Updates For Graduation Days!
It's the time for all the 2006 Bath Rp students waiting for this day!
Graduation Day wearing the Suit on stage.Woke up @ 11 i think @ vin hse.Cause the night before was overnight there.
Wasn't had a Good Sleep that night.
I help him cover blankets and the next hour i was shivering cause he Pull all the blanket!!
I managed to had a small portion that is enuf to cover my Soles!Yes the soles of my legs!
However he managed to PUll Everything to him!! DOTS! I Gave up after around 30 min of struggling.
I went to put my jeans on. onlined @ 3+am in the morning for another hour plus.
till he finally awaken by my pitiful sobs. Grab back my Blanket and back to bed.
Reached RP on Vin's dad car with additional of Andy.
The processes was fast and soon we find ourself in the queue @ the backstage in order.
Walked into the Theatre with our amazing Graduating Gear. Looks like harry potter Though.
Shumin was behind me, and i believe we are both so nervous.
Cause we gonna walk thru the stage alone shaking hands with the VIPs and everyone below will be
looking @ you and i believe all the friends will be below rooting for you.
First time On stage collecting my certs and stuff. Being Main actor on stage for like 20 seconds.
Every Steps towards the Vip are so crucial and nervous till he said:"Congrats' to graduation"
and i felt a gasp of relief. Phew! It's Over!
School Buffet was next.Yums! Took TOns of pics with dreamer~ cause i believe it's once
in a blue moon to graduate.
Party World was next. Hahs! our next frequent entertainment~
Had lots of fun especially everyone was there as all of us took Leave that day.

Thats XinYuan =X
Copyrighted from Jac blog. I don't use "My sweeeeets!(:" you see..
Ym and Me
Samantha And Me
Jac And Me