Repoting Locations~~
Blogging Now in the middle of the night..not at home~ not at Mac But blogging in....Chinatown~~Wahaha~~ I was here because of jobs being recommended by Mr Jorandano~Whereby we are being Employed by star hub Working in the middle of the night from 0000 to 0800++and we are suppose to help starhub look after their stuff by the road side and doing nothing...It was one of the easiest Job i ever found.. so u can do anything to past time such as playing chess or sleeping or what ever...
Now My location was very very WuuLuu~~Some Where Beside the wet Market on a platform...
Have been pasting TiME playing Chess with jordan and Dotaing~~wahAhA..Just was lucky that there was connection around here so i can use the net..But there was no plug here and i left with 1hour to use the come so after this gonna be slping TimE who cares about helping them to watch over their stuff~ We are now sharing a Table with 2 chairs just enough to place 2 laptops fot Dotas and now jordan is in his dreams..I now was quite regreat cause a bit tired and left with5 hour plus to go and later have to go back Dad Shops to work~~ AWwwW~!!Not really Attracted or facinated with the amount...just that feel like not slping at home cause it's quite now in ChinAtown Feeding mosquitos~ thanks Jordan for that Jobs~ cause it was rather easy by abit Few pictures Updated today aken fresh in few minutes ago~~Haha~!!
China Town
Our Working Enviroment..Cool huh??
jordan Slping On the Tables~~
Now My location was very very WuuLuu~~Some Where Beside the wet Market on a platform...
Have been pasting TiME playing Chess with jordan and Dotaing~~wahAhA..Just was lucky that there was connection around here so i can use the net..But there was no plug here and i left with 1hour to use the come so after this gonna be slping TimE who cares about helping them to watch over their stuff~ We are now sharing a Table with 2 chairs just enough to place 2 laptops fot Dotas and now jordan is in his dreams..I now was quite regreat cause a bit tired and left with5 hour plus to go and later have to go back Dad Shops to work~~ AWwwW~!!Not really Attracted or facinated with the amount...just that feel like not slping at home cause it's quite now in ChinAtown Feeding mosquitos~ thanks Jordan for that Jobs~ cause it was rather easy by abit Few pictures Updated today aken fresh in few minutes ago~~Haha~!!

jordan Slping On the Tables~~