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Casper's Life

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy Belated Christmas~~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:41 AM  
Updating the previous days on the 25 which is the day of christmas~Had a Costume Party with my 6N1 Whereby the theme is: WINTER.. Therefore all of us have to be dress under such themes.Nearly Everyone was in their outfits and was quite interesting as many was in their I took quite a long time to borrow Such outfits from friend and thanks for your Equipment...

Windbreakers + Ear Smurfs --> Axel
Wool Gloves --> Xueli

There was quite a Number of people playing over at zhi yong house and everyone was Cram in the rooms which Includes :Zhiyong,Arron,haosheng,Wenquan,eric,Alvin,Fang zheng,Yaosheng,Joann,Wing,wei2,cindy,venes and Tiff.
There was Gift exchange whereby Arron and I share to brought Present for the girls and I also receieve present from the girls.

Special Thanks:
Jo+Cin = Merci Chocolates
Venes+Tiff = Tabalone Choco
wei+Wing= Canbury Chocolates
Arron+ Quartz Watch
Zhi Yong = A cool Glasses

Thanks for the All the gifts From christmas and i Enjoy this year
So Wish every one a Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New year..~~
(*Will updates for all the Phtos Taken in christmas*)

Friday, December 29, 2006

HellO~~ A Whole New Year~ A whole New Blogs?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:58 PM  
Hello Wishing Every One a belated Christmas althpught it's over and awaiting for a brand new Year comming....
Had Change Into this Temporially Skins because the previous one was quite complicated and also the loadng of whole blogs take quite some times althought it's quite fun i can say.

Using this Skin as temporially also because recently watched the Death Note 2:the last name was quite a nice one so recommending everyone to watch it and enjor throught the new year~~

Countuiing all the craps later cause now got to meeet jiang nan in 15 min At je to go to Cinelesiure to watch the nightat the Msuemand now i am at Home~~ omg~~ gtg~~
This is one of the fastest Blogskins that i Edited and also post a Blogs~~ gtg and had to Think of an Excuse~~byebye~~

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

WTF Holi's over after 2 day of rest!!!?

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 11:38 AM  
I still restless in the middle of the night because Working again tml, i can't sleep when there is work the another day therefore i now slping..Omg, I juz Officially annouce My holiday juz started this monday because I have fully Subbing m brother from his camp~~ but Now i can officially annouce Holiz Closed agaiN~!!! WTF!! Why can't the hell i can fully rest in peace~~Why can't I just Played 2 whole week of of my whole month~!!It not easy to get a holiday In poly's and when i got it, holiday Become My nightmare when i have Unflexible Tune slots where by I have to sub any one when they like~U can play computer and the next min, u are ask to go to work, therefore i Had to plan to go out early in the morning so i can't really rest at homE...Have to Be Bloody Hell Shit Sub my 2nd brother tml JUZ because I ate Bread in his room with a stupid plastic bag on his computer desk and He Claims that because of such he have to clean the whole Room Tomorrow Whole Morning and i have to sub him tml~ Juz Can't really understand such Person ~~Bloody shit~ Guess i gonna be yawning and restless tml~~Since Last week of holiday just started, i have only play from this monday till this wednes whereby i tot i will have a enjoyable Holiday But~~ tml have to start work Include Of Thurs+ fri+ sat+ monday....~!! WTF + WTH!!!I bloody HeLl shit Tired of this Unflexible time slots suddenly~~!!!Can I rest more than I work?!!
Guess this christmas gonna be a Disspointed christmas.....Really looking forward for School reopens cause It is really My holidays......

The end of the 18~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:18 AM  
From today Onwards,It marks the end of the last Person to Be 17 Years Old~~

Finally,Ms Chan Jo Ann Had Past Her Birthday on Tuesday 19th Dec.

That Day Her birthday was celebrated below her house simply because

she had jus came back from her trip From malaysia so it was quite tiring and wasn't easy for any 1 to plan a party or something.

Had a Small little Surprise as she saw there was still a number of us helping her celebrating her birthday in the middle of the night.Arron and I Took a Packet of Towkay(beanSprouts) which was dumped outside a Provision shop so.... Gave her 2 packet and highly recommended to cook salted fish with bean sprout cause it is nice..wahahA~~A special day today cause it marks the last batch of 18 and also marks the day when i became Bank Crup~~!! Officially Annonce Bankcrupt ~!!Zhi yong and I brought a Pair of Shoes for this Girl which is same surname as me~
We all gave her 2-3 min of Gan Yan(Sincere)words and she did say alot of things

1) Xie Xie, 2) Simakashek 2)Kam xia 4) thanks you~~ All THE SAMEE!! Beide Thank you still thank you~~ haha~~Hope you like all the Present and HappY Birthday jojo~~My Secretary,My shi san meimei(long Lost Sis)+ My Xiong di(Pals)....
Finally, we all could Do wat all 18 years old Could do,watching m18+ going Club or anythin together le+going for Driving Lesson~~WOoHOO~!!

My Gan yan is that thanks for being My Pals+ my secreatary....etc,The Memories since we all met will be always be treasure althought we now had all splited in to different Paths, the times we all Study for N level is Decafeo,Time we study for O level after decafeo had renovae into Betobox and time we 5 keep hanging out together watching Movie and Playing...

So start enjoying your 18 Year life and not forgeting Enduring the 18th life...
So good luck and take care althought we all could not be in the same school but we all still can eat at betobox sometimes~~

Monday, December 18, 2006

PhOne Is Back~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:49 AM  
Finally,I had perserve this whole week of substituiting my brothers for a weeks and it hadsn't been an easy Jobs.Have to do a full time jobs and have spend quite a sums of money in tibits chocolates and snacks to entertain myself and pasting time faster.
I can Officially say It's HoLidaYs Althought 1 week Have Pass but to Me, Holiday just Started...I Had planned alot of activities for myself so that My holiday wouldn't be like other so liferless...
this comming week will be very fun, Visiting rp Indoor courts, tennis games,WWW,Ruiyan party and of course my "6"N1 Christmas Gathering~~
Now slacking and chatting At home althought tml is a sun but i Had request for a "leave" from My brother by subing Him today again~~ Thanks cause it's quite a good offer 1/2 day for a whole day...
Dislike Surprise when my another brother Inform me that mum call me to go to work tml which is the request that i ask my brother and he say ok...If Sun, i still going, i will be Making a pointless request and subbing today for Nothing~~ Have to Rush out tml
Quite tiring now cause just back home from orchard as i collect my phone back with alot of pictures deleted..HaiZ...Today thanks Axel and qifeng accompany me there to collect phone and after collecting it was like like 9pm and there wasn't anything much for us to walk so gone walk walk in the streets and having my ice-cream Sprees for hassengan daTz Or smth like tt..Tt is my Favourite espeically the Melons...
Hope Mr Santan's would bring me a Tubs cause i beeen a Good Boys all this while...
New Year Is comming and School reopening in about 2 weeks...Looking forward for schools cause it fun sometime doing Stupid

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Repoting Locations~~

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:35 AM  
Blogging Now in the middle of the night..not at home~ not at Mac But blogging in....Chinatown~~Wahaha~~ I was here because of jobs being recommended by Mr Jorandano~Whereby we are being Employed by star hub Working in the middle of the night from 0000 to 0800++and we are suppose to help starhub look after their stuff by the road side and doing nothing...It was one of the easiest Job i ever found.. so u can do anything to past time such as playing chess or sleeping or what ever...
Now My location was very very WuuLuu~~Some Where Beside the wet Market on a platform...

Have been pasting TiME playing Chess with jordan and Dotaing~~wahAhA..Just was lucky that there was connection around here so i can use the net..But there was no plug here and i left with 1hour to use the come so after this gonna be slping TimE who cares about helping them to watch over their stuff~ We are now sharing a Table with 2 chairs just enough to place 2 laptops fot Dotas and now jordan is in his dreams..I now was quite regreat cause a bit tired and left with5 hour plus to go and later have to go back Dad Shops to work~~ AWwwW~!!Not really Attracted or facinated with the amount...just that feel like not slping at home cause it's quite now in ChinAtown Feeding mosquitos~ thanks Jordan for that Jobs~ cause it was rather easy by abit Few pictures Updated today aken fresh in few minutes ago~~Haha~!!

China Town

Our Working Enviroment..Cool huh??

jordan Slping On the Tables~~

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:13 AM  
Today was the 2nd day of working of the week..have to perserve 3 more days and i can rest for....ONLI 1 day and sunday and have to work again~~but afetr this week, i can rest for whole month exludesion of sundays...WOoHoo~!!
Today when to shop with 2nd Brother,it was a rather starvation days,the Ernormous and poppular Hawker Centre was closed down to wash the Floors so had no choice went for Macs but who know~~ Mac who have been surving quite more than 15 years( not very sure) in boon lay which i Had been eating since i was a little child when i stay around there, and now it closed.So i had been walking to and fro to search for foods and no choice i had to go to the tiny Korpitiam which is just beside my shops...
Went home at 430 as my mum saw me look quite tired wenthome rest after being substituted and now i am playing computer....
Saw Dad walking towards me with a mug with water and i know something bad going to happen, when i stand up, the water was black~EWW~!!!I was asked to drink it all up and the bloody water was Tonic brewed from Tonic and that mug of water cost about $30 dollars for the ingredients....Yucks~~ dad say that it was to Purge Posion ...Yucks~~ I think i been poisoned after that~~It taste quite bland with Yucky Flavour~~!! YuckS~~Hope it will be the last mug~~!!YUcKSS!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

In The EnD~!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:35 AM  
Yesterday x3 was a resting Home day whereby i had to gey Siao gey siao Slp till everybody go out of the house then i start waking up so that i wouldn't being pull to go work.
Work at up 4 as everyone leave house and i'm the onli one playing and chating online, It been quite a long time where i am able to rest alone in the house.

Youtubing tsubasa and Naruto online untill evon and wangzhao added me to their Conversation and ask me wanna join them for Mos as it was free that night.
I'm not the clubbers type so rejected them and also there is only 3 of us and also it was quite late as it was a last min to rush to bath and eat. In the end~~, Being persuaded then anything anything lor since it was a ren shen chu ti yan( 1st timer) whereby everyone will have their first experience.
Agree to meet Evon at Interchange at 930, In the end, we are still chatting at 925... So everyone was late but Evon was latest when i met her at interchange,luckily i was also late.Knew a new friend of evon, her name was Ling zhen from ngee ann in her yellow shirt and also she told us she wore ^yellow^ today~~OppsS~ We planned to meet Wangzhao at Clarke Quay at 1030 whereby we was scared that he will be there waiting for us as he leave Msn very early and also he stay Sebangwang which is quite near to clarke Quay...In the End, we waited for him for ages.
Planning to go to mos As there was free ticket,In the end, we went to momo cause TOOO Much bloody ppl there liao and we couldn't even sqeeze in.Meet leandra there and she was the VIp so she no need to queue.>~!!
Planning to go momo althought 18 for girls but 21 for boys but Evon Bf say he knew the Bouncers so we all go there.In the end, I still couldn't get in as the person beside the Boucers who said that she also wanted to help us but we look too kiddo so cannot.
Planning to go in play play,In the end wait outside momo Chit chat with wang Zhao friends.drank sprite cause very very thirsty.
Decided to go home as i was walking at the bridge at clarke quay with nice scencery, In the end Walk back to momo after evon call me as there is FreeCab.Because Lingzhen father Drove a cab, so while waiting, i ate with them and took some pics with Evon Camera.Ling zhen fater's was cute as when lingzhen was eating Mac, she fed her father with fries.Lingzhen live at boon lay area so I and evon alighted there so would not trouble them.
Took another cab with Evon cause she lives near me at the Pionner/juying sec there.Bring quite a sum of money there to waste but in the end onli used few dollar for cabs..haha...Quite a Fun experience i can say but hopefully next time will be a better one. Sorry that evon wang zhao can only play for few hours,next time we go again and hope that we all could enter together.
Upload the pictures when holi's over cause photos all with evon.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Broken into 1/2 soon

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:36 AM  
Just SImply hate holidays especially on the december cause it killing me on every outing as it keep making my wallet feel lighter and lighter.
Had nearly spend more than a hundred on the 1st 3 day of holis and its mostly on food.

Went to billibombers with zhiyong and qifeng to hunt for steaks and it were damn hell expensive which does not worth the price.The steaks were so tasteless and the spinach they gave were yucks~~!! therefore put alot of salts to make it more edible.
The next day, went over to Woodlands to repair my phone but i found that it been closed down so when to Rp with Qifeng and axel and was trying to look for the books in class so that i can return but unexpectedly, the class was locked. I gonna being mark black by the Nlb again~~.Luckily we all bring shorts so we past out time there swimming while waiting for Jiang nan.

Had dinner at woodlands and it take quite long for us to decide cause with Jiang driving around his car and being more accessible around here we have alot of ideas where to eat.As we all are Food hunter, we would try all our efforts to find the best food no matter how far. Planned to go to geyland,Boond lay Shp centre,Marina,town but in the end we all decided to eat at woodlands cause we all pity Jiangnan Oil....when over to jackhouse and ate Steaks again....The Steaks was much better than the wat bombers and it was a bit cheapper...

Learnt a Lesson in jackhouse which is:"Never act Pro". I regret after i try acting as one by odering a steak:"Medium Plz" which was 50% cooked.
It really took ages for the 4 of us to slice one little tinnie winnie meat out from it as it was much chewy than the cooked 1.The bloods contanstly flowing out of the meat and it was like Ewww~~not going to eat Medium again~~
After our dinner at Jackhouse, jiang Fetch us cause Qifeng going for his first day of work at harbour Front as sales promoter selling samsung products.

Next Trip will be going over to bugis village cause there is a 40% sales over there.Gonna shop there till my wallet is weightless.Btw, any one going for foods outing plz jio me, cause i'm trying make my Skinny body Build up...Preferbly sakura international cause nv been there~

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

1st day Holiday??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:41 AM  
Ohh today was the mark of my holiday and today was the first day. Everyone sure is enjoying over yet i'm quite pissed in the 1st day of holiday.
Yesterday, which was the mark of the last day of schools, the working schedule was immediately mark which was that i going to work one whole consequtive week including of every sunday, and i had in no positions to say no.It sure gonna be a damn hell tiring week. Today i had a long rest till 12 in the after noon, and this was quite a long time i could slp till so late. I was quite fustrated when after i had meet up friends to go out with in about an hour time and when i just switch on the computer,mum call me to go to work .....WTH, every time last minute and i got to rush to work and work for an hour and rush back then go out.Therefore i show a sulky mood and temper, just dun really like Last minute to tell me to go to work especially on the first day of Holiday.
I don't think i have any time to rest in holiday...It is either i go out play or i got work.cause if i decided to rest at home i surely being pull to work therefore its better to make myself Busy as possible~~
The first day of holiday make me look forward for the reopening of schools~~cause to me schooldays is more of holiday...and holiday is more of working day~~

Sunday, December 03, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:03 AM  
Recenty has no time to blogs cause past 2,3 day was busying.Therefore Bloging

Friday was a science Day,Finally got away from all the calculations and all aliens problem.Today was much more easier than the past.So easy that we guys can slack together or having lunch till 1.Everyone reach class that time and we all hardorkingly and finish up the work.I being the story Scribe, once again scribe another Lame story out.Today was relatively easy and the facitilators(Mrs,Song Sin Nee) was a Mrs Nice Girl, Still brought alot of treaties for us to award our effort.Thanks for the Chocolates and also she also send us emails externally and wish us happy holidays.
Hope u also do have a Good Rest too...I feel that i was in a lucky class and did not enter classes as what BanBan said. We also had hardworking people and also most importantly we does not had any bad faci as most of my friends had.
We had lots of wonderful facitillators Such as Ms Harilza and Ms Song..
Friday after class,we went over to sebastian house to play as planned.There was only Me + Jordan + Samantha + Xueli..We all had gone over to Chong pang to eat cause they was saying how great chong pang was and it deed,it's has quite alot of great foods..We all started to play majong for quite some rounds and the girls had to leave so we all sent them to the busstop.Kangwei Later arrive as i and Jordan was plaing WINNING ELEVEN and i mean WINING ELEVEN~~We went over to eat again cause KW was hungry and we all went back to play Metal slug and we took turns playing after each Person death.

We taunt throught the night playing Dota except Sebastian Sleeping with his Sleep talks..Jordan sleep at about3+4 and i and kang wei play games till about 6+ then slp.
Woke up at 11am ,have food again and the tau foo there was Very famous and it was quite alot of ppl and it really was FANTASTIC i can say~~
Played majongs after that and sebas was the winner.After that joined the rest who is at marina waiting for us to eat steamboat there.It was a Planned class outings
We all setoff on a Van which includes Sebas ,Kangwei ,Jordan, Me, Aidi, Evon, Samantha,Winnie and Wangzhao....After the steamboats,we all went to play pool together and saw GLEEN from last Sem Class..That Bloody botak, came over and hit me with his legs.Gonna kill you tomorrrow.
After Pool we all decided to walk back as it was quite early so save the transport money.While walking, we saw this so called Free drinks Tent at near the roadside with no one tending it.I think they are hosting a marathon soon and this tent was to provide drinks for the runners to drink while they are tired.We took the 100 Plus Sign board and place it on the walking paths and took some pictures.After that, I and jordan Stole a big Bottles of 100 Plus Syrup there cause there was no 1 tending and Kang wei steal the mineral water..haha~~
We took Mrts with jordan singing the hell Loud wehreby almost everybody in the train can hear..lucky it was quite empty or else very PS.He and his zui jing even evon was affected as well.We all reach City hall and was divided in 3 groups, NOrth train,East train and West train. The west only got me and kangwei + evon.If not for the absentees, we could have sandy and Gina accompany.
Having a Fun day but unluckily Louis was unable to come cause he was in japan with his dad~!! OMG, i also want to go envy of him.
Reach home about 1230 and has damn hell bloddy tired and the next day i have to work...Sian1/2....

Ohh ya, meeting Ms zarina, My sec sch F&N teacher movie tml and very de gd because it is at Causeway~~!!! yea~~ near my sch, amazingly they will come over to Causeway~~
So long nv saw tt ah Biu liao~~ wahaha~~Fong fei fei~!! RotfL...Gonna meet up the guys long nv see you all liao and i know u all r missing me~~ wahaha~~
Kk got to go slp liao~ or else tml late again liao~~

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