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Casper's Life

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


posted by 曾裕哲 @ 6:15 AM  
Today is the first day of the month (August), dunno weather to be happy or sad....... Holiday is comming soon le and yea i can go out play play go watch movie and do lots of crazy stuff(Explore bla bla) but then our class going to be spilted le and had to change class..Dunno why the school like that de wouldn't it be better for student to have a constant class .It is going like For quantity rather than quality so we will have 6 group of friends at the end of 3 years but still have to say good bye 6 time.

Still remember the first few weeks:
First friend whom i chat and eat Lunch --> Sky
First Femalefriend whom is a chinese speaker and ate lunch with me -->Hwee Leng
First friend whom that catches the best impression of everybody -->Yixiao (acting Harry and singing Tong Hua)
First group that I enjoy with + First Acting group -->Chen xi and Eunice
First english speaker friend that i can communicate -->Glenn
First CRTISIM Given By my class when attending Maths lesson-->Probability that Jt will be early is 0 (so sad)
My First Chinese Bang Pai--->Hwee Leng(Bang Zu),Sky(da jie da),JT(Hao Bang Shou),Chenxi(ka Kia) ++ AfterMath - - ->Huai Bo,Yixiao and Wisely(Ally(Indo Pai))

Just Splited Secondary and now spilitng Class again,Next semester will have to know new friend and start being more quiet in first few days le.....Really feel quite happy to be in this class cause even almost all our faci say that our class is the first activest and fun yet harworking class......Shuo duan bu duo shuo chang bu chang(say long not long,say short not short)left only few weeks being together le.If lucky maybe tiok same class with some ppl but the probability is not so high ba, class is dispersed and will left with nothing but left with all the memories ba...
Charlet is cancelled cause some people got school event but hope that everyone will be ok in different class.Spiliting class maynot be a bad thing ba cause as i always say:"always look-on the bright side of life but it will be better with the same class ba..Although we spilt class le but we all still can meet 1 another in canteen by chance and MUS Help me buy Food when u all in queue hor~~dun Act dunno hor~!!!

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