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Casper's Life

Monday, April 27, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:37 AM  
Busy with work therefore no really much time Blogging therefore one shot Post 1 week up.

Christie(Supervisor) asked me to work early @ 830 am and Ot till 7pm daily le.
and i shld be quite fine with it.
Money important. So basicially i be reaching home Earliest 7 =X or latest 8. ==!

Monday Took Leave cause I had Advanced Test for Driving. One of the important one.
Cause If i pass = I can book driving Test le.
If fail = book again the test and had to wait for 3 months!
Took 2 pratice before the test.
Check the Test 2 tiMe before i submit the ans. Super de shaking cause i counted like 5 -6
not confirm will correct. Shake Even more when i saw the BIG BIG "PASSED" on the screen
So happy! Booked My test immediately which landed on 27th June. JiayouS! One step Closer Le!.

Wedneday went over to jiang hse to stay over cause he stay quite near to my work place.
Had an early night till thursday and go work.
After work. Went to Arron Birthday Chalet and gave him a surprise. cause onlli 4 ppl there.
So surprised him as he thought i cannot make it. hahas!

Friday was off day and i was @ chalet. We had lots of fun. Swimming , Tv , BBQ, cake Smashing
9N1 Comes. and it was like 9N1 class chalet with ron birthday cause. there is onli us there =)
time past and each and everyone of us watch one another grew up. HappY birthday Ron!
Bro's Forever =D

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gathering After Work

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:49 AM  
Saturday was a meet out after work Between Cynthia Vin Shumin and Me @ VIn hse.
Shumin was exception as she does not need to work.
1st time working on saturday eating OT's Money~
Working time : 8:30am - 6pm (8hr30min)
Ganged up with Jason to reach @ 10. LOls~ cause we think it's too early.
He is gone @ 1230 cause he request for 1/2day.
I'm gone @ 4 thought i said i wrote work full time till 6.
Boring~ I Guess..

Vin reach hse round 3. and he sleep till i reach his house @ 5
We play Computer.and we are Goner around 6++7?
We sleep till Cynthia and shumin came into the room and Jisiao us wake up.
Vin's mum was great, cooking us quite a splendid meal and she claims that it juz simple dishes
Omg. Amazing. Majong @ night was fun and zz!
Nx day Me and vin while sleeping , was kenna disturb till wake up. Z_Z!
We had dinner @ pastaMania @ Causeway and went to Pasamalam and had a walk.


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:42 AM  
Went geylang i think previous Thurday after work with jiang and qifeng.
Had Chinese food for dinner. 4 Plates of 10 Dumblings and a plate of Stew beef with Dunno wat.
Bills was not cheap. $12 person and tt makes up $36.
Lols. Food was juz alright at least it satisfy my craving of dumbling temporialy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Work Work~!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:26 PM  
Gonna Update something about my new jobs that Irvin Intro me when his friend Joyce worked there.
Under the employment of government; Polyclinic, i was working in the polyclinic with
vin @ AMK polyclinic. Sadly to say that, i was posted to Redhill alone there, to work as
file checker.

Jobscope :
1) File Checker
2) Data Base Checker

1) For the 1st process which is to get one file from a box full of files.
Check the program in the computer that all the Paper in the files is all scanned inside the . Program

2) For 2nd Process. With a list of Ic's number in the box, Make sure that all the Number are
inside a notepad containing thousands of Ic's numbers. With the use of CtrlF.

Therefore my whole jobs is to check the files and ic numbers that is tally with the prograam in
the computer. And so far, i feel that doing hours and hours of work. Almost all the things
are perfect. Which means that, for the whole day even though i check doesn't make a difference
with the whole day i never do anything.

The process is very eyes straining due to the list of Ic's number that i got to check for each
box. It took 30-40 min to check thru all the numbers for a box.
And the Number of ics i got to check is roughly 12 List X 120 numbers = 1440 numbers set. Gosh.

The work is really redundant. Working for 8 hours a day is similar to nv work @ all.Cause there
is no BVA. ( Bva = Business.Value.Added. ) Lols.

Next to my colleagues. Theres like only Jason and Jingwen.
And in the whole office, there's full of AH neh! Indian Ladies.
We are the onli 3 Chinese out of like ...probably around 50 ah nehs inside. ROFL.

Jason is Same School as me. DIT. Who i think if i were him i will be fedup.
Live at amk but was choosen to posted from AMK polyclini to redhill instead of other staffs.
Fuck that christie i think. Purposely i felt, which her main motive was to divide his friend
who is @ amk, which is similar cases like me and irvin. Dotz!

Jingwen is a girl who teach me how to do the job cause she do the same process as me.
She is Hardworking but hair but kinda of bored cause no much common interest with her.
and her character was not at least lively =X
She brought home-made lunch for breaks.Sounds not bad i guess. Can save $$.

In the workplace, I sat in the middle.Jason on the left,Jingwen on the right.
I speak English with jason cause he is english speaker, Spoke Chinese with Jingwen cause she is
chinese speaker. Lols! Physically i am position in the middle, and being relationship tt kind
I also in between them in the middle. Lols
They had work together for 2 weeks more than me, and eating with them feel quite strange
@ first day. Cause there's a barrier kind of thing btw them Lols.

I think i am more tou yuan to Jason, cause we are slackers.Lols.
Today i swap jobs with him for hours cause i think his job can't cheat cause end of day he
had to sumbit the scanned files so let him rest abit cause i so slack dao abit paiseh tt kind. Therefore we had an agreement which is that my jobs is to
SLack and rest which therefore i and him rotate one hour of his work and then slack.

Work is damn Tiring that there is 2 day while waiting for my turn to bath, I doze off
for hours till i woke up and bath. Now the time is 4:44am which i had juz woke up for an hour.
Tiring I guess ~~ZzzZ.
That's for the price of Money!!How i wish It rains money.Notes prefferably.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Updates For Graduation Days!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 1:15 PM  

It's the time for all the 2006 Bath Rp students waiting for this day!
Graduation Day wearing the Suit on stage.
Woke up @ 11 i think @ vin hse.Cause the night before was overnight there.
Wasn't had a Good Sleep that night.
I help him cover blankets and the next hour i was shivering cause he Pull all the blanket!!
I managed to had a small portion that is enuf to cover my Soles!Yes the soles of my legs!
However he managed to PUll Everything to him!! DOTS! I Gave up after around 30 min of struggling.
I went to put my jeans on. onlined @ 3+am in the morning for another hour plus.
till he finally awaken by my pitiful sobs. Grab back my Blanket and back to bed.

Reached RP on Vin's dad car with additional of Andy.
The processes was fast and soon we find ourself in the queue @ the backstage in order.
Walked into the Theatre with our amazing Graduating Gear. Looks like harry potter Though.
Shumin was behind me, and i believe we are both so nervous.
Cause we gonna walk thru the stage alone shaking hands with the VIPs and everyone below will be
looking @ you and i believe all the friends will be below rooting for you.
First time On stage collecting my certs and stuff. Being Main actor on stage for like 20 seconds.
Every Steps towards the Vip are so crucial and nervous till he said:"Congrats' to graduation"
and i felt a gasp of relief. Phew! It's Over!

School Buffet was next.Yums! Took TOns of pics with dreamer~ cause i believe it's once
in a blue moon to graduate.
Party World was next. Hahs! our next frequent entertainment~
Had lots of fun especially everyone was there as all of us took Leave that day.

Thats XinYuan =X
Dreamers!! + 1 Bob
The Boys!-I think Bob have tt King de Concubine Poses~=X

Copyrighted from Jac blog. I don't use "My sweeeeets!(:" you see..
Ym and Me
Samantha And Me
Jac And Me


Pics with our dearest Lu hong wei!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bye RP!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 12:53 PM  
I'm Officially Graduated from Rp after these 3 years of daily transport of taking Mrt
and walking the big "Dessert". All those different pieces of memory in Rp Ended on the 8th april.

The 1st Semester Being Blurry Step into W14B. Form a group call HRP(
with Hweeleng,Sky,ChengXi(Cx),Huaibo,Wisely and Yixiao. Those days were funny.
Working Hard daily and our Breakfast is always a must have Chicken Sandwich with Ice-Coffee milk.

2nd Semester.W25J.Entered being Blurry but yet being myself after a few months.
The whole Class is Fun. The first thing I remember is that we are forced by our Enterprise teacher
to have Lunch together thought each of us had a own group from previous sem.
The Scene was rather awkward from i remembered,eating outside of Food heaven.
From that days on, we had nearly almost everyday.
This is when Clubbings,night activities,drinking session pop out.Hahs~
We Played dota, condemning and laughing @ one another,the biggest class of being late comers.
and now, we still hanging out!
Halliza is the Enterprise faci, who intially is our Frigtful Faci and become the best faci
we ever had over these 3 years. We had Cookies nearly every time in her lesson and of course
she is fun.

3rd class.W65R.Was Rather cold to me in the first day of lesson.The only bunch of people
that i would hangout with will be ManeeratanchayakulSulkaSem,Edison,April.And some of the
china's girls would come and have a little chat.
The beginining of IT Craps. The onli lesson tt is fun would be Multimedia, playing with
cameras and video. I remember my best and only group with Edison and april and selina.

4th Class W64Q.Being the boring-nest class out of all to be trueful. Wasn't that socialize
cause there wasn't much any guys with Life. Gosh. Skip lots of lesson due to faci being OMG
and class being the coldest out of all my warms class.
Get to know Cynthia Tee JiaYun and thinks she's the onli one that i can click.
She Use my wawa account and Lost all my money! Lols

5th Class.W66D.I suppose this would be a class of hardworking and people who loves to play.
Lucky to had Edison,Sem,Cynthia in the same class. The 1st thing i remembered was we had
macdonald together and me taking the orders thanks to sem.WE broke ice and if i am not wrong,
it is during thursday. On the 3rd lesson,we guys start planning together for our meals.
The class that we eat,watchmovie,celebrating one another birthday willingly and the most number
of chalets.Slowly, we walk to to Mrt together, Taking train together.
Having Badminton,Captain balls in school.And, we frequently do play Poker in class.
Dreamers was formed with a big group in this class with 11 people.

Last Class.W64G. Was with Sem and Yinmin . Was jealous of all the other dreamers.
YES. ALL of the Rest are in the same Class. OMG!
But at least there's sem and yinmin. We always Had one-another for Msn chat thru the class.
Though we are different class from the others, but i guess, in all the lunch tIme,we are always
eating together after msning and waiting for one another.
This class is ermm, not really very close but still alright with some being abit gum.

I guess this would be all my bits of pieces in RP. Next post would continue of my graduation
that day. Would Update tomorrow.Hahs!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Work Work!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:10 PM  
Ok i started work le!
Amk Polyclinic. Not bad except that had to wake up early for it.
Quite ok with it just that, there's no time for a small little rest at all.
Tedious i should say? but at least the people there are friendly enuf with accompaniments
of irvin. Time are killed and time past fast.

Was so shagged that 1st day of work, i slept when i reaach home.
2nd day of work @ vin hse and we sleep @ 11pm. Thats how tiring the work is.
even the latest offline people was ZzzZ and wasn't online after 11.

Cindy's Birthday!!

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 7:04 PM  
Celebrated "9N1" Cindy's 21st Birthday.
Tom Yums Steamboat was the best. Hahas! But nid more seasoning i guess..

Attendance : Alvin Wenquan Arron Zhiyong Eric,Me

Had Photo taking session with her new present. Instant Camera,
that ind of cameras that the Photo will be instantly flash out after taking the pics.
and need to keep flipping and images with colors will be slowly appearing.

we made Chin Chow together.Hahas! Cutting the chin chow into different sizes and shapes
was disastrious i guess.. haha! Different people had different taste,It's either too
bland or it's too sweet! Lols!
Guess it still a happy reunion after all!
Next up will be ron Birthday~

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

HL birthday~ =D

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:42 PM  
YeoHweeLeng birthday was next.
Congrats of being 21 years old i guess.
The path that u will be walking will be different le.
Rp is gone. sim will be next. Hahs!
Chatlet was held @ pasir ris coasta sand on the 5th april.
Of course i am invited. I guess i am the only longest RP friends being there.
3 long years~~ haha~

Attendence : Shumin , Irvin, Cynthia, Andy and Me

we spent hell lots of time searching and digging out for a present for her i guess.
at least got 2 hours? We had a sets of girls accessories and a wonderful
birthday floating balloon ~~ Hah! speaking of the balloon. I was the one who is
holding it. suepr duper de ps i guess. haha~
anyway the chalet was filled with lots of friend. guess that what popular people will
have de previllage like mi..^ ^.
Birthdays songs next and the cakes was amazingly big..

Went home @ around 10+ cause everyone working the nest day..
Home sweet home with shumin on the train with Cynthia and irvin 1/2 way thru
cityhall and change train.
hello lots of fun i guess dat day =D

Thursday, April 02, 2009


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:33 PM  
Speaking of April ! Was my favourite month in the past.
Because of april fool days~ Pranking more than 2 hands could count.
Guess that was in the primary and secondary days.

ok~ Age Grew and this Amazing day was nearly forgotten till Evon "Reminded" me.
I had A message @ around 12+am in the morning on the april 1! (think she was so anxious)
Which stated that she was so feverish that she gonna go hospital and ask mi up to go look
for her. So i called her when i saw the msg(DAMNIT!). Asked me to come over. but no transport
no money even to took a cab down. OK!I was still ok la believing some part.(shld had juz hungup~)


Working soon on april 6th with vin, keep Hearing/seeing from dreamers complaing about their
Job~ their boss~ their collegues~ from Cynthia,Yinmin,Shumin,Jiamin,Jaclyn~
Hope i wouldn't be another victims~ Gosh~
God Bless me Armen!
Byebye to My Late night supper, late night gaming.
Say hello to "Hard-ships"

Uncle Grumby

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 4:25 PM  
Ok~ I shld claim to have the last week of my "Freedom"!
This Few weeks was a WOAH! Driving Driving. And not excluding this week.
Ohh ya. Today while returning home from Driving met a instructor From BBDC in the train.
He taught me like 2 lesson out of 20++ which was a few months ago and still remembered me
and greet me "HI".
Haha! I not sure why.I remembered him saying i was a good student from my impression.
I don't know either. dun ask mi.

So i greeted him back. We took the same train and amazing we could chat from Gombak
to boon Lay.haha~ 
He was a grumby old man, but yet was a nice teacher i suppose. He would chit chat while u
are driving and smiling away. Taking out his notebook noting all those bad driver car plate
and report to the Traffic police.Haha~ and he love the Red button in the car.. The magical
Horns and His favourite target was cab! Haha~ Bad luck for those car infront of me.

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