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Casper's Life

Friday, August 31, 2007

Birthday Between the Average and the RICH

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:18 AM  

Birthday Between the Average and the RICH

Recently attended 2 birthday celebration between my 2 close friend.. Qi feng and Wang Zhao, anyway Firstly, A Big Happy Birthday To you guys ^^
Btw, Qifeng Birthday was totally a Surprise for him as he didn’t know that we going to celebrate his birthday and also we Plan To Gave him a Surprise for Him at Cementry HILL at LCK but in the end , the number of people Spoil it all cause there was a huge NUMBER of them so we brought the cakes to ZY hse to celebrate..TT was Memoriable I guess.. Celebrating Birthday At Cementry?? WE Hold It Again Nx time ^^

Wang Zhao Birthday was next, we had a luxurious party at his house. BIG conditioned Bungalows ..
I ,wang Zhao and Kangwei was the first bunch to reach there to open doors^^ The First Amazing Immediately Thing that we do after Opening the door was… RUN AND SERCH FOR THE BIGGEST ROOM!!! Haha… I and Wang Zhao Got the smallest =(
Anyway The chalet was A success, got foods got Big House and is a small mini chalet for us(Sam,William,evon,Hongmian,Wz,Kangwei,JT^^) but still it’s best when everyone knew one another cause there is another ½ of Wz friend We guys dun get playing together, We BARBEQUE and they Poker-ing..Dun think they even had a bite on the BBQ.. = =Z

Btw, I was Totally C-O-N-D-E-M-N-E-D by Evon ,KANG WEI for my Smelly Puke and Smelly POOPS in the tioliet. But I clean my Own Puke Ok??Also have to help wang Zhao Clean His eventhought I walked Sideway.

Slpled throught the last night and woke up this morning to help clean all the plates Bowl and Cup Because I SLP-ED the most…CONDEMNED again =(
Anyway had Mac while leaving off saying bye to my bungalows, we’ll return next year ^^
Driving today after chalet ,Instructor was quite alright ,driving successful turing with 3rd gear nearly pop my heart off but it go successful after few tries..
Anyway flying to china this Sunday morning 8+ so anyone can send me off…haha. Dun think I will had even one cause I had a lot of in-punctured friend like evon and Kw

Btw Today Happened some awkward thing after my driving on my way home in the train.
Where everytime when the train reach boon lay, I will let the people out first snatching their first hand on the escalator.
I was inside the train where all the people ran out,so the whole train was like totally emptied and I sitted to the far left so there was this 2 secondary girl came in from my opposite door and one girl came to sit a seat away from me and she ordered her friend to sit beside me with her hand patting the seat beside me. I only realize the whole thing when I decided to stand up coincidentally when the girl just sat beside me and saw their smilling+ Stun Expression .. LOl .. dun really know what they are up to..haha

Sunday, August 26, 2007

ThankS Sam

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:45 AM  
Just Checked Sam(SamAntha) Blogs And Something She left For Me to Do..

List out the top 5 presents you wish for:
- Setting Up My Own Business With 2 of My Best Pal
- Hope Mum won't Faint when She Know My results
- Striking one of the TOTO Result(Full Number)Without sharing with Any 1
- Travelling around the World?
- I can Get as many Good Memories As I Could in this Life

Answer the following questions:
- The person who tagged you is: SAMANTHA CHIANG
Your relationship with him is: Republic Polytechnic Year 1 sem2 W65R ClassMates
Your 5 impressions of her: Short Gothic Girl, Scary Ah Lian Expression(First Impression) Smiley Face With the voice ahhh....HAHAHA.
The most memorable thing she had done for you: Hmm, Dun think she had done anything for me. Guess the most probably she help me buy a Chicken sandwich or something?
The most memorable words she had said to you: Not any that I can think of?
If he/ she becomes your lover, you will: Fly to MainLand with her and Pray William Will not Find Us there?
If he/ she becomes your lover, things he/ she has to improve on will be: Hmm, Say no more the Gothic And Change to Little Angels style?
If he/ she becomes your enemy, you will: hmm, Buy toto cause maybe that is hard to happen
If he/ she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: I'm not really sure but maybe she's live at east and i live at west?Cause East and West Never meets?
The most desired thing you want to do for him/ her now is: Hope William will Be a Soccer Player For Chelsea and She will be A taitai?
Your overall impression of him/ her is: She funny sometime and of course her Gothic feeling she gave to surrounds
How do you think people around you will feel about you?Crap Alot and is A Cheerful Guy?
The characteristic (s) you love of yourself is /are:I'm quite optimistic ?
On the contrary. the characteristic (s) you hate of yourself is/ are:Always Doing thing at the Last Minute?
The most ideal person you want to be is:hmm, Sharing her trouble with me,secrets that she will only tell me,Naive?Can be as Talkative as me?
For people that care and like you, say something to them:THANK YOU!!! ??
Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:
1) Qifeng
2) JiangNan
3) XueFang
4) evon
5) Samantha(Can Redo?)
6) Jo-ann
7) Axel
8) Louis

Who is No. 6 having a relationship with? I'm not sure
Is No. 9 a female or male? FEMALE
If No. 7 and 10 are together:No, I guess I will Be Holding My Stomach Laughing my way to Hospital
How about No. 8 and 5? Guess Samantha Will Laught her way to Hospital and warded next to me
What is No.2 studying about? IT Engineering?
When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3? Hmm Yesterday?
What kind of music band does No. 8 like?Hmm,english Music, can't be chinese
Does No. 1 has any siblings? 1
Will you woo No. 3?hmm, If She Dun mind Laughing everday?
How about No. 7? EVEN IF I'm not Straight I Will Choose some one better?HAH!
Is No. 4 single? Stranglt not ,Living Happily With Mr OUYANG
What's the surname of No. 5? CHIANG
What's the name of No. 10? CHOO WEI WEI
Do No.5 and 9 get along well? Maybe, I'm not Very Sure Leh
Where is No. 2 studying at? Far Far Away At Temesek Poly.(Journey to the East?)
Talk something casually about No. 1? Ok , that's MY BFF(BEST FRIEND FOREVER) And we are one of the SPI With NO.2
Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8? NO! I Will JUmp If I had
Where does No. 9 live at? WoodLands,Somewhere near RP
What colour does No. 4 likes? Let me Guess.. Hmm, Yellow For Banana or..Orange For Pumpkins??
Are No. 5 and 1 best friends? NOPE, And I HOpe not ,Else No. 5 Will be Laughing Non Stop
Does No. 7 likes No. 2? I'm Suspecting but No Progress At all,(Sorry Jiang And Axel)haha
How do you get to know No. 2? Hmm,when he came to my class in sec 3 And we Became Besi best Friend and we Became Nighmare For teacher ^^
Does No. 1 have any pets? That BloodY Afican Grey PArrots That Always Flew toward me and Bit me quite alot of times!!
Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world? HOPES NOT, oR I guess tranported from the Hospital to some Insane Mental Hospital Laughing till my Last Breadth??

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:10 AM  
It time to put something up since it been almost a month that i did not post.
This month have quite alot of happening but forget quite alot of thing,
Went Steamboat with xuefang and group that includes Siang Yee Elaine and Xiu wen, Also with Jiang and Feng, Had quite alot of touch up and some pics here and there..
Lol it been sometime meeting them, After that went to few errie places with them as suggested in jiang Car, Anyway Had quite a laughter here and there in the trips.

Next Went Geylang With Xuefang,Siang And Xiu wen With jiang and qifeng after 2 day later, We had a Food Tour around here and there, We had Frog Porridge and of course it's delicous, Shared porridge among us 6. Divided in 2:2:2, Jiang And feng, Siang And Elaine then Me and Xue fang share one Porridge.
Jiang Had Pepper Frogs Porridge, Siang Had Gong Bao Frogs then Xue fang and me Had Porridge with Frogs with Chilli crab Gravy??
The Trip ended when we had our Bean curd, It nice..Woohoo, sweet Of course ^^

haha Anyway, it's been a Fun outing Again..Looking forward for the next?? ^^

UPloading Photos when all have been compile..

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Summing up ZzZ

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:20 PM  
Gonna Summarise the weeks in this Post.

Ubin Adventure tour

Saturday went Ubin with with Axel, Qifeng and Jiang, it was a bad ideal for me cause
The previous night we played majong till like 5am with Axel,Zhiyong and Carol and we only had 2 hour of rest.
Being the most exhausted of all, I even had to be carried hand and toe by Zy and Axel to the bath room to brush up and stuff.
Anyway Sat’s ubin tour was a unexpectedly fun , cause we had ridding and found lots of amazing stuff such as the biggest creepest Spider around my palm size, found one of the haunted places at round a temple.
Anyway, it was a interesting place where you couldn’t find in Singapore where there is huge spider , forest hiking and Muddy Biking and of course getting closer to the nature.

Rp School Official Opening

Tuesday was the 5 aniversary Official opening,therefore I got the tickets to participate in the school events mainly because I feel that being on of the students of RP, it good to receive what RP gave their student for the benefits. So Basically I got a Free dinner and also another Rp SIT’scollection of shirt.
Supposingly was to go with Evon and gang but every one seems busy therefore I join Sam,April,Qiufen,Chenyu,Hangying.Anyway took some photos, not really sure why girls like phto taking session but anyway, it’s fine with me anyway since we hardly had such session and also class is separating in like 3 weeks….
We Had the buffet on the grass padge where we got a scene of the swimming, food was nice and there was like hungry ghost gathering beside us where there is like 6 people groups and they took like food for 10 people…
Anyway, Pm, Lee Hsien Leong came to our school and we assemple at the lawn beside the stage;
At first, it was said that the Pm is coming… 20 min later; PM is reaching;
30 min later;PM is about to reach;50 min later, they said PM is around the corner,
An hour later, the PM finally reached.. ZzzzZ = =!!
I really hope I can be Pm where people can really wait for me an hour and no frustration.

Drive, Drove,Driven

Wednesday, was a break off for me, realizing that I going to have my 1st Pratical lesson that day, was quite nervous on how am I really to drive a car during the session.
Basically, I reached there and I though maybe I should plan how I can drive smoothly
, while in the car, the instructor instructed me to start off smoothly on forwarding and reversing ,then round the circuit.
Therefore the first way I approached was keep telling myself that everytime in show, when you show a Confidence Face like characters in Initial D, you will drive smoothly.
So…. The car Keep jerking hard When it start mainly because I press the accelerator too Hard..
Therefore it still best to look like what newbie should look like…
Anyway, it was a good experience and enjoyable learning…
Guess I could be on the road in like November or December??Heh Heh~~

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