Haiya..Time reporting 12:15 and i am still blogging...today is enterprise lesson,as usual i am in group of 4 and the onli group of 4 cause our class onli got
24.Althought its only 4 person but then we have quality work.LihaiBa?Hehe~!So
as usual there is Aidi, ernie and Hwee ling not hui ling(opps)I felt more at ease in this group cause i feel more relaxed because this group is like work=work, play=play.so we usually get the presentation at the end of the lesson without any stress cause Aidi was so enthu and keep
shouting :'I am Lovaable Aidi","Everyones Loves Me" and i was laughing away cause u see his face and tone,he was so hilarious.Oh No~today lesson was on a person who went to interview and does not have cofidence and was Blabering awat and keep on umm..ya..umm sort of so we are to think of ways to help him in his interview.I felt that the peson look like me~haha...cause i does not feel quite confident in presenting BUT BUT BUT!!.. today i was not really inconfident as previous le,dunno why leh..hehe...i am not so shaking today le leh..Maybe because i know better with my classmates le ba~ have contact with almost everyone but still not yet group with rebecca, desmond,zaki and we can't communicate much ba.. cause they are ank mo pai de..Today the Faci was talking alot and i was so tired because yesterday i slept at 2(sob,sob)and she was talking and talking and i was msning with Sky and both of us were @#$@#$%@# about her(Alancia) and was going to Ta ma de,ta nai nai ye ye....%^#%^& and i think sky was quite shock that i can actually say such thingy ba..haha zhen ren bu lou xiang ..I was quite happy today because we whole big group of ppl go cafeteria together and all is Hua ren pai de(Hl milk{opps},huai bo,wislely,Yixiao{harry},chenxi,sky,~dun have ank mo pai so..Haha...after that we went back class together after we finish our food.In the groups,onli me and HL was back so we started discussion about our project then we realise both of us write blogs.(Paiseh,my skin is so cute,Haha)Ernie and Aidi came back and we started discussing as whole..Ernie do slides,Hl do axon,I do research and Aidi(laoda) help everybody and leading us...After Class finish,I pack my stuff and have to rush back to my shop cause my brother call me to sub him 4 a while and i saw Chenxi at the traffic light and we both go the Mrt together and then saw glenn and so..We Stroll together.....AND AND AND i was AMAZE!!! Chenxi Pierce his TOngue??OMG...he look so Du shu pai de...look sort of guai guai de and i am SHOCKED~~he pieced his tongue??it look so pain~~so after everything..i finally got a rest after work and BOmm~slp le~~very scary cause i actually jump uo and went RJ RJ RJ...!!and look for my lappy and was shouting Kuai dia Kuai dian..Then realised chey onli 11 nia..still got one hour..i can't slp now le...cause just woke...
Tml is maths and sian ahh .....cause working with audrey and edwin..they are so clever and my help is sort of negligible i can say..haha~cause i really can't get into the topics and i feel quite sad when edwin and audrey s doing the work~ ok i got to stop here le..I think i wrote quite long le..Hehe~(1 soon le)