amazing cause she can do the slides by herself and it is soo manny pages..Thx ahh~~
Sch finish le,waiting for venes with uncle george company,met cindy in the train and we was chatting inside..Wow she painted her nails so nice got flower flower one... haha~~After that went home walking with venes.....Hey just saw Contance(Science Faci) reply le cause yesterday my group and some ppl have a soo call minor:'conflicts" with her ,so yest. day send her a message about yesterday ... tell her dun be so stress sort of lo then apologise to her..actually it like a misunderstanding la,so da jia bu yao wu hui or~~
Today is sooooo tiring la cause yesterday nigh very late slp......fallen asleep..Luckily woke up in time to do RJ or else a D will appear..haha

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:04 PM  

Monday, May 22, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:53 PM  

HaIzzZ . . . . . same Old words again~~ I AM LATE AGAIN TODAY~!!!! Omg, puposely yesterday force myself sleep earlier than usual but......~~diao,and i wake up the lastest of the lastest...Sleep early no use de...dunno y...SOME MORE today GOT UT~!!! forget it le..when i reach sch it 845 so heckcare le...dun run i went tioliet do wash up cause i feel quite sleepy tt time...
Now in School with desmond,yasmin,zainol Gleen and ME~~ haha....(RT:1245)today i think will be quite relax de ba~~so i left haven team up with Mohammad(wakakaka~~)haha.....Today gonna be another fine dayZzzZ..(Update tonight)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:39 AM  
(Kai xin de Yi ke)

Saturday woke up quite early about 10+ cause i have badminton in the afternoon at 12 so i have To travel alone to WLD .... Met edwin and we set off together quite happy cause nv time i will not go alone till the Stadium le..When i erach there, i,edwin huai bo and ??? play team Vs and edwin I was trash because of me~i do not really know how to play and all the rules sort of so quite sad lo and pull edwin down.... After finish the 1st game i dun feel like playing le cause i feltt alien as in every body is sort of quite pro and i was like :"SH*T" maybe i really shld change my Cca ba will swiming when the pool is build.

After my training, i went home cause Wing ask us out as she got surprise for us cause in the past we promise each other that if we(me,wing,jo,wei,ron) got any secret we shld share wing meet us (jo wei and I) at Lesiure and took the Mrt and meet ron at commonwealth...Hs also tagging along cause he starting meet ron le so cannot Pai chi ta....After that we found that it is really a SURPRISE....Wing BF....his name call shaun(quite suai de) and we make intoduction~~We went to a air-conditioned place at Halland V and have our food cause quite hungry after badminton training so ron and i ate LASKA and got what newpaper cutting wat very gd very gd....CHEY~! bluff ppl de~ Nothing so special de(opps,haha)

After that we went to TCC cafe and we gotour seat at a quite comfortable sofa and look very class..then we ordered our drinks..They all order what oreo what coffee....what joe young peppermint bla bla bla sound so Low clas so i order what Alava cooler coffee or what so ever coffee(can't rem the name) sound so nice and when it comes....... their coffeee is so nice and Mine is like.... EEEE!!!! where got Put RED BEAN INSIDE COFFEE DE~!!!! $%$^%$%
We was laying comfortably on the sofa and we were chatting with Wei wei craping and ron and Hs craming her....(haha)During the chat, we found that Wing's Bf ,Shaun is not so shy shy type de like opther ppl go out with Gf friend then dun talk...but he is not quite shy and can blend in with us...We chat about our poly life and every 1 is enjoying it but still stress is unavoidable.. we spent hours there and i thought that the waiter mught be quite angry or wat but they was like do u want any water or sort of and wast attending to us...Their service is quite good...I felt that we have nt have such a nice chat/discussion in our group le and i really miss the day we study together at Decafe'O at jp 2nd fllor since sec 3 mid end + all sec 4 major exam together... Miss the day we are so serious together in the exam ,sharing coffee cups(cuppucino),and all the laughter there... all our memories is really there~after our cakes and coffee we went leisure walking~~Wing an shaun was holding hands and ron , Hs , wei , jo and me was also holding each other arms and walking together enjoyable together and we sang Shou qian shou to make them Happy....Haha... then Ron and i went to hold arms with jo and was telling her :"the STORY of Holland V"she was quite freak out and Hs was behind and gave her fright.....Chill jo~dun cry....after tt we t00k MRT together home with shaun deliver wing to boon lay Mrt....... and we met Venes cause she Fang gong le and we went Mac to eat together cause she is quite famished and we got our 2nd talks~(haha),talk about Him**...........(sry) After that we all go home le and i send jo home first then Venes home cause it is 0030++ le and it is quite dangerous to let them home alone but Sry wei...can't send u home cause bu sun le..~sry sry...~nx time i will deliver u hm...after i deliver Venes home i called wei to ensure her safely but no one pick up and iwas getting more and mroe worried when i call her upteen time and no one pick up...So i sms Ve for wei hse no and call jo...Jo was did not reply acuse i think she bathing and after like 10 min later wei told me that she was bathing so nv pick it is quite a relief(whew)....

Today is very tiring becoz of Badminton but it is really enjoyable and i appreciate all the time we had together cause i am scared that will we going to be driffiting apart...

Comments on Shaun: Quite nice looking,can blend with us,dotes on wing,Comaptible...(IT IS THE TRUTH)

To wing :"i really thanks that u really keep ur promise and share ur secrets,i am quite gan tong...,i also wanna tell u that even if ppl disagree with u or say that it is wrong decision,U have my full support,do thing that u felt that it is right and do not be affected by others...Be urself,Man....I believe that u also will support me if i am in ur circumstances de rite??

To shaun:" Hope u are really good to wing ting,dun let her down....she is a nice girl.... Ron,wei, jo and Me entrust her to u..If u let us found that u bully her.... U gonna Get it from US...
hope u all you qing ren neng zhong chen juan shu....

Friday, May 19, 2006

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:21 AM  

Guess what again?I am late for school again~Omg~!!cause the previous night was playing Dota with ron they all..Till 2++ and have onli 4hr like tt slp~i think i will have to stop oplaying after 11++ le or else i really cannot take it. Today lesson was conitive and group with Aidi,James,yusri and Sky.We divide jobs in the group so Sky and I do the Pw Point and james was doing the Product.James came out with a very good idea of the product so we got to eliminate the wat chocolate cookies scissor(EeeE sound so unclass).Today our break was so early and Hweeleng,Sky,yiziao,huai bo and I went to eat WESTERN cause nv eat b4 cause the queus was damn long.Today was really quite Fun cause Eunice was calling the whole class play game during breaks and she folded a paper mouth monster(pic) whereby there is 8 mission for us to do andwe have to select the mission number 1-8.The whole class participate and each person was playing about 5 min and there was about 25 ppl so we spent less time on the Presentation and we was laughting and laughing.HL got to kiss someone hand and she is quite paiseh and audrey was the one being kiss~and Hl was holding to audrey hand dunno weather to kiss or not and audrey was so desperate shouting:"faster la,Faster Kiss~!!" haha.Edwin is also quite high, he was the one keep dancing and dancing and he is really able to shake...(so cute)The most amazing was james cause he got to eat a Pokki mouth to mouth with yixiao laying on the Floor~EeeE and Lips was Touch~(OMG!!)...... And Me~~!! got to use my butt to write words... and i not speeling my names or something short...I am surpose to write out :"REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC" with my PiGU*(Butts) and it was so funny~~today was really quite fun,Looking for ward for class charlet ba(it will be more fun Man)
After My class, i went to watch movie with my pals,ginger and Qifeng + axel,the Davinci Code....Quite a not bad show but i recommend b4 u watch the books or read up something about it or u be clueless. . .
HaiZzZ today dam tired cause yesterday can't sleep much and i reach home about 1130 le.... tml go badminton session,hope to train and meet TAN ZHI YONG in Competition..haha(my Muscles is hurting since yeasterday training)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Class

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:10 PM  

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Science Is Scary

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:48 AM  
(You can't Find me~~)

HaIzzZ .... woke up 715 today,Haha what shld i say?OMG~gonna be late today so i hurry hurry get prepare and ran down take taxi to BL Mrt stations~Taking the train alone again le cause really dun wanna wing Ve and xuefang to wait for me..Really paiseh and great thanks to u all cause sometimes u all sometimes morning call me automatically and really great thanks Man.
I reach Woodland at bout 823 and i have to walk very fast and it is very scary cause there is so little ppl on their way..
I reach the class at 835 like that and was quite relieve,not late again~dunno why always i will late for this lesson de for the past few weeks.Dr goh say that if we are late for more than 5 times in each module we will have t0 retake nx year~And that was SH*T cause every1 know tt i am famous for being late.....Haha 1 week can late 4 days in sec i really now got slp early le(opps now 0054 le)......I mean tml start~!
Today qns was really tought but i was group with audrey,yixiao,martin(absent) and Rebecca(Yea) cause yesterday was saying nv group with her first impression was that she was quite liaN but then this is A misconception..Sry...She is kinda cheerful sort and she will like take her scarf and covered her face till like the Mummy(oppS) and keep singing away~I was quite stress today and have a slight headach because maybe yesterday was not slping well and having such a tought qns~most went for their lunch but i couln't went away cause i feel that i have alot of doubts so i stay in class doing my research and ask Dr goh for help and also went for discussion woth other ppl.
After my groups came back, we prepare our slides and really want to apologise to audrey cause i contribute little bit onli cause i am really what she was talking about so or slides was like so little(1000 sry)..I think i really have to stand on my feet to do all my revision.(5n1 response:"ya right,Jt got to be kidding) Today was quite a tiring say cause after the presentation , i really is PRESSURIZED!!
Wing me and Ve board the Mrt after sch and went to BL(jurongpoint) wait for Np group(jo , zhi yong they all), while waiting Ve,wing when shopping la..shoe la...necklace la....and it was kinda so sianZzzZ cannot shop..They came and we went lai lai eat and Haosheng(peanut) so gd treat me..I was kinda shoocked.. but thanks anyway~~haha the food is nice cause FOC ma..But thanks la~~
After that we walk walk and talk talk and its time to say Byebye... She bu de but still we will have our daySZzzZ together de...went zhi yong hse talk racket because tml got Badminton training...Haha so funny(can't imagine i play like a frog)haha....~
Tml got Ut test so have to slp early (RT:01:07)die~~ i go sui jiao le~~ wish mi lucks

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:12 AM  


Haiya..Time reporting 12:15 and i am still is enterprise lesson,as usual i am in group of 4 and the onli group of 4 cause our class onli got
24.Althought its only 4 person but then we have quality work.LihaiBa?Hehe~!So
as usual there is Aidi, ernie and Hwee ling not hui ling(opps)I felt more at ease in this group cause i feel more relaxed because this group is like work=work, we usually get the presentation at the end of the lesson without any stress cause Aidi was so enthu and keep

shouting :'I am Lovaable Aidi","Everyones Loves Me" and i was laughing away cause u see his face and tone,he was so hilarious.Oh No~today lesson was on a person who went to interview and does not have cofidence and was Blabering awat and keep on umm..ya..umm sort of so we are to think of ways to help him in his interview.I felt that the peson look like me~haha...cause i does not feel quite confident in presenting BUT BUT BUT!!.. today i was not really inconfident as previous le,dunno why leh..hehe...i am not so shaking today le leh..Maybe because i know better with my classmates le ba~ have contact with almost everyone but still not yet group with rebecca, desmond,zaki and we can't communicate much ba.. cause they are ank mo pai de..Today the Faci was talking alot and i was so tired because yesterday i slept at 2(sob,sob)and she was talking and talking and i was msning with Sky and both of us were @#$@#$%@# about her(Alancia) and was going to Ta ma de,ta nai nai ye ye....%^#%^& and i think sky was quite shock that i can actually say such thingy ba..haha zhen ren bu lou xiang ..I was quite happy today because we whole big group of ppl go cafeteria together and all is Hua ren pai de(Hl milk{opps},huai bo,wislely,Yixiao{harry},chenxi,sky,~dun have ank mo pai so..Haha...after that we went back class together after we finish our food.In the groups,onli me and HL was back so we started discussion about our project then we realise both of us write blogs.(Paiseh,my skin is so cute,Haha)Ernie and Aidi came back and we started discussing as whole..Ernie do slides,Hl do axon,I do research and Aidi(laoda) help everybody and leading us...After Class finish,I pack my stuff and have to rush back to my shop cause my brother call me to sub him 4 a while and i saw Chenxi at the traffic light and we both go the Mrt together and then saw glenn and so..We Stroll together.....AND AND AND i was AMAZE!!! Chenxi Pierce his TOngue??OMG...he look so Du shu pai de...look sort of guai guai de and i am SHOCKED~~he pieced his tongue??it look so pain~~so after everything..i finally got a rest after work and BOmm~slp le~~very scary cause i actually jump uo and went RJ RJ RJ...!!and look for my lappy and was shouting Kuai dia Kuai dian..Then realised chey onli 11 nia..still got one hour..i can't slp now le...cause just woke...
Tml is maths and sian ahh .....cause working with audrey and edwin..they are so clever and my help is sort of negligible i can say..haha~cause i really can't get into the topics and i feel quite sad when edwin and audrey s doing the work~ ok i got to stop here le..I think i wrote quite long le..Hehe~(1 soon le)

Monday, May 15, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:42 AM  
Today Is yusri birthday, our class went celebrating and gave him a birthday surprise by blindfolding him and we actually bought him2 big round cakes and we sang him song~~His was quite happy and we took the class photos~(tml Update,have to take from uncle geogrge)

I joined Badminton le....Look fun but dunno fun or not.... Tml training is postpone till thursday so maybe 1 day i will meet Zhi yong in tthe competition...

Hmm Nothing Much today ~~ look like1 of my friend is quite troubled who just leave oposite me.. Hope he get well soon .... you can find me if u need a listener anyway we are good friends who have been in the same class for years so...Ya~~ wat i can say is the flower thing and the forest thing~~

Sunday, May 14, 2006

HappY Mother Day

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:22 AM  

HappY Mother Day(Sunday)

Today is My Mama's day~ So today morning my Da ge Call every body to come to work because we are celebrating Mother's day together at Night and when out eat..... So in the afternoon i have to work la and it is quite tiring...have to count money and face difficult customer but sometime there is really good customer and will appreciate ur help and say thanks you when u help them.... Today at my Father shop it was quite cramp because all my family is there(6) but it is easier cause there is many ppl tending the shop as usual i am the most important la..I am the full time Cashier where is have to handle alot of money...Important right??haha....Me and all my brothers(3) was having a alot of talk together and was talking and talking when there is not many customer so time really flies....At about 9 , our family was having on a discussion weather want to close earlier so all ppl vote to close the shop at 9 where usual always close at 935 because today is Mother's day....Haha
So after we close the shop we all cramp into the car and go to somewhere to eat...We order the Hocklicks Prawn,Dou Ya -_-!!,Steamboat fish , Chicken wings And MOst important of all ...The Rice an we all ate till bery Full...After that we went home le and my Brother pay for the food,Lucky i nv bring my wallet and i use it as excuse..Haha....
Today is really very happy and tml maybe going Buy present for my mama,cause recently no time~~ Wish Everybody Mama Happy Mother Days ad hope them Shen ti jiang kang, Kai Kai xin xin De....

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Another dayzZ

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:51 PM  


Wa Haha, today bery earlY..i think i am recovering le ba ..Haha~~ But yesterday night as quite torturing cause I was unable to sleep early:'( and i was still fliiping here fliiping there even at 230 am~~ left 3 hours + to sleep... I think i got Insomia le Ba. Zhe me Ban??? Just recently got alot of Bing(sickness) Stm la, lateness sickness La(...) and insomia...
Same as yesterday,in the second break went lunch with sky,Harry(yixiao) and Aidi.. i can't eat much cause have a heavy lunch during the 1st i was having a small conversation about band cause he also band de..
After the lunch,we went back to the class room and started doing out presentation cause i have to leave in about 30 min as i have a class in the lecture at 1 so it wasn't enought time for them to finish b4 i could go.... So i and wing went to the lecture hall and the person was t0king the thing that we know le and wing was dozing off..after the t0k i went back to class withought knowing anything and they was about to present but i am not quite prepare and was blabbing the thing tha i dunno what actually happen....hope not getting a D or if can get a B..(haha too greedy le)Gleen today was not in a happy mood cause he is in a tooooo gd combintion of members as edwin and eunice was so called answering most of the question and doesn't notice about allowing others to answer(they did not did it intentionaly cause they talk too fast and forget about other) after school, we went to the PBL thingy with about 9 was a talk on how the schhol sctually works and the method of u all was thinking how can I be so stupid go there Ba??haha...because our sch got this system tt we have to attend things to collect points inorder to promote so today this stupid talk have 1 point~~ and wasted mi 1 hr..(diaO) The speaker was bery funny cause got like 2 speaker and the 1st was 0k because he is ank mo ppl and was talking in his slang..the 2nd was funny make me and my friend laugh laught cause he was a ah bu neh...i rem he say wat about circucurm activy(cca) and he goes currycucurm~~ tt was not the best part and he goes llike:' the School was SUX(such) tt..."he tamil slang was bery funny...His talk was like no commas and full stop one and goes on and on and on funny de~~ After that i went home with glenn and hwee ling but a senior was like waiting for her..>Senior wor~~ Ahem~~ dunno wat happen~~ i am realli innocent i was walking with gleen and was conforting him and hope he dun brood over was another tiring day agAin~~ Hey My desktop connecttion ok le ...haha Finnaly~yea

Friday, May 05, 2006

AnoTher Day

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:21 PM  

(1st day of Pon Tang) 4th may

Today i was sleeping so soundly because i never go Rp as i decided to go back Jwss to collect my 'o' cert...Yesterday was asking Ve and xue fang want to skip sch not but they was so enthu to the sch and was like :'cannot ..Sch leh" so i alone pon tang lor, but never mind cause so happy it was raining day and it was so comfortable...Then suddenly my Handphone rang at 830,dunno which stupid person call me...I pick up the phone and heard VE,she say they(Ve,wing,xue fang) also not going to sch because of the train stuck tt cause her to be late,so i say 0k lor.....pon tang no nid to call me de and i was SHOCKED to hear them they was taking the train to orchard and most shocked was THEY WANT TO GO OVER!! these 3 little devil call them pon tang dun want last minute then decide...So no choice lor,1 for all... all for 1 lor... who call me to have such devil friend.....
So i woke up and get prepare and went out so i took the train alone the train i was so alone cannot talk(not used to taking alone) so i was thinking alot of thing (tt normal).When i wake up of my day dreaming and the train come to a stop and i forget where the hell i am~OH NO IT IS NEWTON!!! oh sh*t i miss 2 stop..Haha bery funny..1st time miss meet them and we deciede to go to K box cause they say it was cheap.then cindy and jiang nan came and very angry cause the person say we can sing from 1+ to 5 but then at 3+ like that the person came in and say we have to check out le!!STuPID...
After that we went to take neoprint and i was fun cause they t0ok lots of pose and it turn out so nic....U know why??? Because got me inside ma(haha Buey ba)...
We later went back to jp and they go sub way and i go bank because i want to deposit money and also want to replace My lost atm card because it have been lost for weekS~~!! Very important u know..inside got few billion dollar leh~~(haha Jk).... rhe bank was so so so so so so crowded very long know~~! dunno WTH they want go bank~~Kiasu~Haha just venging my anger~~
What another Tiring day,so tired and i wasted my 1st day of pon tang day with themm~(haha jk la)it was quite enjoyrable la cause got ve wing Xf cindy and jiang nan to accompany us...hope we can still be same as now in future~~
(update Picture later went o get from Ve)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I aM late again

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:45 PM  

I aM Late for school again.. wake up at 7:30 again..Oh No, i got this Lateness sickenss..even when i wake up early i also will get late ,Is there A cure?Ahh!! why am i always cannot reach early except for the 1st day??Luckily the faci nv call me run 1 round the School..haha~~Luckily Venes who is so gd and so friendly and ... .. . . ... wait for me..Btw..bery Sry~ "i won't do it next time' I "try" my best ok??

Now DoiNg Our Project Works~~ we are suppose to Draw a poster that links what is learning..
And it was nice Cause we have a great artist ---> Sharifa, she did the Art and it was so artistic..During the disussion we all were like having fun and the Class was like :"Hey Take photo wif me,and me wat about me with me.....(The me Never stOps) so some of my friends took pictures with me.Just taken a pictures with Hwee Ling.

After the discussion,it came to Presentation time..HaiZzzZ sianZzzZ.... My group was quite 0k cause we the poster was difficult to make as we got gd Artist(SariFa),gd leaders(edwin,Yashmin),good contributors(Salma) and of cause one of the most important role...Runner( Mr Chan) Haha.......
We finish our presentation smothly and class is over, so i meet venes and went to JE and wait for cindy....It was So long and Finally she arrive....We went to giant to get venes camera by her mother for her gd(if my mum so gd..I will be bery Happy le).After collecting the Camera of cause we take a few photos .....and it so nice...Y? Because got me Ma...Haha.....So I think tml onward when we are in the train,ii believe tt venes will Flash out her camer every min now and then ....Today was quite a tiring day cause go Je reach home like Stress~~
But~~!! I mUz Have Determination and endurerance cause other pl haven fang qi how can i fang qi rite?? I goonna Survie....I going to be the Survivor~~!I wIll wait FOR my SWIMMING POOL TO BE BUILT!!Yea...I gonna do tt...Da jia~~ jia you or!!~~

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