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Casper's Life

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tired La

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 9:12 AM  
Yea yea~~so today everyone is guessing what i going to write ba~~ Haha....Quess lor quess lor~Today i not writing~Haha.....cause nowaday really no time to write blog le lar,everytime school so late finish then reach home was like earliest 7+ like that after lunch..
Now coming to poly,ppl say that it was so free and slag and all the stuff but WHERE GOT!!!bluff ppl 1... we have to learn to work like tiring~~ ahh,really miss my secondary life la..HaizzZ ..., every one was like a family...xiang qing xiang ai...,
We have been friends for like almost 4 year plus le and miss the day we really shared ....still rem the the first day i drop down to normal,everyone in 2n1 was realli very scary cause i was lonely but i still make friends and as time pass, i get to know them well and eventually they become my "familiy" where some time i shared woes and trouble together~~
In the class,I was always like...quite cheerful and always with a smile...but there was really times when i do not like it when names was called like *A* la...but i always tried to control my "temper" and smile back although it is really like quite fustrating to get called infront of the whole class and the teachers cause i really do not want the class to be like get colder just because of me.There is a phrase that goes like this'let bygones go bygones...Sometimes i really want to get the class to get closer but to some extend,it is not easy cause ppl like wong wei and yi heng do not like this and sometimes it is realli diff to get whole class going out in most of my bithday usually i hosted bbq at jiang nan there la,so that the class will come together and celebrate one of my happiest day 2gether...i really will be happy if the class can go out usually together without any racist or wat so ever..Still rem the charlet,i was quite abit happy cause most of the class came althought some are not able to stay for the night but they tried their best.Most could not stay for the whole 3 days but i appreciated..i really do not mind of the efforts of travelling over here and there, to book the charlet and other stuff...cause it was like a memory to me which is unaffordable and could not be earase till i bring into the coffin or till i get lao ren chi dai~
It will be really very happy if i am able to celebrate my BD with them again and able to go watch movie or even go K Box together as whole class....Will this day comes??Xi wang Ba

( I was not planning to blog today but tok tok tok till got 1 blog out le)

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