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Casper's Life

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

posted by 曾裕哲 @ 10:47 PM  
Been so long I post Something Up again...
Somebody juz ask me to update something therefore i Posting something up back

Great Mind thinking Alike
Had A good swim with qifeng and ginger last friday at our Condo^^
Weather was good and we was chatting in the pool..
After having a long 2hour swimming and chats..
We decided to have our lunch...
Everyone was shocked when we started wiping with towels..
Cause Everyone Brought a PINK Towel..LOL^What Going On^
Haha.. Anyway. i had even same brand and type towel with qifeng..^^

5 min of talk to end 7 years of Friendship?
Meeted up with Jiang qifeng and zhiyong... Anyway my Com spoiled that
Day out of no reason and suddenly..SHOCKED! BlardyAcer
Anwyay Went over to CCK to find one of our 7 year friend in our group
Surprising we had a answer of him breaking of friendship for a no reason?
3 months ago we was still chatting and playing together somewhere and 3
months never meet and no contact... We get tis answer in the next meeting up?
This was the most amazing answer i ever get.. Anyway it was Super shocking
So Forget it.. 7 Years of friendship broken up because of"NOTHING"/"NO reason"
LOL.. This is the answer that you gave us..??!! SHOCKED!

To Somebody
Maybe life was unfair to you but you are not the only one
So think positively..
Maybe past was past.. Looking Forward is still better than looking What is Behind you
Maybe There is a Christmas Tree Waiting for you at then end of the road..
So i hope I won't be carrying umbrellas and having a sunblock lotion day..
It will be a tought journey for you now but u know there's many people
Rooting for you and that all your Secondary friend and also your family and
of course me~~haha.. Ok Hope U back to the shape that we once know

My Lesson
My Class was a okok average class cause there wasn't like any common topic like
wat i have for over the last 3 sem where we played almost everyday?
Anyway I don't really like this indian faci maybe that came fron india where he
had a indian Slang.. A PHP Faci.. where we had to type codes and stuff...
DI dun relaly like his lesson because sometime when u work hard in the programming
Part but in the end..u got a C... A D grades even u handed up late email RJ
..ZzzZ therefore it' boring in his class... hope maybe we could change a
ew faci..ZZzZZ

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