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Casper's Life

Friday, January 11, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 8:35 AM  
My life so far

Been wondering weather i'm leading quite a good life so far...
Actually i felt that i dun really had a good past due to some reason...
Childhood memory was always be with my auntie cause family was large
therefore i had to sarcrifice for some years(Baby-sited in day, night home slp)
Anyway i had fun there...

Till I was Primary School where i could stay home and play... With myself i guess cause i was always studying in the opposite shift as my brothers...
Days was especially sad when you have 4 brother but 1 games..
Whenever game console was spoiled, I and my younger brother will have to answer for itthought most of the time he was the one who spoiled it.. therefore was always classified as theSpoil thing group ... Always being abandoned since there was a age gap for some reason..

Wasn't able to use the com even till secondary 2 cause i was classified With my brother together..
Beg for computer was a necessary thing to be able to play with the com i think..
Secondary 3 was better for 1/2 a year when i have control over computer but it was easy undera military Brother when Orders are Threats Are somehow common...
Was banned after i saved my file in the wrong place and complain from mum for playing too hard.

Family ties was close intially but intially was Bad after some my brother love to take me as joke and sarcastic remarks was a so called daily routine for a big period of year..
Communication wasn't a easy one between relatives after my brother had sacrastic remarks on me, making me used-to shut-up when he is around

However, i'm quite fortunate to live in a quite affordable Parents, financially equiped and having a caring mum and dad..I also got quite a good Big brother too... He support with me sometime and we had common interest..

However i can't denied that i'm blessed with quite ALOT of Good Quality friends.. and i mean GOOD...Like Evon,WangZhao,Jordan,Hweeleng,ZhiYong, Arron,Peanut?,kaiyuan,Xiaowei,Axel currently
AND of course My Ginger And Panda ^^ Haha

Guess when i am in trouble, i guess they are the first group that i will them them honestly, and
most of them will definitely will be there, I'M SURE.

Anyway, i'm quite satisfield with my life so far being blessed with friends..
however i still hope to be like alvin, who can go out with all his elder sister and younger brother toplaces like orchard where he could steal his younger brother bag to use and younger brother can really steal his sister bag and sister use old bag...Haha....

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