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Casper's Life

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:58 AM  
Today will be the last day we Gonna Lay our footprints
in the class W66D.Stepped out, and never be back =(
Guess I gonna miss almost everybody in the class.
Cause it is like what Yinmin said in her blog, everyone
is hardworking to the max, and steady to a high level.
We could Work and play together to all we could.

- Badmintoning and captain balling when we are free in class
Twisting back the clock , first day when we 1st step in our footprings
in W66d, it was so cold and quiet, thinking:"omg who this and this!"
and the last day is, noisy yet warm, shouting and running.

W66D- Amazing Class
Good thing never last, it might be easy to say Hello but it really
is difficult to bid goodbye to all fellow classmates.
But like what chinses phrases :"天下没有不散的筵席"
which means that for every gatherings, there will be a day for Seperation.
It just a matter of time. 不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有。
which means that won't mind forever, but at least it happen.

To my Class:
Glad that to have such a lively class for 16 week.
Walking thru the rain and sun together ^^
Time flies, but we still could go out together again ^^
Welcome to my house!!

Jiamin - Steadiest Sporty girls in class, still remember the 1st day u call me in FA lesson that you are coming.And i still ask JM? Who's that. haha
Now Jm is, OMG , She's always in our activity schdule ^^
Glad to have you around in the class , Welcome always to my house kae?
Hope you will still be lively in the next class. =(

Cynthia - My continous of previous sem class, good to have you here,
our last sem , you are my closest friend i guess, cause you
are the more clicked ones.This sem, we are better ffriend kae.
Haha, we are RJ Pals, helping one another to do when one of us
is not able to do. Thanks kae ^^
You going to continue to help me next sem^^

Jaclyn - Not very close for quite few weeks till you spoke "bad"
of me... haha ... guess it was because we aren't in the same team.
Stay closest to me, opposite my house, Cheerful and happy friend in clas.
Funny and blur!! but fierce very scary.. haha~~
Lets go eat supper one day kae?

Yinmin- My Rumored Qing ren after "Bread-Off"with Andy.. Lols, being his
er Nai is fun i guess.. haha~ must treat me better kae? cause i am being
BAO by you.. you know.. haha~~my FA 1st team members,she teach me FA
cause i dunno FA!! as my whole group is FA people! OMG.. Thanks Anyway!
Still remember you had a hard time for the 1st few week teaching me ^^
Take care kae, don't find san nai liao, I will be your last NAI kae? ^^

Shumin - Hello, Blur blur !! Had a very blur Look in the class saying "HUH"
POKER Queen in class, gamble with us quite a few time.. Hee Hee
Too bad unable to be in my Fyp team, else you will discover we are
more fun compare to Ermin.LoL~~

HweeLeng- SAME CLASS even though you are in different school.. LOL
good to have you around when we are in class in year 1 sem one
and i still can see you around.
Bad is that, we haven being group together =(
OMG, i dun like you, you compete the cuteness
with me in the class.. HAHA! Fa Pros also.. Often heck care me
by "not" replying msn and dun "answer"back when we say hellos to her.

Andy - ok, A HK guy with little impression of him during the 1st week,
Look very unfriendly like some other CHINA ppl.but 人不可貌相.
I guess the 1st sentence i talk to him is :"今晚要打麻将吗?" cause i was
ask to ask by sem, If i am not wrong, it was during the Marketing Lesson.
Anyway, he was VERY steady like me, we don't play money! We play
with our LIFE!! haha! Hope to see you around next sem, guess,
we gonna play mj for the nx sem, and come my hse then ur hse to play ^^

SAM - my 1 year class mate, but infact we are for 3 sem going home
and cab to school together.Fun and "cute"haha!
Guess it was nice enough to have him for another
sem of classmate, let's don't be greedy, it's really hard to be in the same
class with so many DBC student.Guess we gonna stick together for last sem
too, cause we are CAB regulars!
EPL coming, lets start out Nv Slpong trend.

EDISON - my 1 year class mate too with sam,he is very hardworking and diligent.
Problem Solver student. The class love him alot, so very jealous.. haha!
Nowadays, he going very Kuai lan le.. will shoot ppl liao.. haha!
GOOD to have you too, we are a circle of good friend, haha! COME my house
play oneday!Also very on, quite un-expected from him.
LETS PLAY LIFE during the chalets!

BOB - Unexpected STEADY person too, haha! He also Poker King
EAT MONEY from sam.. MY HERO!! hah!! Yin min say he got Unique Laughter..
haha! AGREE!! EVIL LAUGHTER some time!!

IRVIN - OUR CLASS 财神爷! He is a kind and good friend, he "donate" money to us
when we are poor.haha CRAP and he have A very funny laughter like bob! haha!
Best to have him around, cause there will be someone to condemn, else
i be the one being condemn by sem and money eaten by sem. THANKS MAN!
You save my day !! haha! Anyway, thanks for enduring so much torturing.

Close the Chapter of school days in W66D, Thanks for Walking past my life
i gonna Engrave it in my story so that i will remember that you guys
leave a memory in my life even when i am old ^^

Anyway, all the photos look like those:"In memory of..."

But anyway, it really make me to think back when i am old in my 60s

looking at my blog of all my Happy ClassMate, So everyone dun scream at me ^^

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