W25J Chalet =)
Monday was the chalet that Evon&HongMian Booked for us[W25J] Chalet.
What I can say was that it been quite a while we all can gather our wholeGang together and laughing and cranking jokes. Even jordan was there though
he said he nid to work.
1st Night was a fierce drinking session.
We played alot of games.
There was this game like heart attack,Where you had
5 random cards intially and you had to try to make it 4 of a kind+any 1 card,by
switching the card which u do not want to the other party on the right and get
the card from the person on ur left.
When you got that combo,u had to do some big action until people start realizing
it and knew u got tt combo cards and they had to follow the action.
The last one who do it had to gulp one sips down.
Everyone was concentrating and focus on one another to make sure they are
not the last to know.
So u can see alot of funny action 9 Idiot doing together such as poking nose
and depressing their "Breast".Lol~
The 2nd one is also quite funny, thought it suppose not to be funny.It is games
which you must have a wide knowledge and thinking fast.
It's started with someone had to give a topic,such as Jobs,and everone had to
say one Job rotating anti-clockwise and no repeats with the concentration
rthymn like Air-steward,waiter,actor...etc.
So it was fun and of course it make the games funny due to presence of WangZhao.
haha. It started with Animal Topic.
So it goes with, Lion.. Penguin.. Ostrich.. Tiger.. Frisdge.. Monke...
Den goes HUH!tt kind.. Cause we heard FRIDGE from WangZhao and quite stunning
den he was trying to explain he trying to say Fish and we heard FRIDGE..
The 3rd Games Killed me.It was the Scary Game of 4 decker. Which is like
how BlackJack are played by opening 4 slots in the middle. and everyone had
2cards. Everyone had to put a card inside 1 of the slots and try not to
explode out of 21. Else have to drink. If he make the deck in sums of 21,
His Neughbour will suffer. Thanks to HongMian , I'm dead after lossing one
of the rounds where there is a slots of 7+7 and Hongmian Put 7 and make it 21.
Which i had to be punish to drink 7 mouth.NB! THANKS! The cups landed me hugging
the tioliet bowl for around 20 min and had to wake up and go to bed which all of
them had already Slept.
2nd day was much way better as we played majong. I had a hangover for nearly
and hour and appetiteless. EV and some of the ass Condemn me of the PUKE i guess.
Like Old timess! haha~We had BBQ for that night with Jordan presence.
I killed the Majong table that night wining and i came out with one of my biggest
tiles I made so far. Pong Pong + Qing Yi She.Means 3 of a kind in a color.
Anyway. thanks Hweeleng for lending the table else, we will be bored to death
that night =)
Anyway, will be looking forward for our next gathering again. Cause it the 1st
best class with similar interest.
We are Condemning,Steady and we are nv early for class =X

Group Pis

Muahaha~ Got Cool Dao right ~~ =)
With one victories,, and that is me =)