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Casper's Life

Friday, January 25, 2008

= = !

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:45 AM  
Preparing For This Rat Year --> Thrifty??

Just watched frontline and noticed how amazing Singapore Had chanded Financially
After in A year(12 months).
Singapore had been adapting 3% of gst for almost quite alot of years,
5% was introduced during early Jan and this had affect quite alot to locals.
Later, Increased to 7% was make just merely a few months, and that affect even
further more. Not only to Families,Students as well,maybe the reason was good, but after all, was it a reason or we so called a "Excuse".

How much had it changed? A usual $2 or $2.50 chicken rice rose to $3 or commonly $3.50.A duck leg Rice cost at least $5.50?
This is what going on during this 12 months..4 % extra Gst increased,products cost price Rose,Transport Fee Increased,Taxi Fare Increased...
That what going on this year, 1 shot increase that many different charges.

But we got Extra Tv's in bus to compensate our extras charges, however does we need it?Or is it to make foreigners to feel comfortable?That is not a must or need,
in my opinion, i would rather to had the TV Chopped off since it a unecessary stuff to me and i don't really put my sights into it as it playing show that it's not my likings and had our fare back to the usual one.

It's like having a $4 usual chicken rice set with added extra $2 dollar Cucumber in it. But since i had to eat the chicken rice, I had to pay for $4 but it very very worthwhile $2 Cucumber in it, but the main thing is, i dun really eat it.

Maybe everyone gonna really had a Rat Year,Save and be thrifty compare to the fat fat
pig year.. Since there is alot alot of strong reason for prices to rise locally, but will there ever ever be 1 reason with Gst and others to drop?
Maybe i gonna be a up Up and no Down. HAH~!

Seems like My ank bao will start to drop again, after it increase for just few years.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:13 AM  
Future FACI

Was Late On Tuesday MIS lesson, 2 group of 5 was formed, therefore, I does not wanna disturb the group since it wasn’t a good idea. People giving faces telling like :”Late Again..Zzz”
HaH therefore volunteer doing the 6p Since i get no idea on how to do today problems.
Faci doesn’t mind giving me the golden chance since the problem wasn’t on UT..
Got the 6P which is used to lecture the student and after sometime, regretted, cause there is alot of ?? in some terms used in the 6P... Omg... Had a quick lunch followed by going to the librarby getting some books with 1 ½ hour for me to know everything.
Anyway i got my presentation lecturing my “Students”I guessed after they present their solution.
Hah, i guess i’m still a not bad Facitilator after all... Praised by the faci that I could be one of the faci next time... HAH~ Anyway quite proud of myself i guess since everything go quite smoothly and with some help of faci...

Thursday is a lesson of boredom, it all sort of crap doing PHP and ZzZ Faci... Wanna hide in a sheep skin giving pathetic Grades to some poor student like me who can’t really do well.
Although today lesson is much easier, however it wouldn’t work if you dun really understand thought trying hard but there is no helping hand when you request one. Php is a much more Zzz lesson to people who cannot receive help like me... People might just ignore u although you requested..

Maybe that happen when You are late to school Like me...zzZ
You can't choose much ur teams?
I agree that people will help more when there you get along well but
does that you teach more to people and keep mumb and act dunno anything
when you don't know the person when he ask for help althought in the same team?
Hmm... maybe i did sometimes, so gonna learn this lesson bah.. hAh~~

Friday, January 18, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:22 AM  
After siting In jiang car listening to Some Oldies music during like
Secondary life..
Found Few Phase MeaningFul

S Club 7( Bring It All Back)
When people try to put you down
Just walk on by don't turn around
You only have to answer to yourself.


Try not to worry 'bout a thing,
Enjoy the good times life can bring
Don't keep it all inside you
Gotta let your feelings show.

So Guys Out there(And also Girls)
There Only One Short life..
There's No such thing As Recarnation
So Live your life fullest!!
Else you regret When u Start Droping your TOOTH!

(EVON:Ahh ~~!! Anybody saw My JIA YA? )

Monday, January 14, 2008


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:53 AM  

QIfeng Step On Dog Shit On Sat... FRESH Yellow-Brown SEMI-SOLID
Jiang And I Condemned Him by Keeping 3m away from HIM
And SHITTED Qifeng Juz went round Chasing us on the Road..
GooZ Tt was really tired.... Nuts Running on the street..

Anyway We always had swiming 1-2 times a weeks and competition everytime..
Just Can't Win Ginger... Cause He Is A Big Cheater.. walk very fast when
reaching the low level water...
SHOPPING SPREE Came for me.. I brough 5 Shirt Cool HUH!! For $100..
With Zhi yong at Bugis on fri..
Bought A pluto shirt..YAH! the Mickey DOGGY..
1/2 price..Heh HEh!!
Anyway, Top Shopt Having 1/2 Price too.. Super CHEAP.. FASter Go and BUy
While Stock last...! I saw A jeans at $56!!

Went MUSTAPHA with jiang/feng Sat...Somewhere near little india?
LOL!! I felt Foreign there cause i can't see White Clouds!!
Anyway, it was a Cool And good experience taking a stroll there
I mean Where can u find ALOT OF STUFF in a Shopping Mall...
There's TON Inside Includes Tioliteries,Shoes, Shirt,Food,Accesorry....ETC
under the same cashiering System.....


Was Crazy about qifeng on his topic on his Moonwalk, he is showing off his
little tricks of his MoonWalks sometimes. Being Influence,i wanna learn
just because i gonna surprise HIm not because i really like...
But it still fun anyway, learning to walk at home( NO ONE)with some resources
, and that sound Nuts...
Just a week more to complete it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:35 AM  
My life so far

Been wondering weather i'm leading quite a good life so far...
Actually i felt that i dun really had a good past due to some reason...
Childhood memory was always be with my auntie cause family was large
therefore i had to sarcrifice for some years(Baby-sited in day, night home slp)
Anyway i had fun there...

Till I was Primary School where i could stay home and play... With myself i guess cause i was always studying in the opposite shift as my brothers...
Days was especially sad when you have 4 brother but 1 games..
Whenever game console was spoiled, I and my younger brother will have to answer for itthought most of the time he was the one who spoiled it.. therefore was always classified as theSpoil thing group ... Always being abandoned since there was a age gap for some reason..

Wasn't able to use the com even till secondary 2 cause i was classified With my brother together..
Beg for computer was a necessary thing to be able to play with the com i think..
Secondary 3 was better for 1/2 a year when i have control over computer but it was easy undera military Brother when Orders are Threats Are somehow common...
Was banned after i saved my file in the wrong place and complain from mum for playing too hard.

Family ties was close intially but intially was Bad after some my brother love to take me as joke and sarcastic remarks was a so called daily routine for a big period of year..
Communication wasn't a easy one between relatives after my brother had sacrastic remarks on me, making me used-to shut-up when he is around

However, i'm quite fortunate to live in a quite affordable Parents, financially equiped and having a caring mum and dad..I also got quite a good Big brother too... He support with me sometime and we had common interest..

However i can't denied that i'm blessed with quite ALOT of Good Quality friends.. and i mean GOOD...Like Evon,WangZhao,Jordan,Hweeleng,ZhiYong, Arron,Peanut?,kaiyuan,Xiaowei,Axel currently
AND of course My Ginger And Panda ^^ Haha

Guess when i am in trouble, i guess they are the first group that i will them them honestly, and
most of them will definitely will be there, I'M SURE.

Anyway, i'm quite satisfield with my life so far being blessed with friends..
however i still hope to be like alvin, who can go out with all his elder sister and younger brother toplaces like orchard where he could steal his younger brother bag to use and younger brother can really steal his sister bag and sister use old bag...Haha....

Sunday, January 06, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:22 AM  
Working on Sunday wasn’t a good mood cause tomorrow gonna be SCH~
School Finally started but yet the Japan House Resturant didn’t even called mi
Even thought they said will call mi thought telling all sort of rules for round 30 min... Crap!! Hope they Collapsed Soon …haha~~ jKJK

Anyway Class Gonna started tml with 1st Ut php, My most Hatest Module and HATEST
Faci.. Hope he goes back to india.ZZ nvm, survive for 4 more weeks and SCH CLOSE back le..
Btw, Picnic tml cause previous sat was a flying kite and picnic day with Evon and Sam but due to the UNPREDDICTABLE
Weather tt rain and stop Pattern lasted for quite few round… therefore no kite was flew, not a Single bite on the Breads and jams..Zz

Anway got to sleep early today so that could wake up earlier tml..
Now is 1223am.. i think it's still "early".. bath and sleep le BYE!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My New Year Wish

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:06 AM  
Today is the 3rd day of the New Year

Therefore been thinking what I wanna make a difference this year.
After thinking :

1) I want to look fitter(Grow more fat,10-15kg more?)
2) I want to Grow Taller to 3-5 more cm
3) Able to focus on my future Path (Study Stocks?HAH!)

That much i think , and i wanna save more money ^^
Anyway Hope detestable people Just Poof Away in my life..HAh
And Nice People like me Just POOF in my Sight ^^

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008!!!!!! BYE 2007!!!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 2:52 AM  

Time just Fly where the First day of 2007 was still engrave in my mind
It was a countdown party to 2007..
Where There was Jiang Me Qifeng and Axel...
It was our first Clubbing And also together at Zoukout...
Enjoying the moments together indoor

However this year was different,thought time was busy
but we still had time together biding goodbye and wrapping all memories
in 2007 and Hello-ing to a upcoming year..
This Time wasn't a indoor like zouk-ing out but it's a outdoor activities
at raffles with a new friend of Axel and Qifeng..
and that makes us 5(Jiang,Feng,Axel,Terrence,ME)

Of course we get along well, FireWorks was the best for today and best
all this life...It wasn't an easy job to get such a beautiful sight.
Everyone gathered at the River counting down to the last second
of the second needles ticking to the clock...
What goes wrong was that the venue was wrongly predicted but was realised
when the fireworks starting booming but nothing was insight.
Following the sound was the first instinct we had and therefore
with the trail we had, we finally ran to the place getting one of the
best SPOT due to the mispreddiction of everyone.

Fireworks was the most HAPPENING of all to celebrate the arrival for 2008.
People slowly gathered as time past watching the firework,from ten
to hundred then to thousand....Woo... Fireworks juz nicely flew to
the darksky brightening it with Wonderful colors just entending the size
the Smile we had. Of course such fireworks was how the increase of our
Gst and taxes just exploded into the sky if no one had

Of course after having so much Gain we had, there's something we had to
Pay for, that is the amazing MRT queue as that is only transport we had
After with so much Increase In taxi fares and this is how it attract
people taking MRT...

Reaching Jiang House to continue our fun, and that is what we thought..
But It wasn't and it turns into Pain....
Chivas,Voldka is what we had that we could rely on to extend our fun..
PLaying 5-10 with JIANG,ME,FENG,AXEL and Terrence Tooo...
Axel was TOTALLY down Thanks to qifeng and his Little Tricks...
Feng Was 1/2 down swirling in the air Thanks to me...

And that left Jiang Me and Terrence to... Take care the AFTERMATH...
OMG, DRUNKEN Axel was A totally PAIN Vomiting not once but 4?5 ?I think
8 or 9th times At JIang Roof TOP And It Kills More With Swirling
Qifeng Runing Round Hiting butts.

Had to HOld On To axel and Avoid his Vomiteed Hand Wasn't easy..
2 hours of drinking and 3 hours OF PAIN Dealing Axel...
I had my shirt wet due to SPLASHING of the drinks from Qifeng Direct
To me... Therefore Had to go 1/2 Naked on the Rooftop

Axel was the 97%pain Caused he was a VIOLENT Drunken Drinker..
We 3 had to HOld him down and Avoiding his Flying Punches
And this pattern just continue for not twice or thrice..
I think it was ten!! 2 hours for such stuff, it was SCARY...
FLYING punches was just No mercy and deadly making sure all of us Dead..
Though it was A headach but 3 of us just Settle it...
Vomit was next.. and "CRYING" was Natural for Troubled Drinkers..
We 3 just had to Sit next to axel in his Slping position for an hour
and of course Shoving Blankets?I mean CARPET to make sure he is Warm..HAHA

Bathed And ZZzz Was next on.....Sqeeuzed on the bed...!!! HEADACHFUL NIGHT
Worst Thing is that I had Just Mereful 2 SIPS...
REALLY 2 SIPSS~!! AfterAll I am the One who brought all The Alcohol
in the Game... ANYWAY... NICE celebration With JIANG FENG Terrence..
AND Axel???!!LOL

(Jiang , Terrence , NAKED-JT)

THanks Qifeng.... I'm Naked... I know it Look Gayish
But Claps To the 3 Heroes still Surving After Punches~~

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